{10} When someone catches you two making out

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Ciel was in his study, doing paperwork as usual. Today you had decided to join him. From the corner of his study you quietly read your favorite book. Ciel sighed and looked over at you. Your figure, your eyes, that smile, it was just too tempting. Ciel stood up and walked over to you. You noticed Ciel walking towards you, so you stood up and faced your boyfriend but before you could speak, he grabbed your waist and crashed his lips onto yours. You melted into the kiss, tangling your hands in his hair and smiling. The creak of a door was heard. You two instantly broke the kiss, panting heavily as you two spotted a smirking Sebastian.
"Bloody Demon, get out." Ciel grumbled, returning to his paperwork.
"I didn't mean to interrupt, honestly."  Sebastian said as he smirked.
"I said get out."  Ciel said as he grumbled.  Sebastian walked out as you smiled.

"Sebastian I'm bored!"  You sighed as you draped yourself across his bed.  Ciel had given Sebastian the rest of the day off, and you decided to take his precious time away and tease him all day.  He smirked at you and chuckled before walking over to you and leaning over you.
"Then what do you propose we do?"  He asked.  You blushed red as Sebastian pinned you down and kissed you passionately.  You smiled into the kiss.
"Sebastian, the servants screwed up and I need you to- OH MY."  Ciel said as you two broke the kiss and looked at him.  "NEVERMIND I'LL ASK LATER."  He said as he blushed and walked out.  Sebastian got off of you and you frowned.

"Sweetie, come here."  Alois said. He was laying on his desk, head down.  You walked over to his side and pushed the back of your hand against his head lightly.  He didn't feel hot, he seemed fine.  Before you could ask how he was he grabbed your waist and pulled you down onto his lap.  You gasped before he kissed you passionately.  You ran your hands down his back and giggled into the kiss, sweetly.  Just as you two were about to pull away Claude walked in, his eyes widened.  Alois ordered him to get out and then immediately began to kiss you again.  You chuckled at your boyfriends attempt to make you happy and continued to kiss him.

Alois had put you and Claude to work, cleaning his bedroom, which was huge.  It would take you two the whole afternoon to finish cleaning the whole room.  You sighed and began to fix the bedsheets.  You had to lean over to do this, and Claude decided to push you into the bed and pin you down.  You blushed violently.
"C-Claude...what a-are you-". You were stopped when a warm pair of lips met yours.  You melted into the kiss and smiled.  However, you two were interrupted by Alois who ordered you both to clean the whole manor.  You sighed as you two walked out of the bedroom.  You giggled softly.  It was totally worth it.

"Hey, (Y/N)!"  Finny asked you.  You looked up from the book you were reading.  You two were out in the garden, and it was beautiful.  You smiled at your boyfriend.
"What is it Finny?" You asked.  He turned a bit red.
"Could you teach me how to kiss?"  He asked.  You blushed insanely at the boys request, but stood up and walked over to him.  You grabbed his face and kissed him passionately.  He stiffened at first but eventually melted into the kiss.  You chuckled at the blonde boy who was still blushing red.
"Finny, I- OH GOODNESS I'LL COME BACK LATER!"  Mey-rin shrieked and ran away.  You and Finny blushed.

You sat up on the counter of the kitchen.  You kicked your legs back and forth, sighing as you watched your boyfriend trying to salvage some food he had burnt.  He walked over to you and walked in between your legs, making you blush.  He chuckled at this and began to kiss you passionately.  You knew it would be the death of you it Ciel saw, but continued to kiss back.  Bard pulled away before immediately starting back up again.
"Aren't you two supposed to be preparing lunch?"  Sebastian asked from the doorway.  The two immediately stopped and blushed.  You hopped off the counter and fixed your uniform.  Bard laughed as Sebastian rolled his eyes.

Your boyfriend loves to make you laugh, but he loved to make you blush even more if that was possible.  One day you were helping clean up the shop and a pair of cold hands wrapped around your waist.  You smiled as you instantly knew who they belonged to.  You spun around to meet a pair of cold green eyes.  Before you could say anything, Adrian pinned you to the wall and kissed you intensely.  You blushed immediately but melted into the sweet bit passionate kiss.  You hands tangled in his long air before you two heard a cough and broke away.  Ciel and Sebastian stood at the front of the shop, staring at you two.  Embarrassed, you ran to the back of the shop and buried your head into your hands before giggling at the sweet moment you two had shared.

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