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Early morning rolled around and I seemed to be the only person awake, I tried hauling my self up only to flop back onto my mattress and stare at the ceiling. Could we really find the cure? And can we really be free of this plague? Was I really the cure? I doubted it. i looked over to mark, he was tossing in his sheets slightly, was he dreaming? He was mumbling some incoherent words.

"(Y-Y/n)..." was he dreaming about me?! I blushed at the thought and shook my head. I saw his eyes steadily opening so I quickly rolled over hoping he hadn't noticed me watching.

Marks pov~

I woke from my peaceful slumber and squinted, letting my eyes adjust to the lights. I had the oddest dream but all I could remember was that (y/n) was in it. At the thought of her I looked beside me and saw her starting to wake she gave a long stretch, holding the covers above her naked chest. I felt the tips of my ears burning. She yawned then turned to me with a drowsy yawn.

"Morning mark, did you sleep well?" She slipped a baggy top on while talking to me.

"U-uh yeah, well thanks, you?"

"Hm-mm, a little restless but not too bad" I nodded looking down at my hands twiddling on my lap.

"Hey... you seem a bit apprehensive, want to go to the roof?" She asked. I nodded, she got up slipping on some shorts. I couldn't believe how confident she was sometimes, letting me see her change. Yet she could act so vulnerable at the same time. She makes my heart race with confusion. We carefully stepped around everyones sleeping bodies and tiptoed up to the roof. As we opened the roof door, golden sunlight spilled through it. (y/n) lifted up her arm to shield her eyes, once we stepped to the edge of the roof and our eyes adjusted we could take in the stunning early morning view. She sat down on the ledge, her legs dangling over the edge precariously. I joined her at her side with a slight sigh.

"So. what's up?"

"Uh!? Oh, nothing just tired"

"You're a bad liar" she chuckled "so spill the beans markimoo"

"I-if I'm being honest (y/n)... its because I'm scared I'm gonna loose you"

"But why worry about me? I'm no one to worry ab-"

"Yes you are! I worry about you all the time, you're the only person i think about. Night and day. I don't know what I'd do without you if I lost you and I can't bare to let you go... (y/n)... I'm sorry its taken so long for me to say, I guess I've just been nervous but... I love you. I love you so much and you mean everything to me." I huffed after my long confession. She looked at me stunned then, her lips spread into the widest grin possible.

"Im glad you feel the same way I do"

"R-really?..." she simply nodded. As the sun started to peak over the horizon more and more, her face seemed the glow. the orange light hitting her flushed cheeks just right. She bowed her head slightly out of shyness. Placing two fingers beneath her chin I lifted her head and before I could stop myself I delicately placed my lips on hers. I felt like my heart was falling down a deep hole, racing. I moved my right hand so my thumb was in front of her right ear and my fingers tangled in her knotty hair. My left hand slid down to her waist.

We quickly parted for air, she stared longly into my eyes, her cheeks glowing. I dove back in for another kiss, I was addicted, she was my drug. My head tilted to the left and hers the opposite way as our kiss became more passionate. we parted a few minutes later resting our foreheads against each other.

"You don't know how long I've waited for this" I chuckled. I could tell she felt the same, her head slipped from my forehead to my chest. She cuddled closer to me, I never suspected to see such a romantic side of her. I rubbed her back and smiled to myself. It's weird to think that before the apocalypse I just saw her as an amazing musician which I had a rather child like crush on. And now she was the love of my life, if it wasn't for the apocalypse I might of never met her.

"What would've happened if you never followed me?" She mumbled I didn't really know how to answer.

"I'd probably be dead in some ditch right now, you saved me" I brought her away from my chest by her shoulders

"(y/n) don't say that, I didn't save you, you're very strong and dependent on yourself my life has always been so dark until you came along"

"I'm also very dependant on you mark, without you I'd be lost, I wouldn't be as bright and bubbly as I am now."

"Well that makes you the light in my dark then"

"You're so cheesy" she giggled and lightly punched my arm. I stood up and pulled her up by her hand.

"Lets go and find That cure" she spoke victoriously we walked back to the group hand in hand.

Time skip ~

"Alright! Lets head out!" Felix shouted, we had collected all our belongings from the pub in hope of a new and bright future. (y/n) was upfront with Ethan, tyler, Marzia and brad. I was hanging back with Felix and PJ. I was very happy to see (y/n) and Tyler getting on.

"You and (y/n) seemed awfully... friendly this morning" PJ said with a smirk. I kept quiet and kept on walking.

"Yeah and why did you and her go up to the roof early this morning?" Felix snickered.

"What?! You were awake when me and (y/n) went up?" Felix nodded slowly, I started to blush thinking about mine and (y/n)s kiss.

"Wait a second, why are you blushing? Did you guys kiss?!" Felix and PJ suddenly started getting extremely excited to two small girls and I could only blush more.

"You did! Awww! Thats so cute! I'm so happy you guys are finally together!" Felix was fangirling all over the show and PJ had to attempt to calm him down.

"Congratulations mark, everyone will be very happy" PJ said smiling. I thanked him gratefully and continued to watch (y/n)s (h/c) hair swaying in front of me. She was happily giggling with Marzia and Ethan. I went to go join her.

"Hey mark"

"Hi" I gave her a quick peck on the cheek and the whole group stopped and started a literal riot. I am not kidding you. People where squealing, throwing arms all over the show while all me and (y/n) could do was roll our eyes to each other.

"THE SHIP HAS SAILED" Sean screamed, ethan was in tears and wade just stood there mouth agape. Brad was probably the person with the least exaggerated response. he just quietly stood eyebrows raised.

"When where how" sean said shaking (y/n)s shoulders demanding answers.

"This morning, roof top and maybe a kiss" sean seemed to melt into the floor and so did everyone else.

"I cannot believe these guys they might as well be fans" I said.

"I need time to process this amazing news" ethan rejoiced.

"Well you can walk and processes" (y/n) said, I could tell she was in a Rush to get to the research centre. We continued walking and ethan asked more questions than we could handle. The sun started dipping again and we decided to keep walking until we found a structure. We soon stumbled across a barn and settled there for the night.



how late is this?????

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