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'I'm not arguing with you over this. You're coming, and that's final.'


'No. I'm older, you're younger. I say, you do.'

I sighed deeply, admitting my defeat. He always pulls the 'I'm the older' card, and it pisses me off. 'You're expecting me to just run in there, not knowing a single soul, and just be like 'Yo! Whaddup?'

'Exactly! Live a little! And you need to stop whining. You just came here, and I'm your only friend. And I'm your brother! You need to meet some people, and you're meeting them. So shut up, and drag your ass out. 7 o'clock, SOS bar. Bring your ID.'

As soon as he finished his words, the line trailed off with the constant beeping sound at him hanging up. I can't even with him. If he wasn't my brother, I would have killed him by now. 

I literally got to Seoul yesterday. Until now, I lived in Daegu, where I was born and raised. But I finally graduated and got myself a nice job, and that said job was in Seoul.

I didn't really have a problem with moving to Seoul, but I did leave everyone and everything behind. My parents, as they tend to panic, called Yoongi the moment I told them about my plans, and got him to become my babysitter. As if that's what I need. I'm 23, not 15. He is not even that much older. Barely 5 years. But he thinks he can be my father and brother at the same time. I suppose I should be lucky and happy to have a caring brother, but he goes overboard. Like the time when he threatened my prom date that he will skin him alive when he told me I'm hot instead of beautiful. I almost went to prom alone. Moron. 

I looked at the time and it was already past 5. I didn't even get the chance to get all of my boxes sorted out, and I need to leave in about an hour. With a bunch of people I have never met in my life. Thanks, Yoongi. You really helped. Dickhead.

I have no idea what kind of place this is or who the people I'm supposed to find are, but I need to dress to impress, so to speak. Yoongi did tell me about all of them being a lot older than me, so I need to be respectful. Although, his 'a lot older' could be a from a week older, to 10 years older, so I can't know. Based on the picture he sent me from one of the guys, I'd say they are maybe his age, but oh well...

With that in mind, I took out an outfit that I figured will be cute, but classy. A two piece set, a skirt and a little jacket in kind of beige colour, and a black jumper. I paired it with high-heel, black boots and did a bit of my makeup. Not a lot, just enough to look human. And as for my hair... I did the best I could to make it look like hair. The thick, blonde curls are currently a mess. I could only run my hands through them and hope it looks okay. 


After taking another look in the mirror, I got myself a taxi and headed to the bar, which ended up being about 20 minutes away from where I live.

I walked inside after they checked my ID, and instantly thought this is not the place where I'd usually go. This was... fancy.

The entire place was lit up in almost purple lights, with white couches covering most of the space. Glass coffee tables covered with drinks. People drinking and dancing around, acting as if it's a nightclub, although it is very clearly not. The music was playing in the background, just being the typical, upbeat, but still very calm melody, purely for the ambience, and just loud enough to kill the silence, but that you are still able to talk to each other without yelling. And it smells surprisingly nice.

'Ah, sorry. You alright?' Some guy kind of ran me over, but that was my fault. I was just standing there like a lost child at the mall, looking where to go.

'It's okay. Don't worry about it.' I smiled at the tall guy that was flashing me his cute dimples as his perfect, straight, white teeth were showing behind his stretched lips. That is a gorgeous smile.

'Sorry, again.' He nodded a little. 'Enjoy your evening.' He bowed a little and then walked away, turning once more to kind of look at me, sending me a tiny smile. Maybe I should move before I get killed in the middle of the way.

I pulled out my phone and opened the pic of the guy that my idiot brother sent me to find. As if it's that easy to find a guy in this mass, especially with these dimmed lights.

'If you can't see him, you will hear him.'  That's what Yoongi said. I remembered it the moment I heard a really loud laugh, and also very infectious. It came from somewhere ahead and a bit to the right, and my eyes got drawn to the place. 

A couch by the wall was filled a bunch of people. I counted 6 guys and 2 girls. I looked at my phone, then up, trying to test my luck, and boom. There he was.

