y/n = your name
y/b/n = your best friend's name
A wide smile spread across my face as I watched the view surrounding me. I was on Toothless' back, and my arms were wrapped around Hiccup's waist. As soon as realisation of that hit me again, I frowned.
"Are you sure Astrid doesn't mind?" I asked him quietly. I was very well aware that the two of them were a couple, and I thought they were so adorable together! A lot of other people who have read the books too don't really like her, but to me she's not as bad as people think she is.
"I'm a hundred percent sure, no need to worry about it." He said. I just nodded, not realising that he couldn't see me.
My eyes darted over to Y/b/n who was sitting on Hookfang behind Snotlout. He was talking, not realising that she wasn't paying him any attention. She just looked at her surroundings and completely ignored him.
"Y/N, hold on tight now, get ready to have some fun." Hiccup said, and I could tell that he was smiling. My grip on him became tighter before we suddenly fell down with an incredible speed. I screamed in excitement and started laughing loudly. Right when we were about to hit the water, Toothless flew back normal again.
"That was so fun!" I said happily as I laughed and looked at the others. Y/b/n was holding onto Snotlout as if her life depended on it as she squeezed her eyes shut.
"Y/b/n come on, it wasn't that scary." I giggled which made her open her eyes and blush in embarrassment.
"What are you talking about?" She chuckled nervously. "I wasn't scared at all." I playfully rolled my eyes at her.
"So, where are we actually going?" Ruffnut asked after a short silence.
"I discovered a new island a while ago, and I thought it would be fun if we explored it together. It seems like a great place to hang out." Hiccup replied. The thought of exploring a new place made me feel excited.
"That sounds fun!" I said happily. I could hear Snotlout snicker which made me look back at him.
"well, it's 'fun' until you discover that the island has dragons that want to kill you!" He yelled, catching me off guard slightly.
"Actually, Snotlout has a point. You've been there only once and I'm sure you haven't seen the whole island, so what if it turns out to be dangerous?" Astrid asks, and the others agreed with her.
"Ah I'm sure it's not." He said coolly. "Even if it is, we still have our dragons who can help us." He continued.
"Maybe, but I don't see the point in bringing them." Astrid said as she glared and y/b/n and I. I could just feel her gaze on me which send a cold shiver down my spine.
"Astrid..." Hiccup sighed softly.
"What?" She asked. "They don't have any dragons nor experience and I'm pretty sure they aren't trained fighters either, so they're just a bother to us." I bit my lip and looked away. If you think of it like that, it's true...
"Astrid, stop. We are not going on a fight mission, so that's not needed. They'll just stay with us and it can't be that dangerous." Hiccup said as I looked at him. Astrid rolled her eyes in annoyance and gave no comment.
"How about we go a little faster guys? We'll get there quicker that way." Everyone agreed as my grip on Hiccup tightened more. I leaned my head on his back and squeezed my eyes shut in fear, which didn't go unnoticed by him.
"Y/N, are you alright?" He asked me, worry evident in his tone.
"I'm j-just a little scared, but no need to worry! I'll be fine!" I said, attempting to sound convincing. However, my voice came out very shaky so that didn't work.
"We can go slower if you want to, that's okay you know." He said, making me shake my head immediately.
"You guys don't have to do that for me. It's fine Hiccup, but thank you for the offer." I said, a small smile appearing on my face.
"Well, okay then... But if it's too much don't hesitate to tell me, alright?" I nodded and told him that I would.
After a while of trying to calm myself down, I started getting a little used to it all, which made me attempt to look up slowly.
"Guys, we're almost there!" Hiccup exclaimed before pointing at a beautiful island. "Look, that's it!" I released a gasp of surprise just like everybody else.
"That looks so awesome!" Fishlegs squealed.
"Wow..." the twins said as their eyes were focused on the wonderful view. By the mischievous glint in their eyes I knew they were already planning pranks and weird games.
After a while we landed on the island. Hiccup hopped off of Toothless first before holding out his hand for me to get off of him easier. I jumped and sighed in relief when I finally hit the familiar ground. Then I realised I was still holding his hand, so I quickly let go of it as I blushed.
"Thank you." I said quietly making him smile
"You're welcome." He said sweetly and y/b/n walked over to me as she kept looking around, trying to take in everything.
"This place looks so amazing!!" She said. I smiled and nodded my head in agreement.
"Let's explore it!" Tuffnut said
"Okay," Astrid, who seemed to warm up a little more said. "How about we go in two groups so we can see even more of the island." She proposed. Hiccup smiled and nodded as he looked at us all.
"That's a great plan Astrid! Okay, Ruff, Tuff, y/b/n and Snotlout, you guys can take a look at this part of the island," he pointed at the left side of the island. "And Y/n, Astrid, Fishlegs and I will explore the other part. Does that sound good?" I watched Astrid's face fall when Hiccup mentioned my name. I tried not to think about it too much. Y/b/n must have noticed it too, which I knew because she sent me a small smile.
Everyone agreed and got ready to go.
"Okay, let's go!" Snotlout exclaimed. "So, y/b/n, I'm the expert when it comes to dragons these days, you know. I know all secrets and literally anything." He bragged as he put an arm around her shoulder. She sighed in annoyance and pushed his arms away as she walked towards the twins. I giggled softly and the rest laughed as well.
"How adorable." Fishlegs chuckled. Y/b/n rolled her eyes but didn't comment as she continued walking.
"Okay, let's go guys!" Astrid said as she put her arm around Hiccup's waist and kissed his cheek affectionately. I wanted to slap myself for feeling a hint of sadness which I tried to hide. I wasn't going to let that little thing ruin this wonderful journey. I walked over to Fishlegs and Meatlug who were both smiling at me, making me feel very welcomed.
"So, how has Berk been for you so far?" He asked curiously. I smiled before answering.
"It's a very different place from what I'm used to, in a good way." Suddenly he stopped walking and put his arm on Meatlug which made me think that something was off.
"Careful girl, let's not walk on that." He said as he walked around a very pretty blue flower.
"What is it?" I asked him with worry, since it seemed weird how such a beautiful flower could really be that dangerous.
"It's a blue oleander, these are flowers which are very poisonous for dragons." He said. I nodded and looked at it again.
"It's so pretty.." I mumbled.
"Yeah, I think because of that it has a poison to protect itself. Otherwise we wouldn't see these pretty things anywhere." I nodded.
"That makes sense." I was about to say something else when I heard a growl, which did not sound like any dragon I had seen today. I stopped walking and looked around carefully, my eyes wide.
"W-what was that?" I asked hiccup, my voice shaky with fear.
"I have no idea, I've never heard a dragon growl like that except for-" he stopped himself and shook his head. "That's not possible." He mumbled to himself.
"What is it?" Astrid asked in curiosity.
"It sounded like a night fury." He said, those last two words making us all stare at him in shock.
"But, isn't Toothless the last one?" Astrid said, confusion evident on her facial expression
"I thought so yeah. Maybe I heard it wrong, it might not even be-" I didn't hear the rest of his sentence because something started pulling my feed. I screamed and tried to pull it off of me, but nothing worked. All I heard was everyone yelling my name before my head hit the ground making me go unconscious.
Tumtumtuuumm!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I have a little question: do you enjoy reading in first f(I,We etc.) person, or second person? (How I write now) let me know in the comments!
Xxx damla
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