batim chapter 3

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Ft.foxy:* wakes up * huh where's Boris* gets up *

Boris:* waiting for her *

Ft.foxy:* walks up to Boris* hey Boris do you know where the lever is

Boris:* tummy growls *

Ft.foxy:* sigh* your hungry * go's find the beacon soup then cooks it * here you go * puts it on the table *

Boris:* reach behind him then puts on the table *

Ft.foxy:* opens it and grabs the lever then use it *

Boris:...* Gets up and follows her *

Ft.foxy:* grabs the light* come on boris

Boris:* follows her *

Ft.foxy: dang it the door closed

Boris:* walks next to a vent *

Ft.foxy: got any ideas Boris

Boris:* grabs the light and claws though the vent *

Ft.foxy: ok then I guess I will wait

* As the door opens *

Ft.foxy:* walks and sees

Ft.foxy: I guess this is the place were they made their plushies * walks around *

Ft.foxy:* plays a tape *

Shawn flynn: I don't be seein' what the big deal is

So what if I went and painted some of those bendy dolls with a crooked smile ?

That's sure no reason for mr. Drew to be flying off the handle at me and if he really wants to be o helpful, he could be telling me
What I'm to be doing with this warehouse I got a full of that angel whatchamacallit. Not a scrap of that mess be a-sellin

Probably have to melt it all down to be rid of it all

* Tape ends *

Ft.foxy: k * unclog the gears and pulls a lever and opens the door * she quite a gal * and walks up to it *

* The lights turn off *

Alice: I'm going to kill you ahhhh * breaks the glass *

* As the room gos pitch black *

Alice: I see you there a new fly in my endless web come along now.
Let's see if you're worthy to walk with angels.

* As the lights turn back on *

Ft.foxy:........ Ok then * walks down the hall way * the demon or the angel ? You know what I want take on that ink demon he probably did something to y/n and the girls * walks down the demon path and plays a tape *

Joey Drew: there's nothing wrong with dreaming.wishing for the impossible is just human nature. That's how I got started. Just a pencil and a dream. We all want to lift a finger. They say you just have to believe.

Belief can make you succeed.
Belief can make you rich.
Belief can make you powerful

Why with enough belief, you can even cheat death itself.

Now that that... Is a beautiful, and positively silly thought.

* Tape ends *

Ft.foxy: he's sounds like a con man * walks through the ink and walks down the hall way *

Boris:* use a bendy cut out to scare her *

Ft.foxy: did you really to scare me Boris got anything to help us to defend ?

Boris:* holding a cent pipe *

Ft.foxy: this will do I'll go flip the switch you got this one * gos over to the other *

Piper:* jumps scares her *

Ft.foxy:* gets scared and hits him super speed *

* Combo x20 *

Piper:* screaming and blows up *

Ft.foxy:* flips the switch and meets Boris at the elevator *

Alice: you're so interesting... So different I have to say I'm an instant fan. Looks like you got a date with an angel !

Ft.foxy: I'm not a lesbian !

Alice: come to me now. Level nine. Just follow the screams.

* As the elevator stops *

Ft.foxy: I don't see her

Alice: come on, step out of your cage. There's a whole twisted world out here.

Ft.foxy: ok then * walks down the stairs and plays a tape *

Thomas Connor: These blasted elevators... Sometimes they open... Sometimes they don't... sometimes they come... Sometimes they keep on going to hell and back.

I keep telling These people, if Mister Joey Drew keeps cutting corners like this, someone's sure to end up falling to their death. And it sure ain't gunna be me.

I'm taking the stairs.

* Tape ends *

Ft.foxy: he's sounds like what he knows what he was doing * looks to see* she quite a gal * walks over *

* As the door opens *

Boris:* runs in *

Ft.foxy: Boris wait * runs after him to see bunch of dead Boris *
Oh Boris I'm so sorry

Boris:* looks at her then looks down *

Ft.foxy:* walks on the planks *

Alice: look around. It took so many to make me so beautiful

Ft.foxy: after killing a bunch of Boris but yeah sure 😒

Alice: anything less then perfect was left behind. I had to do it. She made me.

Ft.foxy:* walks over to the tape *

Susie Campbell: who would have thought? Me having a lunch date with Joey Drew! I apparently times are thought I'd than I thought.
For a moment there, I thought I'd
be stuck with the check.
But I gotta say, he wasn't at all what I expected.
Quite the charmer.
He even called me Alice.

I like it.

* Tape ends *

Ft.foxy: she sounds happy * walks to the door and the hall way *

Alice: hm. Now we come to the question... Do I kill you? ...Do I tear you apart to my heart's delight ? The choices of the beautiful and unbearable. How a girl to choose? Take this little freak for instance! He crawled in here... Trailing his tainted ink to my door! It could have touch me!
It could have pulled me back !!
Do you know what's it like? Living in the dark puddles? It's a buzzing, screaming well of voices! Bits of your mind, swimming... Like... Like fish in a bowl! The first time I was born from it's inky womb, I was wiggling, passing, shapeless slug. The second time... Well... It made me an angel! I will not let the demon touch me again. I'm so close now. So... almost perfect. Yes, I will spare you. For now. Better yet... I'll even let you ascend and leave this place. If you will do a few eensey weensey little favors for me first.

