y/n = your name
y/b/n = your best friend's name
d/n = dragon's name
y/t = your town's name
After you and y/b/n finish your story, everyone goes silent. Snotlout looks at you two with his mouth wide open, Fislegs just stares at you guys, the twins seem a little more excited than the rest, Astrid gives you a look that let you know that she didn't trust it, and Hiccup just looks down and shakes his head in disbelief. You look at y/b/n, who had looked so scared.
"Okay.." Hiccup says slowly. "This... this a lot to take in.." he mumbles.
"I don't trust them." Astrid says while glaring at you. Hiccup sends her a look and she just rolls her eyes.
"Let's go to Gothi then!" Ruffnut says excitedly.
"Oh no! We're not taking them to Gothi! Never!" Astrid says.
"Why not? What's the worst that could happen?" Snotlout asks.
"Well, they could be spies, or murderers, or whatever!" She yells, making your eyes widen slightly.
"Astrid, come on.. it can't be that bad. And, it's also a way to see if they're telling the truth!" Hiccup says. Astrid sighs and lets out a frustrated groan.
"Okay!! But if they turn out to be killers, don't say I didn't warn you!" She says. Then she walks up to you, making you walk backwards, until you hit the wall. Astrid is quite a few inches taller than you, which makes her even more intimidating.
"If you do anything that could hurt us on purpose, I will NOT hesitate to chop your head off with my axe!" She says while staring into your eyes. You gulp and nod quickly.
"Astrid, stop!" Hiccup says, pushing her away a little bit. You look at y/b/n again, who's talking to Snotlout. He seems... concerned?
"I'm sorry about that." Fishlegs says while walking towards you.
"It's fine, I get it." You say, sending him a soft smile, making him smile as well.
"She's like that to everyone at first... but once you get to know her, she's really cool!" He says and you nod.
"Yeah, she seems really cool." You say. After that you're both silent. Then suddenly Hiccup speaks up.
"Okay, let's go to Gothi then!" He says. Your eyes meet for a bit and he sends you a cute smile, making you blush a little bit. You smile back and then you guys walk out of the arena. y/b/n walks next to you and lets out a small relieved sigh.
When you arrive at Gothi's house, Hiccup immediately walks up to her.
"Hi Gothi!" She nods at him with a smile. Then she notices you and y/b/n.
"Oh, these are y/n and y/b/n. They uh... they're not from here." He says and you bite your lip. If this isn't true you will be so embarrassed..
"Yeah... uh.. we're from y/t, and we got this book from Azula.." before you even finish saying the name her eyes widen a bit. She starts scribbling something in the sand with her staff, and Gobber, who came walking in when he heard you guys, translates it for you.
"These two girls are the chosen ones, they're from a completely different universe." Gobber reads out loud. That's when everyone's eyes widen. Gothi nods and keeps scribbling.
"There's a big fight coming soon, and they're the only ones who can defeat the villain." You stare at y/b/n, who gulps. That's a lot of pressure
"When it happens isn't certain, but the book will help you all with preparing for the fight."
"Wait, was that the book you guys forgot a few days ago?" Hiccup asks, while looking at you. You and y/b/n both nod.
"Oh dang, imagine if I opened that." He mumbles to himself.
"After the fight, or maybe war, you two will be able to go back to where you're from. You can come back, but once you get back here you can't leave." This made you feel a little nervous. Yes, you've always imagined of living in Berk and being with the people and dragons, but you've got so many people you love in your world..
But that's not the problem right now. Berk is in danger, and you and y/b/n can save the people.
"Do we know who this person that wants to start this all is?" Gothi shakes her head and starts scribbling again.
"The person never shows their face. They always wear a mask so you can't recognise their face." Gobber says out loud again.
"Creepy." Snotlout mumbles, and you can see that he's a little scared, but tries to hide that.
You can't believe this is actually happening right now. It feels like a dream, as if you could wake up at any second..
"So what do we do now? Go to the book?" Hiccup asks. Gothi nods
"Okay, let's go to y/n and y/b/n's house then!" He says. We all thank Gothi, which makes her smile. We say goodbye and go to my and y/b/n's house. When you arrive y/b/n stops walking.
"Wait, what about the dragons?" She asks.
"They're in the arena, nothing will happen." Fishlegs reassures and we nod. We walk inside the house and y/b/n stands against the door, bowing deeply.
"Welcome in queen y/n's palace, ladies and gentlemen." She says in a posh voice, making us all laugh.
You open one of the drawers where you put the book, and then put it on the table.
"This is it?" Ruffnut asks. You and y/b/n both nod. Tuffnut is about to touch it, but his sister hits his hand and he yelps.
"Ow!!" He yells, while glaring at her. She just rolls her eyes. Hiccup sighs making you giggle.
"Okay... well.. let's open it." He says and you nod. You slowly open the book and everyone gasps.
Guys!!! This is AMAZING, 250+ reads?! The book hasn't been here for not even a month and already this many reads, I'm so surprised!! I really hope you guys like the story ^_^. If you've got any tips for me, just comment or send me a private message, whatever makes you comfortable! And I'd really appreciate it if you vote if you like the chapter, that gives me even more motivation to keep writing.
By the way, next week and the week after that I've got a lot of tests coming up, so the chapters may take a little longer then.. I'm sorry, but school is important to me!
See ya next time!
xxx damla
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