chapter 4

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Ft.foxy:* gets up * ugh * and walks through the hall way * level s archives j-l r&d access and Grant Cohen management office * walks right and see a poster * work hard work happy fuck that * opens a door looks to see words all over the walls and plays the audio logs as nothing happened and grabs the wheel and walks to the archives and opens the door *
* As lights turn on showing ink people *

Ft.foxy: hmm* walks through the door see a audio log and plays it *

Susie campbell audio log -

They told me I was perfect for the role. absolutely perfect now joey's going around saying things behind doors. I can tell.

Now he wants to meet again tomorrow, says he has an "opportunity "for me. I'll hear him out. But if that smooth talker think he can double cross an angel and get away with it, well, he's got another thing coming

Alice, ooh she doesn't like liars

- end of audio log -

Ft.foxy: like I said he's a con man* looks around and see a book out of place and push it and push the others and walks through the door and walks on the catwalk and walks through the hallway *

Searcher:* appears *

Ft.foxy:* pulls of ink of the searcher *

Searcher:* gos away *

Ft.foxy:* puts the ink in the gent machine and pulls the handle*

* A gear comes out of the gent machine *

Ft.foxy:* picks it up and puts it on the machine and pulls the lever *

* As a ganda go's to the other side that's she's on then gos across *

Ft.foxy:* walks through the door then through the hall way*

Alice: I see you there my little errand girl. Your angel is always watching. What is that keeps you going ?

Ft.foxy:* keeps walking *

Alice: is it the thrill of the hunt?
The thirst for your freedom or perhaps... You're just looking for a friendly, little, wolf..

Ft.foxy: you better leave Boris alone !

Alice: Better hurry errand girl.
Boris is having trouble staying in one piece.

Ft.foxy:* runs *

Lost one: he always finds me ! Oh no! I just wanna go home ! When do we go home ?

Ft.foxy:.....* Walks through the door *

All lost one's:* looks at her *

Ft.foxy:* grabs the flash light and go's into the vent * hmm

Ink bendy:* appears and boops her nose and walks off *

Ft.foxy:....* Gets out of the vent and walks up the stairs and plays the audio log *

Bertrum Piedmont:
For forty years, I've built attractions that stagger the imagination ! Colossal wonders such as he world has never seen ! I have earned my legacy with sweat.

But right in front of everyone ... High level inventions, wall Street lycoons, the ever-factless Joey Drew introduce me, the great bertrum Piedmont, as Bertie ! Like I was his child.

You may be paying me, mister drew! But you don't own me ! I'll build you a park bigger then anything YOU could ever possibly conceive! But before you go taking any bows, mister drew, know that this grand achievement will belong to me ... And to me alone.

Ft.foxy: like I said Joey is a con-man * walks to the lever and pulls it then walks to the door * bendy hell ? * Walks down and plays the audio log *

Wally franks:

These guys down in the warehouse get to play games all day while I'm suck cleaning up after em! They keep locking themselves out of their own back room. So I say to em, look guys, I says, your smart right? Here's an idea! why not rig the games up to knock open the door if ya win?
It'll be fun for you guys, and it saves me trip down here every day.

They went for it like a dog to pot roast. I tell ya ! If these guys don't start realizing who the real genius is, I'm out of here !

Ft.foxy:* plays the games and walks the through the door *

* Time skip *

Ft.foxy:* plays the audio log *

Bertrum Piedmont: the biggest park ever built, a centerfold of attentions. Each one, more grand then the one before it. It makes my eyes come to tears at the thought. But then... Oh mister drew. For all your talk of dreams, you are the true architect behind so many nightmares. I built this park. It was to be a masterpiece! My masterpiece! And now you think you can throw me out ? Trample me to the dust and forget me ? No! This is my park! My glory! You may think I've gone... But I'm still here! * Breaks the desk *

Ft.foxy:* grabs the ax and break the gears and flips the switch then gos through the other door *

* Time skip *

Ft.foxy: I thought the would be more bad guys * turns the corner and see the projectionists *... * Walks past him and pulls the lever *

Projectionists:* chases her *

Ft.foxy:* go's to pull the other lever *

Projectionists:* disappears *

Ft.foxy:* looks and shrugs see and audio log and plays it *

Joey Drew:
I believe there's something special bin all of us. With true inner strength, you can conquer even your biggest challenges. You just have to believe in yourself and remain honest, motivation, and above all, who you really are.

Ok, let's stop it there. I can only do many takes of this trash day. And tell the guys in writing I want more use of the word dreaming in every message. Keeping railing on that, get it?
Dreaming! Dreaming! Dreaming!
People just eat it up that kind of slop. Hmm what? It's still on well, turn it off, damn it!

Ft.foxy: like I said multiple times* walks back through the hall way *

Projectionists:* screams and Chase her *

Ft.foxy:* gets in the little miracle station *

Projectionists:* looks at her and reach for her *

* As the door brush open *

Ink bendy:* runs and punch him *

Projectionists:* punch back *

Ink bendy:* grabs him by the neck and snaps it *{ no you will not hurt her }* says but it came it out as a grunt puts the the projectionists on the floor and rips his head off and throws at at her then looks at her and picks up the body and drags it away *

Ft.foxy:* gets out *....* Walks through the door and pulls the lever and gets on the cart *

Alice: and now, the ride truly begins, ft.foxy. Come in, and pretend it's all just a bad dream.


Alice: it's a funny thing. How so much can fall apart so fast. We never really had control at the studio. Either you in someone's pocket, or you were putting someone into yours. I just wanted what was promised to me. I just wanted to be beautiful! Surely you can understand that. Ft.foxy... why are you here? We're dying to find out. Do you just enjoy the terror of the drop into hell? Because if that's the case... Hang on tight. I've got a surprise...

Ft.foxy: ok ?* Waits *

* As the door opens *

Brut Boris:* grabs the cart and coughs *

Ft.foxy:* gasp * Boris!! No, no... What has she done to you?!

Brut Boris:* picks up the cart and throw it *

Ft.foxy:* gets up and runs *

Alice: Ha ha ha! Meet the new and improved Boris! I took what I wanted, and in return, I gave him so much more! And this time, there's no ink demon, no escape. Boris, tear him apart! Leave nothing!!

* Time skip *

Brut Boris:* coughing and falls back *

Ft.foxy:* crying *

Alice: No!!! No! No! No!... Why can't you ever just die ?!

Ft.foxy: im so sorry Boris

Alice:* runs at her but gets stab and falls to the ground *

ft.foxy:* looks *


Tom:* smacking the gent pipe against his robot hand *

Lolbit: hey sis

Word count: 1281

Me: hey guys thanks for reading this chapter this book is at 50% complete so yeah thank you all for now bye

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