Continuous banging on my front door, followed by a doorbell, didn't help much with my sleep. I glanced at the clock on the wall as I sleepily dragged myself to the front door, only to find Yoongi with the biggest gummy smile on his face.
'I truly, from the bottom of my heart, regret telling you where I live.' I whine at him as the last bits of my will to live dispersed into thin air
'You're not in Daegu anymore. Here. You still drink this shit, right?' He shoved a hot cup of latte in my hand and just walked past me, pushing into the place.
'Yes. You may come in.' I mutter under my breath, grumpy that he woke me up so early. It's not even 9 in the morning. On a Sunday.
'You haven't put anything away!' He was scolding me, looking around at all the boxes in my apartment
'I didn't really have a chance as someone forced me to go out.' I argue back
'Oh, yeah, what did you think?' He grins again, showing his cute smile. 'Like 'em? Hate 'em?'
I know he loves the crew. Unlike me, he is not the most social person, so if he likes someone, they must be the most amazing people. God knows he had no patience for idiots. And I have been hearing about them every time we spoke, ever since he moved to Seoul 4 years ago.
'They seem great.' I tell him honestly. 'The guys are hilarious, especially that Jin guy. Those dad jokes are so bad that they're good.' I snorted at the mere thought of all the stupid shit he said, that I had to bite my tongue not to poop on because he is so much older
'With time you drown it out. Those are awful. It's only him who likes them. Grandpa.' He grimaced at his own words. 'What about the rest of them? Were they nice? Anyone rude?'
'They were all great. Really. You've got great friends.' I put up a smile and then he flicked me right away
'Lying to me. Nice try.' He sighs. 'I wanted to see if you'd say anything or not, but I know what you're thinking. That Jimin guy is a dick!' He immitated me in the girliest voice which only made me laugh
'It wasn't my exact thoughts. I barely met the guy.' I shrug
'Don't worry, I had the same thought proccess when I met him, but just give it time. Honestly, he is a bit sharp around the edges and he is the most introverted person ever, but once he warms up, you'll see he's not a bad person at all.' How introverted can he be if Yoongi is warning me about him??
'Did you come here only to tell me that?' I laugh. 'That he's not a dickhead?'
'Oh, no, he most definitely is. He is rude as hell but he has his reasons.'
'Again, what am I supposed to do with that information?' I really don't see the point. The dude didn't speak to me once. Besides giving me the bombastic side eye, we haven't exchanged a single word.
'Juuuust saying. I don't want you blowing up at him for some dumb thing. That's all.' He must really care about him if he's trying to explain him to me
'No worries here, Yoongi. I don't intend to argue with anyone. He's safe.' I chuckle
'Good, good. That guy is lucky he's good looking. If he wasn't, no one would put up with him.' He was laughing at his own joke
'I suppose so. But all of them are really good looking. Did you cast models to play as your friends?' I was joking along, but he didn't find it funny, and turned serious
He raised his finger at me, making a point, giving me a simple, very sharp word. 'No.'
'No what?'
'We have only one rule in this group, and that is- No dating in the group.' By the tone of his voice I can see he is fully serious
'O...kay.' I chuckle, feeling a bit uncomfortable. 'I wasn't exactly planning on dating anyone, especially not one of your friends, but now I'm curious. Why the rule?'
'Because it only brings problems.' He took a deep breath, almost as if he was debating whether to tell me or not, but then coninued talking. 'We had some problems with it before. It was a mess and it almost broke the group, so we decided to make the rule. And you are way too young for that anyway.' He scolds me again
This is why he never met my boyfriends.
'Yoongi, I am 23. I'm not 12. You need to stop that.' I sigh. 'But it's more than understandable. Not that you should have been worried about that in the first place.'
'Just saying. Besides, if any one of them tried, I would kill them.' He said it with the cutest smile he could muster, making it only creepy.
'You have so many issues.'
Monday. It's my first day at work.
I stood in front of the building, taking a deep breath before going in to calm my nerves. I need to make a good impression.
I have gotten myself a pretty cool job, and a really hard one to get. A translator. English translator.
I studied and graduated with a degree in English, and have been on the search for a while now, and luckily, I got accepted into this company. It's not an easy one to find when you are fresh out of university, but I got lucky.
After looking at the fancy building for a while, I decided to walk in, holding my head up high and feeling confident in my smart business clothes. The cutest two piece outfit that is classy and almost sexy at the same time. I do love these outfits.
But outfit aside, I need to ace this.
'Hello, how can I help you?' A nice, friendly lady at the reception greeted me as soon as she saw me coming. A very bright, welcoming smile decorated her face, and was followed by the chirpiest voice. She is either the happiest person alive, or extremely well paid. I hope both.
'Hello. My name is Min Amora. I am supposed to start here today. I am looking for Mr. Pang.'
