He walks in in you changing

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Ciel Phantomhive

You were staying at Ciel's manor again because you practically lived there by now. Lizzy was one of your best friends and she was throwing a ball tonight, of course Ciel did not want to attend. That's why you were at his manor this time, you were planning on dragging him if you had too.

"(Y/N), ARE YOU FINISHED YET?!" Ciel yelled at the bottom of the staircase. Even though you thought you were the one who would be hurrying him up, it was the opposite.Your dress had been quite a pain to get on so you were standing in your room with only your underwear, the dress was laying on the floor by now.

You were about to call mey-rin to help you out when the door opened revealing a pissed of Ciel. He was about to say something before he noticed your form. He slammed the door and walked back down where Sebastian was. He didn't talk or make eye contact with you for the rest of the day.

Sebastian Michaelis

You and Sebastian had decided to take a walk in the manors gardens when it had started to rain. The two of you ran inside, and by the two of you running it was Sebastian carting you whilst running inside.

When you had finally got inside you were absolutely drenched with the rain. By the sound of the manors doors opening the servants rushed to see a soaking wet (Y/N) and a slightly damp Sebastian with that signature smile on his face. It was starting to piss you of.

"Oh my! (Y/N) we will go get you cleaned up! Yes we will!" Met-rin said as she rushed towards you helping you to the bathroom. She had placed some clean clothes on the counter and ran you a bath, leaving you to get yourself bathed while she finished her chores.

Once you were out of the tub you saw the clothes mey-rin had left so you walked over to them and realised she had forgotten your underwear. More specifically your bra. And you didn't like the thought of not wearing one around.

"M-mey-rin? Are you there? You have forgotten to give me something.." you stuttered at the thought of someone else hearing the conversation. Now that would be so embarrassing. "Mey-rin..?" You repeated yourself. And that's when the door opened.

You only had a towel around your body but you didn't mind because you thought it was mey-rin. I mean, you were both girls after all. The two of you go through the same things. But you were unfortunately mistaken when Sebastian entered the bathroom.

"Is everything okay (Y/N)? I heard you calling out for mey-rin but she-" Sebastian was cut of his sentence by looking at your form. He even had a small blush in his cheeks. "I-I'll go get met-rin" he said and walked out the room with him hand over his mouth, for some reason it was also covering his nose..? Wonder why.

Alois Trancy

You were at Alois manor again and it was getting quite late. Too late for you to head home now that was. Alois wouldn't allow you to leave the manor after 7pm for your safety and it was now 9:30pm.

You started walking down the halls of the manor to Hannah's room to ask for some nightwear because you hadn't brought anything with you. Once you arrived you knocked on the door and she answered almost immediately. You could see her expression soften as she saw it was you at the door.

"H-how can I help you lady (Y/N)" she stuttered a little at her sentence but you didn't really notice that. " I really don't think Alois will let me leave the manor now so I came to ask if you had any spare nightwear?" You replied with a smile. "Y-yes lady (Y/N), I-If you would come in for a few seconds I could give you some" she then opened the door more slightly for you to walk in so you did.

Once inside, you sat in the edge of the bed while Hannah was looking for some nightwear that would maybe fit your smaller figure. Once she found some she passed it to you before you took it and smiled at her as you left the room, returning to your own.

Once you had arrived back at your room, you began to undress your clothing when you heard the door lock turn, indicating someone was going to open the door and enter. Out of instinct as you were in your undergarments (basically naked) you grabbed the clothes that Hannah had given you and tried your best to cover what you could before the unknown person entered the room.

The door finally opened revealing a happy and cheerful Alois. He looked at your form for a few seconds with a bright red face before it almost instantly turned into a smirk. "Alois! Get out!" You nervously yelled at him but he didn't pay any attention to your cries for him to exit your room. In the end you had to change with him watching them push him out of the room and lock the door. The moral of this story was to remember to lock the door.

Claude Faustus
(F/C)= favourite colour :)

You and Claude had planned a date for today and you were currently in the spot he asked you to meet at. You weren't waiting for long when he walked up behind you and tapped your shoulder. It startled you at first. You turned your head around and greeted Claude with a smile before walking of to town with him.

It had been about 2 hours since you had been out with Claude and you were still walking through town. Even though you had already spent your money..But that didn't bother you, you just wanted to spend time with him. With all of your money gone you couldn't really buy anything but that's when you regretted spending it all on food when you saw a beautiful long/short (F/C) dress.

You were staring at it for quite awhile you didn't even see Claude leave to get something. You turned around about 2 seconds later to find him gone? You wondered where he had gone but you payed no attention, thinking Alois called him or something. When you looked back at the dress you noticed it was gone. Now you were feeling quite upset.

You walked over to a nearby bench and waited for Claude to come back and when he did you noticed he had an extra bag then what he left with. The two of you decided to head back but he insisted you to go back to the Trancy manor with him. So you did.

When the two of you arrived, you and Claude walked up to his room and sat there for while before he pulled out that bag you noticed he didn't have before. "What's in there?" You asked him, pointing at the bag. "I saw how you were looking at it so I bought it for you" he passed you the bag still using his monotone expression although you swear you saw a blush on his cheeks.

You opened the bag and saw the (F/C) dress you were staring at. Your face lit up for a few minutes before you hugged Claude and thanked him. "Could you step out for a few seconds so I can change?" You asked him, and he nodded his head and left.

The dress was quite difficult to get on so it was taking awhile but Claude didn't know that. He ended up opening the door to see you in your underwear. Out of instinct you threw a pillow at him and he shut the door while apologising.
Neither of you looked each other in the eye for the rest of the day.

Grell Sutcliff

You and Grell were at your families bakery when you were getting bored. There were no customers and Grell was talking about how good you would look in a red dress. Of course, you knew about his obsession with the colour red, but him talking about it all the time was starting to bore and annoy you. You ended up ignoring him most of the time.

Time skip

It was now around 6:30pm and Grell had already left because he got called to go in a job somewhere. You still had no clue what he did for a living but you decided not to question it. The store had a lot of customers today but since the lateness of the day, hardly anyone was in town so you decided to close the bakery early.

You were walking to the shared apartment you and Grell shared when his words were staring to go back to your mind. 'You would look great in a red dress (Y/N)! Why don't you believe me?! You would look good in anything red actually' was all that you could recall before it went into mumbling when you started ignoring him. Maybe you might look good in red..?

You were now at the apartment when you walked strait over to your wardrobe and pulled out a red pair of nightwear you had bought a few months ago but never wore. You stared at it for a few minutes before deciding to wear it for the night.

You had stripped of your clothes and was about to put on the pyjamas before the bedroom door opened. Your head shot towards the door to see a flushed Grell with his hand covering his nose. "Oh my~ taking my advice are we (Y/N)?" He asked you, removing his hand from his nose. You saw the nosebleed but he didn't really care.

"C-could you get o-out so I can change?" You asked him turning your head away, trying your best to hide your body. "Sure~" was all you heard before the door shut. You quickly got changed before walking out of the shared bedroom and helping Grell with his nosebleed.

A/N- finally done :)
Hope you enjoyed

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