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Summary: Modern teenage bellarke AU. Kind of reminds of a scene in The Kissing Booth, but anyway. Clarke decides to go to a party with Octavia. Almost the whole school is there, and things get out of control for Clarke, so she ends up drinking too much. 

Clarke had said yes to go with Octavia to the party. And she was almost regretting it. 

She had tried on multiple dresses and outfits, but Octavia kept throwing more clothes at her for her to try. 

They finally decided on a faint, simple blue dress. It was no problem with Octavia's outfit she had had it planned for days. 

They headed off to the party, arriving 30 minutes later than almost everyone else. 

Clarke had been to a few parties before, but never one with that many people. 

"Come on!" Octavia said as she dragged Clarke through the room over to the table with drinks. Random people that Clarke did not know greeted them as they walked through the room.

Octavia handed her a cup. 

"What is this?" Clarke asked as she looked at the red liquid in her cup.

"Relax, it won't kill you, I promise. Now just have fun!" Octavia said as she made a cup for herself.

Clarke had never been the type for parties, but maybe they were okay. 

Well, maybe more than just okay, she was having the time of her life. 

She had also lost Octavia at some point during the night, but there were simply too many people, so it was almost impossible to find her again. 

She had met Bellamy earlier that night, who was a little angry that they had come to the party, but she hadn't seen him since. 

There was really not any other people she knew. The house though - or mansion - was huge.

The livingroom drowned in people, and there were more outside. There was also a swimming pool, which Clarke thought was pretty cool. 

"I bet you can't beat us in beer pong." A guy that she had spoken with for a while stated. She couldn't remember his name. Maybe he hadn't told her. 

"Ehhh... CHALLENGE ACCEPTED." Clarke yelled excitedly. 

"Hey, you," She walked over to another guy standing a few meters from her. "Be my partner," 

The guy smirked and was quickly by her side. 

"Okay, ready to start?" One of the guys on the other team asked.

Clarke was about to nod when she got the greatest idea in the whole world. 

"What if the losers go skinny dipping!?" She yelled over the music. 

The guy beside her was quite satisfied with the request, he could literally not lose. 

The other guys agreed and they began playing. 

Clarke was surprisingly good at it - but unfortunately, the other team was better. 

Without hesitation, Clarke climbed up on a table and yelled: "SKINNY DIPPING!"

A lot of people turned to look at her and cheered, just as she was about to pull her dress over her head, she left herself being lifted off the table. 

"Hey, who is this?" She asked, drunk and confused. 

The person didn't answer, or at least she couldn't hear it. 

"You smell nice," Clarke smiled. 

As she stumbled into a car and found her way to a seat, she realized who it was. 

"Bellammyyyyy, heyyy," She laughed. She was in the backseat, and him in the drivers. She leaned forward to pat his cheek, which she did a couple of times before leaning back again while laughing. 

Bellamy sighed. "We have to get you home," He stated. 

"Wait, nooo, I was gonna go skinny dipping," Clarke complained. 

"Yeah, I could see that," He answered as he began driving. 

The rest of the drive home was a complete blur to Clarke. 

She woke up the next day, entangled in sheets. She groaned as she rubbed her head. She had the worst headache. 

She looked up at the ceiling as her eyes slowly adjusted. When she looked around she realized that it was not her room. 

She panicked for a second and looked down at her self, to find herself in her underwear with a shirt which was too big covering her body to just above her mid-thigh. 

The door opened and Bellamy entered. Of course, it was his room, she felt dumb, she had been in there a few times. 

"Goodmorning," He said. He was shirtless and his hair was clearly wet. 

"I'm sorry, I just forgot a shirt," He continued as he opened his closet and started looking around for a shirt. 

"It's okay," Clarke managed to say. This was by far one of the most awkward moments in her life. 

Glimpse of memories from the night before came washing over her. 

"Ughh, I was crazy last night, wasn't I?" She asked.

"Well, you were about to strip on a table and go skinny dipping with a bunch of guys so... yeah," Bellamy answered as he turned to face her, still shirtless. 

"Oh, and you threw up on your dress." He continued.

Clarke groaned again. 

"And don't worry, I slept on the couch," Bellamy said. 

"Why didn't you just drive me home?" Clarke asked as she stood up from the bed. 

"Well, our home was closer, and you threw up over your dress in my car, so I figured it would just be best if you went to sleep," He answered. 

Clarke looked down at her body again. 

"I guess the shirt means you saw me in my underwear?" She asked, tugging at the shirt.

"Yep," Was all he simply replied. Clarke sighed. 

"Oh, shoot," She blurted out, suddenly feeling like she was not wearing enough clothes and that she needed to cover herself up.

"Bye," She yelled as she stormed out the door and towards Octavia's room. 

Octavia was still sleeping, but Clarke just went through her closet to find a pair of shorts, knowing that it would be okay with her. 

She walked out of Octavia's room and went downstairs to grab her things. Bellamy and O's parents weren't home, but they barely were, so it was not unusual. 

She got her purse and was ready to head out the door. 

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Bellamy's voice rung from behind her.

Clarke turned around with a confused look. 

"The shirt," He said. 

She was so confused and hungover at that moment that she just began to pull his shirt over his head. 

"Clarke!" She heard Bellamy laughing as she was halfway through taking the shirt off. 

"What?" She yelled. 

"I was kidding," He kept laughing. 

Clarke sighed before heading out the door. 

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