Ft.foxy: ok what are they ?

Alice: return to the lift my little errand girl. We have work to do!
* Close the glass *

Fr.foxy:* walks back to the lift *

Alice: I'll make this simple. Look for a valve panels the little wheels. Then bring me their power cores. Please don't make me regret sparing you. I can always change my mind.

Ft.foxy:* grabs the plunger and walks back to the lift*

Alice: there are a few simple rules to our world now. So little truths but there is one rule we all know respect down here beware the ink demon. Stay out in the open for too long and he will find you . For if you see him, you'd better hide. If you don't, well I enjoyed our date.

Ft.foxy: for the last time I'm not a lesbian!

Alice: now let's begin our work.

Ft.foxy:* walks up the stairs while killing searchers and grabs the first power core* 1 down and two more two go* see a tape and plays it *

Wally Frank's: I don't get it

Everyone's walking around here like grandma just died. Nothing but angry faces everywhere.

These people gotta lighten up. I mean hello! You make cartoons!
Your job is to make people laugh.

I'm telling' ya, if these people don't start cracking' a smile every now and then, I'm outta here.

* tape ends *

Ft.foxy: sounds people didn't like their jobs * gets the other power cores *

Alice: your quite the efficient little errand girl, aren't you?

Ft.foxt:* makes her way back to the elevator and gets in *

Alice: there's was a time where people knew my name. " It's Alice Angel!" They'd say. Feels like so long ago. But those days can come back. Dreams come true, Susie. Dreams come true.

Ft.foxy:* exits the elevator and walks back and puts the cores in the drop box *

Alice: my machine's are hungry.
Gather me some spare parts!

Ft.foxy:* grabs the wrench and go grabs the gears *

* Time skip brought to by jacksepticeye saying everyone dies while killing a butcher gang member and a searchers *

Alice: ah, that should be plenty. Return them to me. And try not to die on the way back.

Ft.foxy:* gets in the elevator*

Alice: Sammy said I had talent. He was always a good liar. Still, he was once a very handsome man.

Ft.foxy:* puts the gears in the drop box *

Alice: have you seen them? The swollen ones! They're just stuffed full of extra thick ink. It makes me sick! And yet... It's the perfect thing for keeping myself together. If you're going to catch them, you're going to have learn to move quickly. Come back to my door. I'll have something that you'll need.

* Time skip after ft.foxy collets all the ink *

Alice: how sickening! Makes my skin crawl! But the task is done. Bring me back my equipment, please.

Ft.foxy:* puts it in the drop box *

Alice: see those grinning demons let's remove them shall we. I got just the tool to make this more enjoyable

Ft.foxy:* grabs the axe and destroys the cut outs * that felt good

Alice: ah, now that was fun! Oh! But I forgot to mention he hates it when I do that. I would hide I I were you.

* Time skip *

Ft.foxy:* gets back and puts the axe in the drop box *

Alice: the disgusting watches have wandered into my hall, have been left unchecked! They're trying to drag me back into the darkness! Don't let them take your angel! Purge them one by on! Smash them into puddles! Kill them!

Ft.foxy:* kills them *

Alice: so quite. Like a welcome grave. I like the silence, don't you

Ft.foxy: well it depends on what it is

Alice: I hate leaving work unfinished! Fortunately, I have you to pick up the pieces. But you'll have to go even deeper. Down, down, down, into the abyss. Take the lift down. Say hello to and old friend. Sending you a little present. A little firepower. Take good care of it. It belonged to someone very special.

Ft.foxy:* see the Tommy gun and grabs it *

* Time skip *

Ft.foxy:* walks back to the elevator with the hearts and puts it in the drop box *

Alice: it seems we've reached the end of my to-do list, my little errand girl. I hope you enjoy our time together. I'll always treasure it. Return to the lift. It's time to go home.

Ft.foxy:* walks back to the elevator and gets in *

Alice: have you ever wondered what Haven is like? I like to dream that it's quite beautiful. A soft valley of green grass, blanket by a warm sun. I don't think I'll ever get to see it. Are you ready to ascend, my little errand girl? The heavens are waiting.* Giggles evilly * did you really think I'd let you steal from me?!
Did you really think I'd just let you go?! No funtime foxy! I know who you are! And I know why you're here! And you will not stop me what's needs to be done! Now come down and bring me back my Boris!! It's the most perfect Boris I've ever seen and I want it! Indeed it. I need it's insides so I can be beautiful again! Don't you understand? Don't you get it?! Give him to me!!

Ft.foxy: fuck you Alice Boris is staying with me !

Alice: or better yet, I'll take him!
Once... your... Dead!!

* As the elevator crash *

Boris:* shaking ft.foxy *

Ft.foxy:* opens her eyes a little *

Alice:* walking up behind Boris *

Boris:* still shaking ft.foxy*

Alice:* grabs Boris and runs *

Ft.foxy: Boris no * blacks out *

Y/n:* walks up *.....* Pulls out a medkit and fix her wounds * please be safe funtime foxy * gets up and walks off *

Me: this took longer then I expected but no matter it's finally done

Me: any way that it for now this Grimm mastchstick saying goodbye


Word count: 1979

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