Comparing the picture to the person, it was the same big smile, that seems bright enough to light up the entire place. He was almost sliding off the couch, holding his chest and another guy's leg who was next to him. He also has the same hair, just currently a lot messier. That is him. Thank fuck.

I sipped through the crowd, walking right over to the couch full of people, going straight for him. 

'Sorry, I don't mean to be rude, but are you Hoseok? Jung Hoseok?' I ask him, pulling over the attention from all of them

I didn't really look around just yet, but it's enough that I can feel them staring. That is a lot of eyes on me. He looked around at them as well as he calmed down from his laughing fit, then nodded, talking a bit confused. 'Yeah, that's me. Do I know you?'

'Oh, no. Kind of. Maybe.' I chuckle, probably looking mad. 'Yoongi sent me this and told me to find you.' I show him the picture

'Yoongi?' He looked at me like I'm crazy, then looked at the picture. 'He could have at least sent you a better one...' that mumble was to himself. 'Oh, shit!' He suddenly jumped up, scaring me and everyone there. 'You're his sister!'

'Yeah, that would be me.' I laugh in relief

'AYYY!' He suddenly slammed into me, giving me a tighter hug than Yoongi ever did, not that Yoongi is the most affectionate person, but I'm used to it. 'Nice to meet you!' 

'Nice to meet you, too.' I kept laughing as I hugged him back. What else do I do?

'Shit, I don't know your name!' He pulled away, acting like a total mess. 'What's your name?'

'I'm Amora. Min Amora.' I bow 

'Peeps, meet the female Min!' He kind of pulled me in front of himself, placing both his hands on my shoulders, acting like he's showing me off.

'Nice to meet you, all.' I bow to all of them 

'Welcome to Seoul. And to our little crew.' Another guy got up, offering his hand. 'I'm Kim Taehyung. Nice to meet you.' His little boxy smile was the cutest thing ever, and followed with those, tiny, almost messy dark curls, he is anything but cute. He is hot.

'Don't hog her!' Another guy, a lot more buffed, pushed him aside. 'I'm JK. I'm the best looking one here.' He giggled in some adorable way, flashing a smile that sort of reminded me of a bunny. His teeth kind of dug into his bottom lip as he squinted a tiny bit, squeezing my hand almost firmly.

'Nice to meet-'

'Calm down, you hormonal bastards!' A deep, but very clear voice scolded them, making them both click their tongue and sit down at his words. The man himself was so damn pretty that I would a hundred percent think he is a celebrity. With that handsome face, there is no way he's not. 'I'm Kim Seokjin. Lovely to meet you, baby Min.' He jokes

'Yeah, just straight up call her a kid. Your age is not making you any wiser. Dumbass.' A guy I recognize by those adorable dimples nudges him a little, obviously joking, and then he clicked onto the same thoughts. 'Oh, shit, I almost mowed you down earlier!' He laughs

'You did, but that was my bad. I was in the middle of the way.' I laugh back

'Nah, all my fault. I'm Namjoon, by the way.' He got up and shook my hand, both of us bowing

'Best for last it seems.' The girls who were sitting with them high-fived each other, making the guys roll their eyes and laugh. 

'I'm Noya Hwang. The resident model.' She was laughing at her own joke, but I wouldn't put it past her. She is stunningly gorgeous. Long, silky, black hair falling down to her tiny waist. Her eyes almost doll-like, coated by thick lashes, and her wide smile probably holds more money in those perfect veneers than some people's bank accounts. Her clothes tell me she's got deep pockets, too. 

'Don't make our Jin angry.' The other girl nudged her, enjoying the trolling. 'And I'm D. Well, DeiWoo Yon, but everyone calls me D.' She was not anything modellike, at least not in the body type. I am a girl, but those boobs of hers are hard not to notice. Damn. God blessed her. 