'Oh, lovely. We were expecting you.' She smiles. 'One moment, please.' She smiled at me and then dialed a number on the little phone in front of her, waiting for the resposnse that came through only a few moments later.
'Yes, miss Min is here.'
'I understand.'
'Right away, Sir. Thank you.'
She hung up and then got up. 'Please, follow me Miss. I will take you to him.' She gestured with her hand for me to follow her, and lead me to an elevator, pressing the number 4 on it.
She showed me a few important offices on the way to his office, explaining to me where to go if I need anything, including the dining area for the employees. It is a really nice place.
'Here we are.' She didn't lose the smile for even a second. She knocked on the door lightly 3 times before we heard 'Come in' and then she walked in ahead.
'Mr. Pang, here is Miss Min for you.' She introduced me
Walking into the office, I bowed my head right away. 'It is lovely to meet you, Mr. Pang. Thank you for this opportunity.'
'Oh, Miss Min, please.' His light chuckle got me to look up. He must be about 35 or so. Maybe older. A fancy suit he's wearing is either not his size or it's tailored completely wrong, because it looks too big on him. It's kind of puffy around his pointy, skinny shoulders, and definitely too wide on his legs. He kind of looked me up and down, and then smiled widely. 'I am happy you accepted our offer. We are happy to have a young talent such as yourself working with us.'
He got up from behind his desk, buttoning up his blazer and taking a few steps to come closer, offering his hand to me to shake. 'Welcome to the team.'
'Thank you, Sir.' I bow my head, giving him my best smile, along with a handshake
'Let's show you around.'
He did everything a lot more detailed than the lady before him. We stopped at each and every office and he explained which one is for what. As a translation company, there are offices that translate different languages and different things. Some of them are translating things such as newspapers, books, and blogs and articles, and some are specializing in movies, songs and similar entertainment branches.
'Your office, or spot, will be right here.' He led me to a big room that was currently filled with 6 desks, with 5 of them full. People sitting down and working as he is walking me through. 'As you do not have a thing you specialize in, this is where you will train, so to speak. You will get to do a bit of everything until you find your footing and your preferences and such. If you need any help, you know where my office is. There is also Mr. Kim down the hall, who is another supervisor. Please, don't hesitate to ask us anything that might concern you.'
'Thank you. Will do.' I keep bowing
'I will let you get settled in and get accquanited with the rest of the team. Please come and see me at the day's end.' Those were his last words before he left, bowing and smiling to each and every one of the other workers in the room
'Hello. My name is Amora Min. It's lovely to be working with all of you.' I figured I'd be the first one to talk, seeing how 5 of them kept looking at me like I've fallen from Mars, but it's only natural.
'Sup, newbie.' A guy at the desk behind mine smiled widely, pushing his glasses up a little. 'I'm Minjo. Welcome.'
'Nice to meet you. I'm Imuya.' A girl behind him bowed lightly
'Sorem.' Another girl
'Mark here.' I only now noticed this guy is American. That's kind of cool.
'And I'm Woolin.' The last girl smiled brightly
'Lovely to meet you all.' This takes a heavy stone off my chest. They are all friendly. I was afraid I'd be stuck with some rude people.
'You fresh out of college?' That first guy, Minjo, asks me, leaning back in his chair
'Is it that obvious?' I snort
'Just a bit. It's the light in your eyes. You still have it.' He jokes along. At least I hope.
'Do you want me to walk you through a little bit? Show you what to do and how?' Sorem offers
'If you don't mind, please. I have no idea what I need to do today.' They haven't given me a specific task, they simply left me to it
'We've all been there.' She laughs. 'Here.'
She walked me through, explaining how we get the materials, where we translate them to and how to store and file everything and such. And she did it so fast and clear. She must be here for a while now.
'Do you mind if I do some of these on my own? I kinda wanna get a hang of it.' I may come off as a bit cocky, but this is what I came to do and I don't want no shortcuts.
'Absolutely. Grab a few and let me know if you need help.' She offered me a stack, telling me to take some from the top, so I did.
Seems she was given a bunch of songs or poems or something of sorts. Love that. Better get started.
Problem with translating songs is that they are quite tricky, and one wrong thing could mean that I will destroy someone's song. But I'm currently just stuck in these words, wondering who wrote such sad lyrics. They sure make me feel something.
Me eyes won't leave this page, the words going on repeat in my mind:
''You know that I can't
Show you me
Give you me
I can't show you a run-down part of myself
I wear a mask again and go to see you
But I still want you
Bloomed in a garden of loneliness
A flower that resembles you
I wanted to give it to you
But I know
I can never do that
I must hide
Because I am ugly
I am afraid
I am run-down
I'm so afraid
That you will leave me again in the end
I wear a mask again and go to see you''
The sadness that only a few words hold hits hard just by reading them. I wonder, what kind of pain the person had to go through to put all of this on the paper.
''Maybe back then
A little
Just this much
If I got the courage to stand before you
Would everything be different now''
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