Summary: This one gives me all the feels, guys. I don't really know what to say. Bellamy finally confronts Clarke, and they have a conversation they should have had long before that.
Bellamy and Clarke were talking with each other. Clarke was so relieved that he was back with her on Earth, even though life was not easy.
She had missed talking to him. Six years. It had been six years, and they had just died down.
"Yeah, I remember that," Bellamy smiled at the memory. They were standing in Clarke's tent. He had pretty much just shown up at her tent to tell her she could go get her food, but then they started talking, and they both forgot about the food.
They both smiled as they shared the memory, and the room was filled with silence.
They both looked up at the other, but they both stayed quiet as they were looking into each other's eyes.
It was not an awkward silence at all, they were comfortable in each other's company.
"I'm glad you're back," Clarke spoke, breaking the silence. She looked down for a second before looking back at Bellamy.
"Me too." He spoke. He took a step closer to her and tugged a strand of her hair behind her ear.
Clarke looked back down on the ground, her heart suddenly going much faster than it had just a minute or two ago.
Clarke was not exactly sure what was happening as she tried to ignore the way her body was reacting.
She could feel Bellamy's gaze on her. Clarke looked back up and realized how close they were.
Clarke noticed his gaze falling down to her lips every now and then, and at that moment she wanted him to kiss her.
She was practically already breathless, and all Bellamy had done was stare at her and tug a strand of her air behind her ear.
Just as it seemed like it was about to happen, a voice cut off whatever was happening.
"Your food is getting cold," They both looked to their side with wide eyes.
Madi was standing there, a smirk was spreading across her face.
Clarke was flustered but nodded and followed Madi outside. She glanced back at Bellamy who had the same look on his face as Clarke had on hers.
The next evening, Bellamy was sitting around the campfire with most of the others. Clarke was in her tent.
They hadn't spoken that much that day, but they were both trying to figure out what the hell had happened that previous night.
Bellamy tried to think about something else than what his mind had been circling around for almost 24 hours.
It seemed almost impossible, and he felt like he was going crazy.
In the meantime, Clarke was in her tent, thinking about the events of the previous day too.
She needed to be alone with her thoughts. A part of her had wanted to just sit with the others at the campfire, but Bellamy was there too, and they kept making eye contact every minute even though they both tried to avoid it.
As someone entered her tent she quickly stood up.
It was Bellamy.
He could not take his thoughts any longer, they needed to talk.
"Bellamy? W-what are you doing here?" Clarke asked. He had this determined look on his face and it made her nervous.
He sighed. "We need to talk."
Clarke sat back down on her bed, knowing that there was no way around this.
"Talk about what?" She asked, kind of playing dumb.
Bellamy walked in so he was standing a few meters from her.
"About last night," He answered. "That moment,"
"I don't remember any moment from last night," She began. "Was there an interesting moment last night?"
She wanted to avoid that conversation so badly. Mostly because she did not know what she was feeling.
She knew they had had a moment, but she hadn't figured out exactly what that moment meant.
It scared her to have this conversation with Bellamy, maybe because she deep down knew exactly what it meant, and he knew it too.
There were so many unspoken words between them, and it was almost like they could feel them hanging in the air.
"You can't keep pretending it didn't happen, 'cause guess what?" Bellamy started. "It did," He did not sound as frustrated as he was afraid he would.
Clarke sighed. "I think I forgot how to breathe," She murmured under her breath. Bellamy heard but chose to ignore it.
"How do you feel about it?" Bellamy asked, referring to the event of the night before.
"I don't know. I-I just..." Clarke shrugged. "Do we have to talk about it?" She asked
"Yes," Bellamy simply answered. His heart was racing when the next words he spoke left his mouth, but he needed to say it. "We're not just friends and you fucking know it,"
Clarke looked up at him, shocked at his words.
She felt her heart beginning to beat faster again. A moment of silence followed before Clarke slowly nodded.
"What are we gonna do about that?" She asked.
"I don't know," Bellamy answered. He wanted her. He wanted her to be his.
"We can't-" Clarke began. "What if it doesn't work and-"
She was cut off by Bellamy. "I just think you're afraid to be happy.
"I am not!" She said, raising her voice slightly as she stood up.
"It's just-" She hesitated.
She took a deep breath. "I think I'm in love with you and it scares the crap out of me." She spoke quickly.
Bellamy looked speechlessly at her, and she once again stared back at him She couldn't believe she had actually said that.
It was true, but somehow she didn't realize before she just blurted it out.
Suddenly Bellamy didn't want to wait anymore. It was like none of them realized what was going on. They were not thinking, their hearts were ruling everything.
Bellamy walked quickly over to Clarke and grabbed her face before his lips met hers.
It took Clarke a second or two to realize what was happening, but when she did, she kissed him back.
Bellamy's hand found Clarke's lower back and pulled her closer. One of Clarke's hands were playing with his dark curls in the back of his neck, as the other held onto his arm that was still on the side of her face.
Bellamy was almost overwhelmed by the passion. It was clear that it was something that had been building up over a long time.
They both broke the kiss to get air. They were panting. "If we get caught I blame you," Clarke managed to say while catching her breath.
Bellamy chuckled before their lips were sealed together once again. They both pulled the other closer, even though it was not humanly possible.
They both felt happiness spreading in their bodies, and couldn't help but smile into the kiss.
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