'Lovely to meet you all. Sorry about barging in like this. My idiot brother literally sent me Hoseok's picture and told me 'go to them', so there's that.' I explain

'Not at all. I do have to say though, if someone told me to do that, I would cry in the corner.' D laughs

'The social anxiety is afraid of you.' Namjoon jokes, having all of them laugh

'I have been told that before.' I can't argue that. I was always extroverted as hell. I should be afraid of running up to a group of unknown people, but I never was. I am more scared of a needle than I am of that. 

It did take me a good second to notice another guy sitting there, and maybe I wouldn't notice if he wasn't so quiet. So quiet that he stood out like a sore thumb.
He was looking down at his phone, his screen blaring into his covered face. I couldn't see shit besides his dark, black hair, but I didn't have to to notice that he was away with the fairies.

'You will have to excuse him. He is not the friendliest of people. It will take him a while to open up, but that's Jimin. Park Jimin.'

The guy lifted his head from his phone at the mention of his name, looking around for a second before his eyes landed on mine. 

The face that was covered and hidden until a few moments ago was now in clear view, with purple shadows playing across his skin. This guy has glowier skin than most women. And is definitely prettier than most women, too. High cheekbones, a perfect, small, cute nose, a jawline sharp enough to cause a cut, and the lips of a god. Or a goddess. I have never seen lips so perfect in my entire life. Full, round lips, a cupid bow that looks drawn onto his face, and the colour you could only get from smearing a cherry on your fingers is splashed over the soft looking surface. But then....

His eyes were burning through me, and it felt more like he was glaring than looking. I felt like I was being pulled into the thick darkness of his irises, as neither one of us spoke a single word. Even with all the music and the sounds and the talking, the only thing I could hear was my own heart. And it was racing. I don't get nervous, but this was something else. The was he is staring me down is causing my skin to prickle. 

'Who's this?' He asked Hoseok, finally tearing his eyes away from me, and only then I felt like I could breathe. Jesus that was intense. But now I'm surprised all over again. His voice is nothing like I imagined. I thought it would be cold and sharp, maybe a bit deep. But his voice is smooth and sweet. If I could compare it to anything physical, I'd say it would be velvet. Soothing almost.

'This is Amora. Yoongi's baby sister.' Hoseok flung his arm around my shoulders, introducing me almost happily, showing the same smile from the picture I have of him.

Jimin looked back at me, blinking twice before leaning back on the white couch and burying his face in his phone once again.

'Just pretend he's not here. We all do sometimes.' Hoseok mumbled into my ear, making me chuckle a little. I only laughed a bit to cover the uncomfortable feeling this guy left me feeling with, but what can you do. I did just invade a circle of strangers.

'GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OF MY BABY SISTER!'  I heard Yoongi screaming, and instant laughter filled the group. At least he's finally here. He came over with a huge gummy smile on his face, patting me on the head. 'You made it.'

'You didn't give me a choice, did you?' I punch him lightly as a joke

'Kids these days only complain.' He started clicking his tongue, telling that to everyone as he pretended to be disappointed

'How old are you, Amora? If it's okay to ask.' Jin asks me

'Not at all. I'm 23.' I smile at him, and the entire group makes a little awww sound. 'What?'

'A babyyy!' Namjoon coos

'Finally! It's not me anymore!' Jungkook celebrates

'I remember good old times when I was 23. Ahh... good one.' Jin pretended to wipe a tear

'How old is everyone if I'm a baby?' I laugh

'Well, JK and D are 24. Hoseok, Namjoon and Noya are 27. Taehyung and Jimin here are 26, and Jin is 29.' Yoongi answered as he pointed at everyone

'CALL ME OPPA!' Jungkook suddenly screamed at me, earning a smack from Taehyung

'When you start using honorifics, then talk.'

'Then I guess I'll call all of you with honorific except him.' I grin at JK

'Until this very moment, I wasn't sure that you're Yoongi's sister, but now I get it.' Hoseok laughed

'You will fit right in.'

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