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Marks pov~

I dropped to my knees. I caught a glimpse of the last of her beautiful (h/c) hair shimmer away into the forest. I wished I confessed my feelings sooner to her. I knew deep down that I loved her as soon as I layed my eyes on her yet I hated to admit it. Ethan was right. I'm a terrible person. I dehumanised someone, I made her feel like nothing when in fact she is everything to me. I wish I told myself sooner, why didn't I listen to my emotions? Look at me, a crying wreck unable to control himself.

"Mark we have to go..." Sean said sympathetically placing a hand on my shoulder. I shrugged him off. I glared at Tyler who seemed to be in a state of shock, I don't think he realised how much she meaned to me. Sean also seemed to be on the brink of crying.

"Mark I'm so sorry... I-"

"There was no need for us to leave her Tyler! She wasn't causing harm, wasn't being a disruption, she was a huge help to the group! But no. You just wanted her out. Why Tyler... why?" I sobbed and shouted, becoming uncontrollable.

"I was jealous mark, of you're relationship with her. We were best friends then you just ditched me... for her. I thought we were friends mark? All you care about is that whore who proba-"


I punched him square in the jaw, Sean finally taking a firm hold on me and restraining me. Tyler got up from the floor wiping his arm under his bloody nose. I shrugged myself out of Seans grip.

"Lets go. Now." I demanded. I stormed off ahead towards HQ, in front of the other two, not caring in the slightest anymore. Now that she had gone I was empty again, empty and lost without her.

Time skip~

Sean and Tyler had stayed a few paces behind me the whole journey home until we reached the front doors, Felix greeted us with his beaming smile again. I walked straight past.

"Hey wheres (y/n)?" This seemed to perk up ethans attention after Felix said this. Everyone else gathered around us realising the missing team member.

"Mark... wheres (y/n)?" Marzia pushed through the small crowd, PJ and Brad at her side.

"Why don't you do the honours Tyler? Hm?" I sneered at him, he looked down at floor his face guilty ridden. I stormed off.

"Mark! Please tell me! Wheres (y/n)?" Ethan said already entering panic mode.

"She's gone... Ethan..." Ethan acted like he'd been shot.

"She's... dead?..." Sean looked at me and pitted my hysterical state.

"No Ethan, hopefully she's alive, I don't know for how much longer but she's alive. Is it ok if I tell everyone mark? They have the right to know...."

"See if I give a flying fuck." I swore angry and still partially crying, i headed up to the roof. I kicked though each door breaking through the roof door and watching the last slither of blood orange sunset dip below the horizon before my eyes. I spot the camping chair and lumber over to it, slumping my body into it. I let out an exasperated sighed: All of a sudden the strong force I had been using to hold back my heavier tears suddenly broke. I buried my head into my hands and sobbed and sobbed. I felt someones prescience approaching me.

"hey... mark...." It was Felix. I sniffed before wiping my nose. I turned my head facing him and scowled.

"What do you want?" I spat, venom dripping.

"Mark its best if you talk, at least to me, and I want to talk as well..." I sigh finally giving in, shrugging my shoulders limply.

"You know (y/n) loved you too, a lot"

"I just don't know anymore Felix, I just feel like giving up. Whats the point without her?" Felix nodded knowingly.

"I have a plan! How about you me, Marzia and brad wake up early tomorrow morning, three-ish shall we say, and we go and find (y/n), we can do it mark, I know you can convince her to come back!"

"But what ifs she doesn't want to see me anymore?"

"Mark if she loves you, which I know she does, anything you tell her will convince her to go with you" I think about Felix's words wisely. It was a risky and extremely hasty move, it could end up with me dead. But if thats what it takes to see (y/n) again then ill god damn do it.

"Ill do it." Felix smiled more than I've ever seen before and he wrapped his muscular arms around me in a firm hug. I felt a feeling of strong determination swell inside of me and I knew, Felix could feel it as well.

Time skip~

Felix put PJ on night duty while we took our leave, PJ new the plan so wouldn't stop us, my main concern was that Tyler would wake up. I was silently packing my bag, shoving lots of amo, melee weapons, food, water and clothes. It may take us over I day to find but I hoped not.

