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What mark had said shocked me. Could I, if I'm immune, end the apocalypse? Surely thats impossible.

"If I'm still alive by morning then we'll talk to the others about it"

"(y/n) please don't say that, I'm convinced that you'll make it" he said with a beaming smile. I give him a half smile and nod.

"Whats the time?" I ask. He proceeds to tell me its 5:30. I try to go back to sleep, shuffling around in my bed. Mark lays next to me.


"Yeah?" I look at him with big doe eyes, he knows exactly what I want.

"Fine" he says with a smirk. I silently cheer to myself and cuddle up to mark. I place my head on his chest and curl my hands into balls placing them on his upper torso. i hear the scampering of pitter pattering approach us. I squint my eyes and realise its Chica.

"Hey girl!" Mark says eagerly, he pats the empty spot beside him and she curls up by his side. I shuffle around trying to sleep once again.

"Stop squirming (y/n)!" He says with a slight laugh to his tone.

"I can't sleep" I pout. He sighs and smiles,

"Just wanna talk then?" I nod I sit up a bit more.

"How did you become a musician?" He asks,

"Well I started classical piano from a very young age, about 4, and then I listened to different types of music. I changed genre of music more times than the weather changed, went from classical, to jazz, to folk, to Lofi Hiphop etc.and each genre inspired me to start a new instrument"

"If we ever get out of this apocalypse, can you teach me guitar?" He asks

"Sure! Id love to, you could come on tour with me sometimes" we talked and talked and talked. All the way until morning. People started to stir, Felix was the first, as always.

"(y/n)?" I giggle slightly at his conufsed face.

"Still alive a kicking" I smile and him and he beams right back, mark gently rubbed my back comforting me.

"I can't believe you're still here!"

"Neither can I to be honest"

Marks pov~

She laughed again, I love her laugh. The way she would sometimes close or squint her eyes when she did so, creating wrinkles by the sides of her eyes. I loved how she tucked her hair behind her ear so gracefully, I wanted to do that, to be able to tuck her hair behind her ear and kiss those beautiful lips. I just wanted her. As she and I continued to talk to Felix, Ethan and marzia woke up.

"(Y/N)!" Ethan engulfed her in a huge hug, (y/n) hugged him back

"Hey Ethan" Ethan let go of her so marzia could also hug her.

"So glad you're still with us (y/n)" marzia smiled. others started to stur and happily greeted (y/n). Even when Tyler woke up he seemed to smile at her.

"Looks like you might be staying with us a bit longer" he smiled graciously at her, she retuned with a simple nod.

" I think we need a group meeting" we agreed and assembled into the kitchen. Wade and sean perched on the counter top, and the rest of us either sitting or standing around the table.

"So... from what me know and can gather (y/n) might be immune to the virus" a few mumbles where heard then Tyler continued.

"(y/n) has been alive for almost 24 hours now so our best assumption is that inside (y/n)s body must be the pathogen to kill the virus, which therefore means (y/n) is the cure to the apocalypse"

"But how can we get the cure from me? Is there even any research and science centres open anymore? I'm not saying I don't want to do this, hell I'm even willing to sacrifice my life for this cure if means be-"

"That won't be necessary" I quickly say.

"Mark if I can save hundreds or thousands of people for one life then I'm gonna do it" she replies frowning


"Mark, she's right..." Felix gave me a sympathetic look, he understood my situation, yet once again she was always right.

"I heard that there was a science centre still running up north, its quite the trek, and it'll be cold" Ethan informed us.

"How did you know about this?" I asked

"I had some friends work up there, they contacted me just after the apocalypse when I still had supplies. They called me and said they had blocked of all exits off, there was no chance of any grabbers getting in, or out for the fact. They have lots of supplies, they went of and got examinations while I decided to follow that prick..." he gestured to me "and start youtube" everybody giggled slightly. The room then went silent as people pondered about the situation. Felix took a stand at the head of the table.

"Ok, so when we go up north hopefully we can pass through the city. There we'll be able to find the supplies we need like thermal clothing, food, water, rucksacks etc."

"The city is probably the most dangerous place though. When I was on my own I couldn't even get to the outskirts of the town without almost getting bit" (y/n) worried.

"Well as a team we should be able to tackle them, we can plan some strategies as well" I placed a hand on her shoulder, looking down at her giving a reassuring smile. I felt her shoulders relax in my hands. We continued to talk about plans and what-not but in the corner of my eye I could see (y/n) tensing her hands into tight fists as well as place her hand on her bandage every now and then. She must've sensed my daze on her and she turned around to meet my eyes.

"Are you ok?" I mouthed. Her eyebrows knitted together slightly and she gently shook her head.

"Um, sorry to interject but is it ok if I go lie down for a bit? I feel a bit tired" Felix gave her the a-ok and she stood up. I followed suite, as soon as we left the room she gripped onto my arm and practically collapsed on me.

"Whoa (y/n)! What's the matter?" I scooped her up in my arms and placed her on her bed.

"My neck- it feels as if it's burning and I feel really dizzy" I nodded and started unraveling her bandage. Puss was oozing and seeping out of any gap there possibly was, the blood had also not yet dried and was still wet. However there was no signs of any black pigmentation, (a usual sign of turning)

"Is it black?" She whimpered.

"No, you're good, it's just having trouble sealing the wound, I'm gonna clean it and give it a new bandage" I grasped a medkit which was handily beside her bed side. I cleaned the wound with antiseptic wipes and alcohol. She was biting her lip to prevent herself from crying. I quickly wrapped the bandage to try and finish the painful process. She puffed out a sigh of relief once I had finished.

"Thanks mark, I have no clue what I would do without you" she grasped me in a warm hug, I embraced her back not wanting to let go.

"Looks like we're going on another journey huh?" I mumbled into her hair. She nodded

"Well, this time, I have you!" I blushed slightly at her child like tone.

"(y/n), do you think you'll have to sacrifice yourself for the cure?" She stayed quiet for a while.

"Mark, it all depends. if I have to, then I will. For the sake of the group, for you..." I smiled at her courageouness. She was so brave, I wish I was that brave. I sigh deeply.

"Im going to start packing for the journey tomorrow" she pushed herself up off my lap.

"Ill go see what the others are up to" we parted ways as I went back to kitchen. I heard the group talking incoherently talking, I pushed open the door and the looked at me as I took a seat beside séan.

"How is she?" Ethan asked, giving a concerned look

"She's ok, her wound just needed bandaging" the room went silent for a moment

"So... lets address the elephant in the room. Mark. Have you made your move with (y/n)?" PJ said with a cocky smile. I face palmed my forehead into my hand, rubbing the bridge of my nose. The room was filled with giggles and whispers.

"I swear the only person who new about it was... Felix... Felix what have you been up to?!" séan grasped my shoulder to sit me back down again, even he had a small smirk on his face.

"Hey hey hey! We're all here to help you get your girl!" He wandered over to me and patted my back.

"It'll happen with time mark, it took several months for me and Felix" Marzia gave me a warm hearted smile. I returned it with a half smile,

"Im just worried that I'm going to run out of time..."

"Dont worry my friend, I will do whatever is in my power to make my ship; cannon" Felix winks at me and I chuckle shaking my head.

"Thanks guys..."


oof sorry its late, I went to party drunk WAYYYY too much vodka and passed out on my friends couch at 2:00 in the morning but I have recovered now


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