Memories (part 1)

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*2 months later*


Today E was out at 'work' so he dropped Cam off with me. I loved Cama half to death, she was the my precious angel. It was kinda like she was mines. School
Has started again and I'm really sick of it. The only time I have freedom is on the weekends. Me and Cam draw pictures most of the day and watched Tv. Cube walked into the room and sat down by me and Cam.
"What you want Cube?!" Cam said.
"Nun I just wanted to come and chill with y'all." He said.
"Ha! What a lie!" Me and Cam said in unison.
"Don't y'all go to the same school?!!" Cube said. I punched Cube on the shoulder really hard.
"Damn!" He yelled."it's true!" He said looking back at me.
"She doesn't know that!" I whispered to him. I walked Into the kitchen and looked into the refrigerator And got 3 sodas.I started to walk back to the room and then I heard a knock on the door. I took the sodas into the room and sat them on my nightstand by my bed and walked back the the living room to answer the door. I knocking got harder. "Damn! Who is it!?" I said. But no one answered and then I heard someone knocking really hard again. I opened the door.
"And ain't gotta knock so (GCO)..." I said and then paused.
"Hey baby!" The lady said.
"Hey may I help you?" I said.
"Yes is your father here?" She said with a depressing look on her face.
"Umm... No! He's at work." I said.
"Well is O'shea here?" She asked.
"Yeah! He's here!" I said and then invited her in and walked to back where Cam and Cube. "Someone is at the door for you?" I said.
"Who is it?!" He said looking up from the tv.
"I don't know, some lady?!" I said leaning up against the wall. He got up and started to walk into the living room. "Come on Cam!" I said grabbing her hand and leading her into the front room. Once I made to the front room with Cam. I saw Cube stand by the lady.


She got the fucking nerve to come this fucking address after 12 years. "What you doing here?!" I said semi yelling but trying to be quiet so Cam and Erica could hear me.
"I came to see y'all!" She said.
"You 12 years to late!" I said. I then saw Cam and Erica walk up to the Hall way wall and lean against the wall.
"I'm sorry, I was young and dumb and if I didn't leave I would have hurt one of you!" She said.
"So you didn't think it would hurt us to leave us for 12 years!" I yelled."you need to leave!" I told her. (Picture in MM)
"I can't!" She said yelling.
"Why not? You ain't have no fucking problem leaving 12 years ago!" I said and then she slapped me. It gave me a flash back.

*Flash back*
I was 6 and Erica was 3. Daddy just came in from work and was taking his tie off.

"Daddy!" Little Erica said running up to him and jump on his leg.
"Hey baby girl!" He said picking her up.
"Daddy where you been?" Erica said.
"I been at work baby girl, you know that!" He said.
"You don't need to go to work everyday!" She said.
"Yes I do baby girl!" He said and kissed her forehead. "Where's the food at?" He yelled across the living room.
"If you give me time to go cook, you'll see some." My momma said. She looked at him and then grabbed his tie out of his hand and took it with her into the washing room. I was playing my game and had some juice in my hand and Erica came running by and made we waste it on my shirt.
"Dang! Erica!" I said and she stopped.
"You don't say that to me, I tell daddy!" She said and then took off to tell daddy. I got up and went to the wash room and I saw momma with a spoon and a needle in her arm. My school told me that, that stuff was bad for you and I was shocked that my momma was doing it. I just stood there and looked. She then looked up.
"O'shea what are you doing?!" She said raising her voice at me.
"Momma that stuff is bad for you!" I said back and then she slapped me.
"Are you out of your fucking mind?!" I heard my dad yell from behind me. "What the fuck is this shit, Linda!" He said pushing me behind him.
"It's nothing baby it's just my medicine!" She said
"What the fuck type of medicine is this!!" He said and then slapped her and she fell to the ground.
"Daddy Nooo!" I heard Erica cry and she latched onto my arm.
"Go outside and play you two!" He yelled at us.
"But daddy no!" Erica yelled back.
"It's okay! Baby girl just go outside, mommas okay!" She said looking at Erica.
"Go on now!!" My daddy yelled at us. We turned around to walk out and daddy slammed the door behind us. Erica jumped and started to cry even more. As we walked to the the front porch to I could still heard they yelling and daddy hitting momma. I held Erica really tight and covered her ears.
*end of flash back*


I ran over to Cube. I didn't know this lady but she is crazy. "Why'd you hit him?!" I said yelling. She just stood there and then she went to leave but my dad was just coming In from work so had his keys in his hands when she opened the door. She stopped right there and then she started backing up. Daddy started to walk in and then I saw tears come down her face.
"Linda?!" He said. That name sounded familiar to me.
"Momma?!" I said and then she looked over to me.
"Yes baby!" She said and then that same exact voice was the voice I heard when I was younger.
"Cam?" I said looking at my supposedly momma. "Go back in the room and close the door." I said still looking at my momma. She walked back into the room and I heard the door shut. I wiped my tears away and walked up to her.
"How was your day today honey bee?" She said. I didn't respond. I was in a state of shock, as many times as Cube and I walked the back streets looking for her and never found her, here she was. I couldn't remember her as I used to but I was sure she was my mom cause she had the same eyes as me and I hear it in her voice. I looked over at Cube who was crying. I then looked over at daddy who was look at his first love that left him one cold lonely night in December. I then looked back at her.
"Where you been?" I said to her.

To be continued...

Authors notes:
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