{ 13: Meeting each other for the First Time}

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"That's how you got here." She looked quiet concerned.

"Yep. But hey, they accepted me for who I am. They're trying to make peace with the dragons, that's something. Although there were some arguments made by this, we made things work."

"And you're sure that you can trust them with not you know, killing the dragon." Heather looks up at Hiccup. He nods.

"Well then, whatever you say. Besides, you are my boss."

"I'm not your boss! Since when was I your boss?" Hiccup is now smiling. Heather playfully hit him. "I mean, you are in charge of the edge. We are just following what you say, most of the time"

"That doesn't mean anything. I listen to what you guys say most of the time." They both stopped for a moment. "If it wasn't for you and Dagur telling me most of the plans, I would not be here for certain." Heather smiled, giving Hiccup a small hug. He hugged her back.

Little did they know that someone was following them.  "What's up with her..."


"SNOTLOUT! You can't be saying things like that to HICCUP! That's disrespectful!" Fishlegs was trying to stop Snotlout from spreading humorous rumors about Hiccup.

"Well might as well be the TRUTH! I mean, how come he is missing a leg, right? I'm telling you, his dragon ATE IT SO THAT HE WOULD BE KNOWN AS THE ONE LEGGED BOY!"

Tuffnut appeared right behind Fishlegs."I mean, come on, who wouldn't want to be famous, right? I would let a dragon eat MY leg if it would make me famous!" Tuffnut patted Fishleg's back.

Ruffnut crossed her arms. "C'mon bro. You wouldn't even let Gothi touch your weak tooth, let alone a dragon eating your leg. Although it would be painful, it would be satisfying to watch!" She chuckled quietly.

Fishlegs was now irritated. "Oh YEA. How come Gobber is missing a leg AND an arm. He didn't become famous!"

"That's because Gobber is - well you know, Gobber." Tuffnut pushed Snotlout aside. "And Hiccup is the missing person that we had looked for so many YEARS. Of course it would be different."

Fishlegs let out a sigh. " I guess it would be different but-"Tuffnut put his hand infront of Fishlegs face. "Quiet... is that... Astrid?" Everyone looked over. Astrid was looking over at Hiccup and Heather, walking up to the Great Hall. "What is she doing there?" Asked Snotlout.

They soon found themselves walking over to her. "What are you doing here Astrid?" Asked Fishlegs. This must have scared her because a moment later, Fishlegs found himself on the ground. Astrid finally realized who it was. "Why would you do that! You scared the life out of me!" She helped Fishlegs get up on his feet. "Please don't ever do that again" Snotlout came a little closer to Astrid. "Hey Babe... I didn't realize that you were that strong..." Astrid pushed Snotlout to the ground.

"I'm sorry. We just wanted to see what you were up to." Astrid suddenly looked away, embarrassed. Fishlegs asked with curiosity, "What WERE you doing..." While Astrid was trying to get the right words out of her mouth, Tuffnut stood right beside her. He turned his head where Astrid was glancing at. "I cannot BELIEVE you little Missy! What were you doing...SPYING on a HICCUP HADDOCK?" She quickly turned away.

Everyone gasped. They are all in shock. Snotlout was the first to break out. "First of, ew, second, Why were you watching Hiccup! I mean, look at me... am I not enough!?" Astrid rolled her eyes. Snotlout kept. "I mean, what does he have that I DON'T have. Look at him, then me..." He tried to put his hand over Astrid's shoulder, but before he could do so, Astrid has already twisted his hand, making Snotlout whale in pain.

" Astrid, why WERE you looking at Hiccup?" Fishlegs asked with fear. Astrid then said with a little anger, "I wasn't looking At him, I was looking at the girl who was with him." Then she suddenly realized what came out of her mouth. " I-I didn't mean it like that." She quickly said. Ruffnut pushed Tuffnut aside. "I get it! Astrid is jealous of the pretty girl!" Astrid glanced at Ruffnut with a death stare. Ruffnut noticed and said, "I'm just saying what I see, alright." 

