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We were in front of the office and he didn't let go of me until the police came, running down the hall.

'Excuse us, are you the ones who called?' The officer asked, pulling our attention to them.

'Yes, sir.' Jimin nods. 'You might need to call an ambulance.'


'Because the man who tried to rape her is on his last breaths inside of this office.' Jimin stated it like it's the most normal thing

The officer nodded at the other 2 officers who were with him, and they walked past us and into the office.

It hasn't been a minute when we heard one of them calling over the radio for the ambulance.

'A man, early 40s, multiple injuries. Nose, jaw, ribs, both hands, one arm, rib or possible multiple rib breaks. Breathing but unconcious. We need ambulance stat.'

Jimin didn't seem bothered in the slightest. He was still gently holding his arm around my shoulders, not even batting and eye over the injuries they just named. The officer on the other hand looked stunned.

'That's uh... Quite a few breaks. Would you both mind giving us your statements?'

'Of course.' Jimin nodded, speaking for both of us. By now, I stopped shaking and crying, but I still felt like absolute shit.

The asked me all sorts of questions, and I told him everything I could. How it all happened and everything that he did before today. All the pressure and all the times he kept inviting me to dinner. Although they mostly focused on today's happenings.

While I was still giving my statement, the ambulance came in and they took Hoolin out on the medical bed, attaching the oxygen mask to his face as they rolled him down the hall. Jimin barely even glanced, and then acted like he hadn't seen a thing.

'I'm going to need your statement, too, sir.' The officer spoke to Jimin, and he nodded, and then answered a series of questions much like me.

'Before we move further, I do have to explain that we can't exactly excuse what you just did, sir.' The officer spoke to Jimin. 'It wasn't a self-defense. These could be classed as battery charges. We understand why you have done it, but it-'

'That's alright.' Jimin cut him off. 'I understand. Do what you must.'

The officer closed his book, where he was writing it all down and put it in his pocket, sighing deeply. 'We will need you to come down to the station later, whenever you're ready. And off the record, I would have done the same.' He bowed his head to Jimin and left

'Let's go home, baby. You need to clean up.' He gently kissed me on the hair, and we made our way out.

The entire thing seemed like a crazy dream or a nightmare.

But what scared me the most was Jimin. I have never seen someone so angry. He was truly not going to stop. If I wasn't there, I wonder what would have happened.

But even that aside... I almost got assaulted.

I looked at the mirror in my bathroom, and I really looked terrifying.

The shower was possibly the longest one I've ever had. I scrubbed myself as much as I could from all the blood, except for my hand, which was tended to at the building by the medical team. They closed my wound and wrapped it up.

I put the clothes in a bag to give them to the police if they needed it for evidence or such. But they said there was more than enough for him to go to prison.

I got out of the shower to find Jimin shirtless in my kitchen, washing the blood stains off his shirt on my kitchen sink.


He turned and looked at me, his face saddening by the second. Turning the water off, he left his shirt on the counter and walked over to me, gently touching my face, grazing right under the scratches on my face. The little ball in his throat bobbed up and down as he gulped, looking at the tiny cuts on my body.

'Are you in any pain?' His voice was so soft, full of worry

'A little. Mostly my hand and my leg, but I did both of those myself.' I am hurting all over, but he is worried enough without me scaring him further

'I'm so sorry. I am so damn sorry that I wasn't there to save you.' He pulled me into a hug, keeping my head leaned on his chest

'You can't be sorry for that, Jimin. No one could know that this was going to happen. And at work. And you've done more than enough.'

'Not enough. I should have killed that piece of utter shit.' He hissed

'No, you shouldn't have. He will be going away for a long time.' If he's even alive...

'Fuck.' He exhaled in frustration, hugging me tighter. 'Just the thought of what could have happened is killing me. I can't even imagine how scared you were, and I couldn't do a thing to stop it.'

'I was terrified, but only once I ran from that office. Until then, while I was fighting him off, I was as infuriated as you could get. And then you came and I felt safe again.'

He gently lift my face, being careful not to hurt me. 'I love you. I love you so much.' He murmured, softly pressing his lips on mine, then pressing his lips to my forehead

'YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT!' A deep, loud scream from my front door made us both jump

Yoongi. Shit. I didn't even tell him what happened today. Fuck!

He almost ran over, obviously running straight for Jimin.

