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y/n = your name
y/b/n = your best friend's name


As y/b/n and I walked to the house Hiccup told us we could stay in, both of us noticed that people in the village glanced at us out of curiosity, which is quite understandable considering that Berk isn't exactly a very peaceful village. As soon as we got inside and closed the door, I looked at y/b/n, worry clearly shown across my face.

"What do we do now? We just told Hiccup we're from some kingdom but how are we going to tell him the truth? Do we even have to do that? Should we find Gothi by ourselves? What if we tell them and they'll think we're insane and-" I was interrupted by y/b/n's hands covering my mouth to stop my rambling.

"Girl, calm down. We just got here, so let's get to know everyone better first and then tell Hiccup the truth. I'm sure it'll be fine!" I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow at her.

"bu ho..." I groaned in annoyance and pushed y/b/n's hands off of my mouth and spoke up again. "But why would he believe us? : How are we going to tell him in first place? 'oh hello Hiccup, we're from a completely different dimension where you all are fictional characters and a strange book we found bought us here. ' They'll think we're mental!" I exclaimed, catching my breath at the end.

"Y/n, this is a place filled with dragons. I'm pretty sure this won't be surprising and besides, the- wait a second." She stopped and looked at me, panic evident in her eyes. "Where's the book?" I gasped softly as my eyes became the size of golf balls.

"I-I swear I had it with me when we got here!" I stammered helplessly.

"Wait, maybe Hiccup has it with him." My eyes got even bigger and panic took over my body as I rushed back to the door. "We have to get it now! What if he reads it?" I voiced my thoughts out loud.

"Don't worry, I'm sure he won't. We're just going to his house and ask him politely if he has the book, if so we take it and if not we just go back. No big deal." I sighed softly. She was right, I guess I just didn't think straight for a while.

Hiccup's POV

"Who were those girls, Hiccup?" Mom asked as she played with Toothless who was releasing joyful growls .

"Their names are y/n and y/b/n, and they're from a place far from here. Some men thought they were Dragon Riders and kidnapped them." I explained while I sat down next to my mother, who nodded. I looked at Toothless and then noticed something in the bag that was still attached on him. Mom saw it at the same time and asked, "What's that?" I shrugged as I walked over to Toothless.

"I think it belongs to those girls." I mumbled as I opened the bag and saw a big book. I put it on the table and looked at it in curiosity. Should I look in it? I mean, it was just a book. Nothing dangerous...

My fingers were about to turn over the cover when I heard soft knocks on the door. I stood up and went to open the door, revealing the girls in front of me. They seemed a little startled.

"Uh, hi Hiccup. Excuse us for bothering, but uhm, did you perhaps find a book when you were with us? Because well, erm, it's ours and we would like to have it back. If it's not here that's okay, y/b/n and I will just look for it tomorrow and.. we'll.. yeah." She rambled as a small blush covered her cheeks.

"Well, actually I just found it." Their eyes widened for a second before sighing in relief. Honestly, their behaviour made me even more curious. What was so important about that book? "I'll get it for you." I said before going inside to get the book and handed it back to the girls.

"Here you go!" I smiled as I handed the book over to Y/n who sent me a thankful smile.

"Thank you! We'll go now, good night!" She said sweetly before turning around.

"You're very welcome and good- oh wait. Would you two maybe like to meet my friends tomorrow? I was planning on exploring a new area tomorrow and I'm sure you'll enjoy it." A part of me was really hoping that they'd say yes, and I had no idea why. Maybe because I hadn't really met many kind strangers like them.

"Uh, sure!" Y/b/n said as her best friend nodded.

"Okay, I'll pick you two up tomorrow and then you can meet my friends. They're a little uhm.. how do I say this, they're different but great when you know them better!"

"That sounds very fun. Okay, it's really late now, so we'll go." Y/n giggled softly. I agreed and said goodbye before closing the door. I had no idea why, but I had a very strange feeling. It seemed similar to what I felt with Astrid when I met her, but at the same time it wasn't. It was probably nothing, I should just go to bed now. Or was it?


I quietly knocked on the door of the house where Y/n and Y/b/n where staying and waited for a little while until Y/b/n opened the door for me and immediately smiled at me and Toothless.

"Hello! Y/n is almost ready, come in." I greeted her as well before entering the house.

"Where the heck is my hair band?" I heard Y/n mumble in frustration. Y/b/n and I chuckled slightly before we heard her footsteps and soon she was standing next to her best friend.

"Good morning guys!" She said cheerfully, earning a happy growl from Toothless.

"Good morning, Y/n, did you two sleep well here? Was everything okay?" Both girls nodded and reassured me it was all fine.

"I'm glad to hear that, but if there's anything wrong you can just tell me."

"We will, and thank you so much for offering us a place to stay." Y/b/n said thankfully.

"Ah it's nothing really, you're welcome. Now let's go, I really want you to meet my friends and their dragons." We all left to go to the arena, which wasn't far so we just walked. When we got there I saw that everyone was busy with their dragons.

"Good morning everybody!" I said and didn't receive a very enthusiastic response, but let's ignore that. .

"Sooo, I brought two new friends here! They're the girls I told you about, Toothless and I saved them. Y/b/n and Y/n, these people are my friends, and guys, these are Y/b/n and Y/n!" I noticed Astrid glaring at me causing me to feel slightly uneasy. Was she pissed off with me?

"It's a pleasure to meet you two, ladies. The name is Snotlout, the one and only." Snotlout smirked as he leaned against the wall next to him, wiggling his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes at his horrible attempt at flirting and shook my head while facepalming.

"I'm Fishlegs, nice to meet you!" Fishlegs said with a happy smile, and the girls both smiled back at him. I could see Snotlout being slightly annoyed but I decided to just ignore his usual stupid behaviour.

"I'm Ruffnut, and that annoying creature next to me is my brother Tuffnut." Ruffnut said as she pointed at her brother, who glared at her.

"You're way more annoying!" He said loudly, causing Y/b/n to let out a soft giggle. I looked at her, making her cheeks go red in embarrassment before she stopped laughing.

"Sorry, they just really reminded of my brother and I." She explained shyly. Why was she even apologising?

"That's okay, don't worry." I smiled at her. Lastly, Astrid walked up to the two girls with crossed arms. She didn't say a word and acted as if they weren't there.

"Astrid." I whispered and she rolled her eyes. Okay, something is definitely off with her. I should definitely talk to her when we have some time alone

"I'm Astrid" was all she said before walking away and giving all her attention to Stormfly.

"Uh, did we do anything wrong guys?" Y/n asked as she looked at Astrid in worry.

"No you didn't at all, she's probably just having a bad day, don't mind it." Y/n nodded, but I could sense that both girls still felt unsure.

"Trust me, you two didn't do anything wrong." A small awkward silence followed before Fishlegs decided to speak up.

"How about we take the girls with us to fly with our dragons for a little bit? I'm sure it'll be a fun experience for them!" He proposed. The girls nodded and agreed excitedly. Y/n looked at me hopefully, and I smiled.

"Alright then, let's go!"

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Is anyone enjoying the story? Is anyone reading this? Am I just writing to myself? 😂.

But I wanted to say that the next chapter may take a little longer than usual, because half of it is gone 😩. It wont take a super long time but it's not done in a few minutes either.

Anyway, if anyone has feedback, comment!
xxx damla

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