"Pst... mark.... You ready? " brad whispered to me.

"Yeah, just grabbing my hoodie." As I picked up my hoodie I heard stirring beside me. Shit. It was Ethan.

"M-Mark?...." he lazily sat up and rubbed his eyes I desperately tried to hush him back to sleep. He took a glance at me, my rucksack and the others waiting at the door.

"You're going to find (y/n) aren't you?!" He whisper yelled

"Yes but Ethan you can't tell anyone. No one at all"

"I want to come with you!"

"No Ethan its far to dangerous!"

"Now look here mark. (y/n) is like my best friend and I love her to bits. Not the same way as you but she means everything to me and if you think for one second that I'm not coming then I might just have to put your teeth straight" he sternly said. it was a hard decision because Ethan was my friend as well and he meant a lot to me.

"Fine, pack your bags, quickly, we may be gone longer for more than a day so be sure you have everything" he nodded and quietly sprung into action a large grin on his face. I went to Felix.

"Ethan is coming, he refused to let me say no" I sighed.

"Meh, doesn't matter, ethan's a good lad" Felix warmly smiled. I replied with a nod.

"Im ready"

"Right lets go" Felix announced, we opened the large front doors, immediately keeping guard and checking our backs. Although it was only 4 in the morning the sky did have a slight orange hue to it meaning it wasn't so dark. We crept out of the town and followed the route I took yesterday to the other old town. Any Grabbers we came across were killed with hand to hand combat, making any loud noises this early would cause a huge commotion. Soon the surroundings started becoming very familiar and we quickly stumbled across the town where we lost (y/n). I stopped.

"This is where we lost her" I scanned my surroundings looking for the opening in the forest which she ran through. The sun was nearly fully over the horizon meaning it was bright enough for me to spot Grabbers.

"There. That opening in the forest over there is where she went" we jog over to it and take a step in the sheltered woods. It was like stepping from outside to inside there was so many trees to over the sun. We glanced at Marzia she was our best tracker. She knelt down and touched the ground, rubbing a bit of dirt between her fingers then glancing into the distance.

"Well, we're not that far behind her, we will be able to reach her by tomorrow morning if she's not moving or slowly moving, her footprints show that she was defiantly running, see how they are deeper and sometimes the heel is less accented in the mud?" She looks up at us and I suddenly understand her reasoning.

"Yeah... I see..."

"Well because she was running she'll probably be out of stamina and would've rested overnight and part of this morning. Lets just hope she stays in the same place for today" she pushes herself up from her knee and brushes the dirt of her legs. She joined her fiancé at his side.

"Well done gorgeous" he cheekily kissed her cheek and Marzia thanked him.

"Ok lets keep going" Felix says, he took the lead, trekking through the woodland. i glanced up at the canopy. I seemed to be I a trance, the small amount of starlight that peeked through the tiny gaps in the trees resembled a star filled sky. Captivated, Ethan had to wake me from my daze.

"Hey, you alright?" He placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Hm? Oh! Yeah I'm fine" I continued to walk alongside Ethan and Brad, waiting hopefully that id stumble across (y/n). Alive.

Time skip~

We kept following Marzia and Felix. It had become dark and we were searching for shelter. Fortunately we found a small barn and took shelter there over night. When we entered we saw a few cans littered on the floor.

"Looks like (y/n) was here" Marzia said, she picked up a can, turning it upside down. Some of the brine dripping out.

"Looks like she was here only a while ago, maybe five to six hours"

"Then we have to keep going! We might be able to catch up with her!" I exclaimed.

"Mark we can't, its far too dark, if we get caught by some Grabbers we'll be dead" Felix protested. I sigh, knowing he was right really.

"Lets bunk down for the night, get a good nights sleep and we will get up at first light." Brad said to me, making a better and far more sensible option. Everybody settles down to sleep, Felix took first night watch, then Brad then Ethan. He was kind enough to let me sleep the night to rest my troubled mind. Ethan took the sofa seeing as he had to be awake the longest for the next day. I used my rucksack as makeshift pillow and rested . I stared at ceiling seeing the stars peeking through the rotten wood in the roof. I hoped and prayed that where ever (y/n) was she was safe and well...


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