Memories (part 2)

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I walked to Erica's house and the door was already opened so I just went in cause I'm family. I don't know why they would leave the door wide open for just anyone to walk in because they know what type of neighbor hood we live in.
"Anybody home?!" I said and then walked in. I saw Cube in the corner a little chocked up, Erica and Cubes daddy sitting on the couch and Erica and Some lady standing by each other. I heard the lady say "I was away for a long time, I know. But could you find it anywhere in your heart to forgive me and would you two, O'shea, O'Den forgive me as well?!" She said.
"I forgive you." Erica said and reached out to hug the lady and then the lady started crying s c hugged her back.
"I forgive you." O'Den said going up there to give her a hug.
"Psh!" Cube said and then walked off. I tear fell from my eye and then Erica seen me.
"Erin!!" She screamed and ran over to me. I gave her a big hug. I haven't seen Erica in about 2 weeks because my mom and dad are going through a slight separation. My mom just feels as if them are not in love anymore so I been staying home with her.
"Come on in!" Erica said and pulled me in and closed the door.
"Erin this is my mom and mom this is Erin." I said with a little smile on my face. Her mom reached out and shook my hand and I returned the favor. Erica looked so happy. She was glowing.
"Is it okay for me to come out now?!" I heard Cam say.
"Cammmyyy!" I said. She ran up and jumped into my arms. I remember the time when me, my dad and my mom were at the beach and I ran and jumped into my daddy's arms and it was one of the most happiest moments in my life. I wish we could go back to those days.
"You okay?" Cam asked me.
"Yeah I'm okay sweetie!" I said then kissed her check. Cam was someone special to all of us. I felt like she was my sister or something like that sometimes. She's just really precious. I put her down so she could go and see her new grandma in law.
"Erica! Come her?" I said and started walking to her bedroom. I heard her follow behind me and then I made it to her room and sat down in her chair in front of the mirror.
"What's wrong?!" She asked me. "Everything!" I said and then a few tears fell.
"Don't cry baby girl." She said and grabbed a sock out the draw and handed to me to wipe my face.
"A sock?!" I said crying a little bit. "Yeah! We don't life in no fortune 5 house with tissues everywhere!" She said laughing a little bit. I laughed a little bit and then wiped my face with the sock.
"Will you cut my hair?" I asked her looking at the mirror at myself.
"Cut your hair!!!" She said with a confused face on.
"Yes cut it!!!" I said looking back at her.
"Like how?!" She said.
"Like yours!" I said looking at her hair through the mirror.
"No!" She said.
"Come on! Please!" I said turning around and grabbed her arm so she wouldn't walk out.
"Why?! You got good hair.!" She said.
"But I just don't want it anymore! I want something different!" I said.
"Okay!" She said.

*10 minutes later*

"I love it!" I said looking in the mirror. (Picture in MM)
"Thank you thank you!" Erica said.
"That's beautiful." A voice said by the door. Me and Erica looked back at the same time to see Linda, Erica's mom.
"Thank you." Erica said with a big smile.
"I used to do hair!" Mrs. Linda said. We looked at her.
"Really??" I said.
"Yeah!" She said sitting down on the bed. "It was a long time ago! It was around the time I met your dad! My momma owned a shop in the hills before I met yo daddy! I was 16 and young and dumb as hell!" She said laughing a little bit.
"You met daddy when you were 16?!" Erica asked.
"Yep! And I had to brother 3 days before my birthday!" She said.
"Dang! That sounds like someone I know!" I said and I got up.
"Hush!" Erica said.
"I'm bout to go check on Cube." I walked down the hall way to his room and knocked on his door.
"What?!" He said.
"Let me in!" I said. I heard him get off the bed and he opened the door and I walked in and then he closed the door behind me.
"Why you walk out?" I asked him. He sitting back on the bed.
"Cause I didn't wanna hear that shit!" He said.
"It's your mom!" I said.
"She didn't give two fuck about us when she was here! She had guys in and out of the house. We don't even know if Erica is my whole sister, ever wondered why she was darker than me and daddy!" He said. I was shocked to hear him say that about his sister. I didn't even know, I just through she got a little darker.
"Your saying that, Erica might not be your dads!" I said in disbelief.
"That's what the fuck I just said!" He said getting a little frustrated.
"Mmm!" I said.
"What you come in here for? For me to go in their with open arms and just say 'mom I miss you so much! I forgive you for leaving and let people run in and out of you like a train station! I'm sorry for catching you doing drugs! I'm sorry for trying to be the best student and not let you down but you didn't even care to look at my report card! I'm sorry for you putting your fucking hands on me for no reason but that you were high!" He said with tears rolling down his face.
"Don't cry Cube!" I said and then walked over to him and stood over him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and placed his face into my stomach and he started to cry even harder.
"It's okay." I said and wrapped my arms around his head and then put my head on his head.


I was on my way to pick Cam up from my future baby momma house, Erica. I parked the car and got out. I made it to the door and knocked on it.
"Who is it?" I heard Erica say.
"It's E!" I said and then I heard feet come running to the door and then it swing open.
"Hey baby daddy!" Erica said leaning against the door and playing with her bubble gum.
"What's up lil girl?!" I said looking her up and down.
"Who you here for big daddy?!" She said.
"You if you let me!" I said. She turned around and I looked back signaling me to slap her ass. I did as commanded.
"You know I like that freaky!" She said and walked in and I followed! Some how I knew where she was headed. I seen Cam in the room with Cube and they were sleep. I followed her into the room. She walked in and I was behind her and shut the door and lock it behind her. She turned me around and pushed me on the bed and climbed on top of me.

Authors notes:
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