~A few weeks later after settling in with the group and felixs group.~
Your POV~
I awoke with a yawn and a stretch, a smile plastered on my face.
"Morning (y/n)!" Ethan happily said sitting at the end of my bed.
"Mornin'" I gently smiled at him.
"Breakfast is nearly ready so you better get up" he stands up and walks round the corner to the kitchen. I slowly get up and stand stretching my legs. I realise I must've gone straight to sleep after my shift last night. I was only wearing my jeans and a bra. The nights could get pretty hot, lucky I still had my covers on when Ethan came in and there was no one about. I sifted through the selection of clothes Felix had given me looking for something comfy to wear. I remember him giving me a black and pink stripped jumper with a sad face on it and a slogan saying 'shitness' that I really like. I thought it was edgy. I was surprised he had got his hands on something of suck good quality.
"Where is it..." I mumble picking up my rucksack and rifling through it.
Marks POV~
"Hey mark can you see where (y/n) is?" Felix asks me.
"Sure" I walk to the open bar area, running my hand through my black mess. I push the door open to see (y/n) standing by her bed in her jeans and... and .... bra...
"Oh um...-" she casually laughs when she realises I've seen her. How is she so calm about everything?
"You always seem to catch me at the wrong moment don't ya?! First the shower now here while I'm changing. I'd even dare to call you a pervert!" She laughed loudly.
"U-Uh I came t-to tell you that b-breakfast is nearly finished." I said my face flushing pink. She chuckled then noticed something peaking out from the bottom of the mattress
"Ah! There you are!" She pulled the pink and black jumper out and pulled it over her head. She smiled graciously at me.
"Alright! Let's go big boy!" She enthusiastically spoke, linking her arm with mine making me flinch slightly. God why am I being so.... sensitive around her?! I led her to the kitchen with a slightly shaky breath. She went in first and quickly headed over to Ethan and sat next to him, they started conversing happily. However Tyler looked at me with a disappointing frown and he shook his head. I felt so trapped. I couldn't upset Ethan, I was too close to him yet i couldn't disobey tyler. I sat down sighing and placing my head into my hands. (Y/n) finished her breakfast and Tyler stood up to make an announcement on plans for today.
"Ok people! So I was hoping our team could go on an expedition today, that ok with you Felix? " Felix replied with a smile, thumbs up and a wink
"As I was saying, I'm gonna be taking, (y/n), mark, Sean and myself on an expedition for food and anything we can get our hands on. We leave in an hour people" he leaves the room and i glance to (y/n) who is saying her goodbyes to Ethan and going to get ready. Tyler grasps my arms and pulls me to the side of the room.
"Now is when we do it. And I mean now" he spoke harshly. There seemed to be nothing I could do.
Your POV~
I go change from my baggy jumper into a plain black tee. It was more practical. I pack a bag with the essentials, food, water, amo and Melee weapons.
"you ready?" Sean says approaching me, slinging his own rucksack over his shoulder.
"Yup, do you know how far out we are going today?" I ask him. We started approaching the front doors of the pub.
"About ten miles I was told, maybe a bit further, so make sure you're stocked up with supplies," I nodded, taking in this valuable information. It seemed a bit strange that we would go out this far. Usually it would only be about five miles. If not, less. Mark and Tyler where patiently waiting for us.
"You set" mark questioned me, he seemed a bit upset. Maybe he didn't want to come on the expedition.
"Yeah, lets head out, north south east or west?" I asked Tyler,
"East" once again surprised by his response I nodded. I thought we would've headed westward, that way we would have more light for a longer. Tyler must've seen my confused response.
"Any problems with that (y/n)?" He said sharply
"No! No no thats fine! Honestly" I smiled at him gently his glare seemed to soften slightly. Felix jovially walked up to us with a smile on his face, he seemed to have a few items in his hand.
"Thought you might of wanted to take some items with you, ya know just for entertainment" he handed some old Walkmans over with cassette tapes.
"Wow Felix! how'd ya get ya hands on these?!" Sean said rather gobsmacked.
"Meh, just found em lying about mate, they can connect to your walkie-talkies as well. Do you want me to show you?" That question seemed directed at me, I nodded politely unable to refuse his gentle request. I handed him my walkie-talkie and walkman.
"So what ya do is..." he gently picked up my hand making me blush slightly, my hand on top of his, the walkie-talkie in my hand, the walkman in his.
"... You flick this switch..." he moved my thumb to a small switch on the walkie-talkie and make we flip it. A small beeping sound resonated from the walkman.
"And when the walkman beeps fast, until a long beep its connected!" We waited for the moment my hands delicately placed in his larger ones.
"There ya go! All done, I assume (y/n) can show you guys?" He asked the others. Mark seemed to be silently fuming in the corner. I chuckled. Felix gave him a pat on the back, and smirked, whispering incoherent words into his ear.
"Right guys I guess i'll see you later! Good luck!" PJ opened the doors who I hadn't noticed silently standing behind him. Ethan waved from within the room and I waved back. Today was gonna be a long day.
It was roughly 5:30 in the afternoon, the sun was still up but there was a hint of golden-orange in the mostly blue sky. I was walking behind mark and Tyler with Sean. We came across a small village.
"Ok lets make this the last raid of the day, then we'll head back" Tyler said sternly.
"Lets split up"
"But Tyler its getting dark and-" I said interjecting him, totally thrown off by his comment.
"I said lets. Split. Up." I gulped and nodded taking the few houses on the other Side of the village. I ransacked a few houses earning quite a few items like medication, clothing, bedding and other essentials. I finished the last house and went to find the others. I saw mark with Tyler around the side of the building, they seemed to be talking about something in secret.
"I told you mark it had to be done!"
"I can't do it Tyler I just can't!"
"You have to, we made a deal with the group"
"What about Ethan and not forgetting felix as well as everyone else? He'll be torn to shreds if (y/n) doesn't come back" what?
"Mark! We have to ditch her that is the plan we made over a month ago now!"
"I can't!"
"BECAUSE I LOVE HER!!" I gasped in shock, terror, surprise.... I didn't know how to feel. One side I'm being told they wanted to get rid of me and the other side I'm being told mark loves me! Do I love him? No! He was in on the plan as well, he could never love me. And I could never love him. i take a step back unfortunately stepping on a rotten branch. Mark and Tyler spun their heads towards me. Only now did I notice the tears streaming down marks face, and the ones about to fall from my eyes.
"(y/n)..." mark whispered.
"No...no....no!" I said shaking my head and pushing mark away as he tried to walk up to me and comfort me.
"You lied to me! You said I could stay! I finally felt at home...."
"(y/n) we didn't-"
"Didn't what mark?! Didn't want to hurt me?! Well that was gonna happen whether I knew or not, dead or alive."
"But (y/n) I lov-"
"I don't care mark..." I turned my back on him tears slowly falling down my red cheeks.
"And to think... I actually started to fall for you too...." And like that, I took my leave. Running into the forest on the outskirts of the village. I could hear mark calling my name behind me and I briefly saw Sean wander over to them with a confused look.
I never want to see them again.
sorry I forgot to update Friday, I was in Ikea eating some amazing meatballs when I nearly choked on one because I remembered I forgot. sorry again my darlings enjoy the cliff hanger
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