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I fumbled with my fingers as Elena touched my shoulder, she seemed surprisingly calmer than before.

"Don't worry, we'll be out of here soon, we won't be taken." she told me quietly.

I honestly don't believe her, we're no match for these superior beings. Even as a werewolf, I tremble in fear at the bright red eyes and sharp canines, haunting my dreams forever.

"He's here, this isn't a good idea!" Trevor announced walking into the room we were in.

"No, I told you I would get us out of this. You have to trust me." Rose tried to ease once again.

"No! He wants me dead, Rose!"

"He wants them more!" Rose pointed towards me and Elena. I cringed.

Trevor started to panic once again, they really must be scared of this man, seeing as Rose filled me and Elena on the vampire basics, him being an Original.

I guess the whole idea of Elijah made vampires shake in fear. I wonder to myself, what's going to come after this? I'm sure it can't get anymore worse than turning into a wolf every full moon.

"Hey! What are we?" Rose asks Trevor, putting her hands in his. He seemed to find comfort in this statement "We're family. Forever."

A loud knock arose from the front of the house, signaling Elijah's arrival. Rose went to get the door, Trevor walked away to take a breather and come back shortly.

I pace back and forth while Elena starts to grow worried as I gripped onto the bottom of my dress.

"Tell me, Elena," I lowered my voice low."How do you know we're getting out?" she placed her finger on her lips and handing me a note.

Stefan and Damon are coming.

Who the hell is B? Is it Damon from the masquerade ball? All the possibilities ran around my head as we were in a state of danger.

Footsteps of two approached slowly, making goosebumps arise and the hairs stand up from the back of my neck.

Elena looked forward, turning me with her to face a man in a suit, gazing down upon our mangled appearances. His face showed an expression of shock  looking at us as Trevor walked back into the room, scared shitless. Elijah flashed over to Elena, grabbing her and sniffing the crook of her neck "Human. It's impossible." he breathed out, looking to me and studying my features. He smiled warmly at me and brushed a stray hair from my dirty face "Hello there, what might your name be?"

I didn't dare make a move as he brought my hand up to his lips, kissing it ever so lightly. "You don't need to fear me, darling, no harm will come to you." I sniffled as tear came to my eyes, he turned back to Elena.

"Well, us three have a long journey ahead of us, we should be going." Elena began to get terrified like me "Please, don't let him take us."

Elijah knew Rose and Trevor wouldn't followed what Elena begged for, wanting his forgiveness. "One last piece of business before we go," Elijah told us, walking to Trevor who cowered at the sight of the mighty Elijah.
"I've waited so long for this day, Elijah. I'm truly very sorry." Elijah circled Trevor like a shark around his prey.

"Your apology isn't necessary."

"Yes, yes it is. You trusted me with Katerina and I failed you."

"Well yes you are the guilty one, and Rose aided you because she was loyal to you then, I honor." Elijah stopped at Trevor's face, this is not going to be pretty.

"Where was your loyalty?" Elijah questioned.

"I beg for your forgiveness." Trevor sighed.

"So granted."

In one swift movement, out of nowhere, Trevor was decapitated.

My head spun and I fell and hit my head on the floor at seeing a man, no thing, get killed.

"Tell me where the moonstone is,"

My eyesight was blurry as I sat up, rubbing my eyes to see Elijah grabbing Elena, he looked as if he was hypnotizing her.

"In the tomb underneath the church ruins." Elena had spoken with no emotion as she looked Elijah dead in the eyes.

"What is it doing there?" He asked her.

"It's with Katherine."

"Interesting." His head and mine shot up as glass shattered in another room, echoing through the abandoned house. Elena gasped and struggled with his grip on her hair while breaking his trance he laid on her. I breathed heavily "What was that?" Elijah looked to me and frowned, looking to Rose.

"I don't know," she said, tears and anger present with her voice and appearance.

"Who else is in this house?" Elijah asked growing angry, but patient.
"I don't know." she said once again, showing the evidence of truth.

I grew worried of these intruders, who knows who else wants me and this Elena girl. I shifted from foot to foot, Elijah grabbing Elena and pulling her along with him "You stay there!" he shouted to me.

I was in no position to disobey him, I saw how he decapitated Trevor. Maybe I should see what's happening. I followed the three as they entered the front of the house, Elijah threw Elena and looked angrily at me.

"I told you to stay there!" he growled, he made me seem to be the most valuable out of the two of us. I moved next to Rose in fear, blurs of figures flew past us with such speed that can break a traffic meter.

"Rose." Elijah growled.

"I don't know who it is." she replied back with confusion of who the figures were. They kept whipping past us, surely giving me a head spin.

"Up here." A man's voice called, making Elijah run up the stairs.

"Down here." another called, but it sounded so familiar, where was it from?

Suddenly, a weapon fired, making a wooden stake to go through Elijah's hand. I screamed and ran for the door, but Elijah grabbed my hair and pulled me into his suit.

"Excuse me." he called into the air, hand still gripping my hair.

"To whom it may concern, you're making a big mistake if you think you can beat me:you can't." he said waving his free arm into the air, I struggled but he only pulled back harder

"You hear that?" he threw me to the side, walking to a coat hanger "I repeat-" he had ripped the coat hanger, a sickening sound erupting. "You cannot beat me. So I want the girl on the count of three, or heads will roll."

Elijah ripped the wood into a wooden stake, threatening the other vampires who dare defy him.

"Do we understand each other?" he asked, but Elena called to him, "I'll come with you. Just please don't hurt my friends, they just wanted to help me out." she's hiding something in her arms, it was so obvious, I used to do that trick with my dad.

Elijah flashed to her and let me free making her gasp "What game are you playing with me?" he asked, obviously pissed and suspicious. She pulled some grenade from behind her, pulling the tab and throwing it at Elijah, who's skin burned at the throw of it.

I cowered to the corner of the room, hiding from whoever was doing this. Elijah screamed and held his burned flesh. He continued to walk up the steps, but a boy came out, shooting him with some gun, but he kept going.

Oh my god that was the guy from last night.

The boy tackled him onto the ground, making them roll down the steps. Elijah stood above the boy, then Damon came from nowhere, stabbing him in his chest. Damon pushed Elijah to the front door, the wood piercing his heart as grey veins grew and engulfed his body.

My eyes shut tight, Elena and one of the saviors hugged. My guess was that they're dating. She muttered a 'thank you' to Damon.

Elena pulled away from the boy and walked towards me, helping me up. "I'm sorry you had to be involved in this, Ashlynn. This is Stefan and Damon Salvatore, they're good." she told me.

"I believe I met the eldest while he tried to kill me last night," I said angrily, but Damon just laughed.

"A simple 'thank you' for this would've been nice."

I smiled, "Thank you, Stefan."


Stefan walked back to the Lockwood manor, I rubbed my arms as we walked up the mansion's steps.

I cleared my throat and turned to Stefan "I know you were really there for Elena, you didn't have to save me." he froze at my words, uncomfortable with my sentence. "It's not like my dad is looking for me," I chuckled, looking down at my bare feet.

Stefan grabbed my arms "Hey,you have me, I wanted to save you, not just Elena. You won't be this sad forever, Ashlynn."

My eyes betrayed me, a stray tear fell down my cheek. I sniffed and wiped it away, stepping out of his arms and unlocking the door.

"You're a good guy, Stefan. Thank you, again." I told the vampire, he flashed his pearly white teeth to me. "Until next time, Ashlynn."

In a flash, he disappeared. I hope we become friends.

Edited 7•30•16

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