'Hyung, wait a second.' Jimin tried to be calm and speak to him, but Yoongi was on a path, rushing over

'NO!' I stepped in front of Jimin, screaming at Yoongi and actually making him flinch

'ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW?!' He yelled back at me, glaring between me and Jimin, his chest heaving in anger

'Can you give us a minute to explain, hyung? Please.' This is the calmest Jimin had been all day

'Explain what?! That you are digging your claws into my sister?!' He growled at Jimin, almost stepping on my foot to get to him

'ENOUGH!' I scream at Yoongi, putting my hand on his chest to keep him away, and he looked down

'Wait, what happened to your hand? Fuck that, what happened to your face? What the-' He started looking me all over, panicking instantly. 'What is all this? And you two-'

'We are together, and we will explain everything, but right now I have a lot bigger issues.'

'WHAT?! TOGE- WHAT?! You're- Since when?! I'm going to kill you.' He points at Jimin, trying to step closer

'I was almost raped today, and you're upset that I'm dating your friend?!'

His entire face had gone blue and then white, and he completely stopped breathing. 'You were what???' He barely whispered, focusing all of his attention at me

'My boss tried to assault me. That's why I have all these cuts all over. I was fighting him off.'

'Where is he? Who is it?!' He grabbed my shoulders, shaking me to tell him

'We will find out when we go down to the police station, but-'

'You might wanna come with us as I may not come out of there, and she can't be alone.' Jimin cut in

'Not come out?' Yoongi squints

'I almost killed him. Maybe I did. I don't know.' Jimin states, confusing him even more

'I was terrified and I hid after I ran away, and I called him. I would still be hiding in that toilet, crying, if he didn't come to me. And then he beat the living shit out of the guy. They took him out of there barely even alive.'

'Why didn't you call me?!' He screams at me

'She was so petrified that she didn't even call the police. I did it when I came there.' Jimin explains

'You might have helped her, but I'm still this close to killing you.' Yoongi threatens

'I know.' Jimin just nodded

'Yoo, please, calm down. We need to deal with this first. Can you please just cool down until then? We will explain everything when we're back home later.'

He was silent, his eyes darting between me and Jimin, but eventually, he nodded in a wordless agreement.

Jimin put on the jacket he wrapped me in earlier, and I took the clothes from earlier if they needed it, and then we left, joined by Yoongi who sat in the front seat to keep me and Jimin away. What a child.

I've noticed Jimin looking at me through his rear mirror while driving, while Yoongi kept his pissed off expression until we got to the station. Even then, he kept walking between us so we wouldn't be close.

We asked for a police officer from earlier and they sent us down the hall to one of the rooms, but they asked Yoongi to stay outside. It was sort of an interrogation room and we were there to give our statements all over again.

'Thank you, both. Miss Min, as for you, we will have to conduct a physical exam to determine all the injuries and wounds and such. Would that be alright with you?'

'Yes, of course.'

'As for you, Mr. Park, taking into account the nature of the situation, we can only say we understand why you took such actions. But unfortunately, considering you've threatened Mr. Pang before, and now he is in ICU with 13 breaks and a brain hemmorage, this will unfortunately go onto your record and you will have to pay a fine for battery and assault.' He really did a number on him. Fuck me.

'I understand.' Jimin nodded calmly, not even bothered by it. 'But what will happen with him once he is out? Will he be doing time?'

'Yes. The minimum charge for such an assault is 5 years, but it could go up to 20 years with all the evidence and the statements.'

'Good. Thank you.'

'Of course.' The officer nodded at Jimin, then turned to me. 'Miss Min, please, this way.'

They took me into a different room down the hall and stripped me down to my underwear. They made me turn a million times and took a bunch of pictures of my body, marking all the bruises, scratches and cuts. It took about 20 minutes for all of it, and I gave them the clothes I brought.

By the time I was out, Jimin was signing some paperwork, and Yoongi was waiting for me us in the hall. All together, 2 long hours were gone and we were free to go home. Finally.

Jimin was the last one out, as he was dealing with his own record being created.

'I'm so sorry, Jimin.' I started apologizing to him as soon as he walked over to us. 'If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have anything on your record.'

'I'm not. Out of a hundred times, I'd do this again at least 95.'


'The other 5, I would have killed him.' He walked to me, hugging me gently and leaving a kiss on my hair

Yoongi scoffed and walked right out ahead of us. We both looked at him and then at each other.

This is gonna be a mess.

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