"Maybe you should go and say hi to Heather." Fishlegs suggested. "So, her name is Heather..." She quietly whispered. "What was that, I didn't hear." Said Fishlegs.

"I said that that's a great idea, Fishlegs. I'll just go.. by myself." Then off she went, making her way up the Great Hall, slowly. " C-can someone get Gothi... I think Astrid actually broke my arm" Snotlout was on the ground, holding his "broken arm".


They both made their way up the stairs, into the Great Hall. Inside, Gobber was with Toothless, feeding him a ton of fish. "This Night Fury really loves to eat" Toothless was eating that fish like it was nothing. "He really loves his fish." Gobber kept his distance from Toothless. He walked over to Hiccup and Heather. "I hope you're not afraid of dragons" he whispered in her ear. Heather just smiled. "Well then, I'll leave you two be. I'm off to go find your father." He left without another word.

"I guess they're still adjusting to things." said Heather. Hiccup nodded. "There are still a lot of things to be done and adjusted. A lot of making changes with the dragons too"

"This must all be weird to you. You left very young, although you didn't have to, but you did." She made her way to where Toothless was. Hiccup didn't move, he just stared.

"He must be all full now." Heather said while petting Toothless. Toothless was enjoying being petted by Heather. "With all the fish Gobber gave him, yeah." Hiccup said at once. "I just hope Gobber didn't feed him too much cause then-" Before he could finish his sentence, the door from the entrance opened. They both looked back to see who it was.

"Did I come at the wrong time..?" Astrid said, trying to sound as if she wasn't sorry. Hiccup and Heather looked at each other. "Oh, you must be the girl that everyone is talking about." She made her way through the hall and was right in front of Heather.

"Hi, I'm Astrid" she lifted her hand to give her a hand shake. "Nice to meet you Astrid, I'm Heather." She went on, shaking her hand. There was an awkward pause. "Hiccup has told me a lot about you" Heather said, letting go of the hand shake. Astrid looked surprised. "He did?" Astrid quickly glanced over at Hiccup, who was petting Toothless. Then Hiccup said, "Well, I told Heather about everyone"

"But you mostly talked about Astrid."

"Way to put me on the spot Heather..."

"But it's the truth!"

"Next subject please..."

"What do you mean "next subject". This is the perfect subject." addressed Heather. "You wouldn't stop talking about her anyways." She gave a glance at Astrid, who was trying her best to not look at Hiccup.

"Alright then. That's enough out of you today." He said, pointing at Heather. "Besides, that's not what my dad brought you here today, and you know that." Heather felt awkward.

"Why did your father bring her here anyways. I heard a lot of things while making my way up here." Astrid said. "It's...nothing important. Just making arrangements for...uh..." Hiccup nervously rubbed the back of his head, not knowing what to say to Astrid.

The door from the Great Hall suddenly opened.

" Where is SHE! Where is HEATHER!"

All three of them turned around to look who it was, but to no one's surprise- except Astrid- Dagur was looking around to find his sister, Heather.

"Dagur?" Both Hiccup and Heather looked stunned to see him. Astrid, on the other hand, had no clue what was happening. "Do you guys know this man too?"

What was he doing here? "Dagur, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in Berserker Island?" Heather asked. "I heard the NEWS HEATHER. You can't keep anything away from me." Dagur started to look at Heather closely. "Who is this person Heather? Where IS he RIGHT NOW!"

"Brother, calm yourself down. It's just that I found out about-" Before Heather could finish her sentence, Dagur spotted Hiccup standing right beside her. Dagur couldn't believe it. "Wait a minute... What are YOU doing here. Aren't you supposed to be back on the-"

"DAGUR! What a suprise to see you. It has been a VERY long time since the last time I saw you, right?" He gave Dagur a nervous smile. 

"Wait, if your're Stoicks boy and Heather came here to..." Once he put the puzzle together, he shot a glare at him. "This can't be" He whispered quietly. "Are you... MARRYING MY SISTER!"

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