{22} Your guys' favorite Musical

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Phantom of the Opera.  Ciel was never a fan of romance and he didn't care for Drama.  However he absolutely loved the death and tragedy of the story.  Classic Ciel I suppose.

Heathers.  Well Sebastian loved Death and he loved sex so Heathers is definitely the musical.  The storyline is beautifully told and it is filled with wonderful songs.

Rocky Horror Picture Show.  The sex was enough to drag him in.  But now that he has heard the music and the actually watched the musical.  He absolutely loves it. 

Notre Dame de Paris.  He doesn't care for the romance but more the tragedy of the tale.  The music is beautifully composed, and while he isn't very emotional, he fell in love with the story.

An American in Paris.  A cute and innocent love story that Finny instantly fell in love with.  Everything from the characters, to the sets, to the music and storyline.  Finny loves it all, and you love watching it with him.

Hamilton.  Quite a popular musical that your boyfriend fell in love with for its different music and historical accuracy.  He loves the songs and the characters.  He has been obsessed since the first time he saw it.

Little Shop of Horrors.  A hilarious musical that had your boyfriend laughing all the way through it.  Not only did he like the music and plot, he just couldn't stop giggling!

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