{15} When You Act Clingy

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"Dear, please, lets go out, snuggle, let me give a you a kiss! Please just let me love you and give you attention!" You begged Ciel.
"Love, I have lots of work to do and I don't have time for you to be clingy. Please go away if you're going to act like this." Ciel spat. You growled. You two were currently in Ciel's office. You just wanted to spend time with your boyfriend and he was being mean about it. You had no choice. You walked over to him and sat on the ground before wrapping your arms and legs around his right let. He gasped in surprise and tried to pry you off.
"Get off (y/n)!!!"

"Come here and love me~." You begged your boyfriend who was still doing his chores.  He just looked at you from over his shoulder and then continued washing the dishes.  You stood up from your seat on the counter and walked up behind them.  You wrapped your arms around him and he stuttered in surprise.  You nuzzled into the nape of his neck and kissed him lightly.
"(Y/n) let go."  He said.  You clung tighter as he tried to pry you off.
"Dear I love you too, but you need to get off!  I have work!"  He said as he pried you off.  You fell on the ground as your ur boyfriend walked out.  You sighed and hung your head.

Your boyfriend usually loved it when you were clingy and loving. However, something had happened in his business meeting that had put him in a very sour mood. But you were also being clingy. You knocked on the door of his study and walked in. His eyes didn't leave his paperwork. You went over to his side and kissed his cheek. His face stayed the same. You sat yourself down on his lap and wrapped his arms around you. His facial expression finally changed as he looked at you. You smiled and gave him a peck on the lips.
"Give me attention and I'll give you some, love~." You said. He sighed and kissed your forehead.
"What am I to do with you?" He said as he pulled you closer.

Your boyfriend was never much of a person to enjoy and public display of affection. Today was no different, but you, however, wanted attention, from your boyfriend to be exact. You had finished the few chores you had gotten and now wanted all the love and attention that your boyfriend could give you. You walked over to him and grabbed his arms, forcing them to hold you. Claude simply stayed expressionless. You gave him a chaste kiss on the lips and smiled. A slight smile appeared on his face. He tried to push you off and you held him tighter. He sighed.
"(Y/n) let me -"
"No!" You said. Claude's eyes widened before he smiled and held you closer to him.

Your boyfriend always loved cuddling. But cuddling and acting clingy were two completely different things. Especially when he was trying to get some work done.
"(Y/n) please stop, I love you but I must get work done."
"But sweetie~!" You begged. You we're hugging Finny's leg and we was trying to plant roses in the garden. You wanted to hang out with your boyfriend and as much as he would have loved that, the young master demanded he plant these flowers before the ball tonight. However you were having none of it. You followed him around the entire day and bugged him. He couldn't say he hated it, you were his girlfriend, and he enjoyed your company.

Your boyfriend hates when you acted clingy, specially because you two had jobs to get done.  Today was one of those days where you just wanted to live your boyfriend, therefore acting clingy.  You grabbed his arm and hugged it as he was fixing items in the kitchen.  He shook you off, you however, grabbed onto his arm again only to be shaken off once more.
"(Y/n) we have work."  Bard stated.  You pouted and grabbed onto his arm once again, this time not letting go or letting him push you off. He tried to shake you off, knocking down several items around the kitchen.
"Let go!"
"Never!" You shouted.

Your boyfriend loved having your attention.  He simply adored you.  However, when you acted clingy and he had to fit a coffin for a client, that was a whole nother story, that story just happens to take place today.  While Adrien was fitting a coffin for a client that had passed yesterday, you came up behind him and gave him a hug.  When he tried to pry you off, you wouldn't let go.  Adrien frowned at this and you giggled in delight at having time to spend with your boyfriend.
"Darling, I have work to get done.  This is very important."
"I'm not letting go ~."  You smirked.  He again, tried to pry you off but failed.  He sighed in defeat as you clung onto him and hummed.

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