Chapter 7: Who Gave Naruto Another Deadly Weapon

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'Talking to Kurama'
Kurama Talking
Kurama Thoughts

3rd Person POV

Naruto's jacket fluttered to the ground again as Zabuza began monologuing. Kakashi saw Naruto's movement and with simple eye-contact they made a makeshift plan.

Kakashi engaged battle with Zabuza. Naruto fell back and muttered his plan to Sasuke.

"While Sakura is distracted with those two and their jutsus." Naruto summoned his katanas. "You ready?"

Sasuke nodded. Kakashi got 'trapped' in the water prison. Truth be told, he probably could have avoided that attack, but in order for this plan to work, he was forced to be captured. Sasuke and Naruto completed their shadow shuriken attack in which Naruto was given a massive shuriken. His eyes gleamed as Zabuza narrowly avoided being hit by the massive shuriken. To add to that, two katanas materialized on his back. More deadly weapons, how entertaining. Naruto smirked and went after Zabuza who had, in turn, brought out his own massive sword.

During all this, Sakura and Sasuke grabbed Kakashi who had been released from the prison when Naruto brought out his katanas.

"Where'd he get those?" Sakura wondered

"Heh somewhere." Sasuke said with amusement. Never a dull moment with the Uzumaki around he supposed.

Naruto continued his attack against Zabuza, each swing of his swords getting closer to hitting the man. He had managed to get Zabuza to land again and Kakashi threw a few kuni into Zabuza's back. With Zabuza being distracted, Naruto was able to make a cut on Zabuza's face. It wasn't deep enough to scar, but enough for blood to leak out. He stumbled back touching the cut and from a tree, a few needles got shot into his neck.

"Hi." Someone behind a mask said. "I've been tracking Zabuza so thank you for allowing me to catch up to him. I'll be taking him now." They disappeared with Zabuza.

"This is the bridge. I thank you all for the trouble I've put you through." Tazuna said with a bow. "Come, I will show you my home."

Team 7 followed Tazuna until they got to his house. There, they met his daughter who fawned over them to make sure they were as comfortable as possible.

"We have 3 rooms that you can use, so, sorry but two of you have to share." She said while stirring a pot. "Why don't you get set up for the night and I'll call you for dinner."

"Yes, thank you." The 4 said with a smile.

"Ok. So, Sakura. You get your own room. Now, do you two want to share or,..." Kakashi whispered

"If Sasuke doesn't want to room together I could always share with you Kakashi." Naruto responded while looking at Sasuke.

"Choose whichever make you feel more comfortable." Was Sasuke's response.

Naruto nodded. "I'll figure it out."

For now, when they split off, Naruto put his stuff in Kakashi's room.

Before he left to find Sasuke, Naruto decided to mention something hat had been in his mind.

"Ya know," he began. "I'm pretty sure Zabuza isn't actually dead. Like I'm no a tracker but aren't they supposed to ya know, finish the body then and there?"

"Mhm. There's a very high chance that wasn't a true tracker and they were working with Zabuza."

"Absolutely spectacular. Well then, tonight when we all go to bed, just know there's a good chance I'll be practicing seals on a clone of mine in the forest."

"You can never be to prepared." Kakashi said as Naruto walked away

Two boys sat in Sasuke's room as Naruto had just finished help put things away.

"So, you never showed me the rest of these supposed seals now did you." Sasuke smirked as he voiced the thought.

"No, I guess I didn't. Why?"

"Well I'm curious. My 'dead-last' teammate actually has a body covered in seals that can summon different things. You went from being an open book to some 8 year old girl's diary that she locks up."

"Fine, it comes with a price though."

"Name it."

"You have to let me try a, quite possibly very painful, seal on you. Full disclaimer, I will be able to remove it and it won't kill you, just put you through hell if it works right." Naruto said. "I know I'm asking a lot, but for that price I offer all my seals."

Sasuke considered for a minute before he nodded.

A smirk danced across Naruto's face. "Lovely. Let's get started then."

He dropped his jacket on the side. "Now, you've seen this one." He gestured to the wrap closest to his wrist on his left arm "it summons my katanas. Moving up," he unwrapped the next one and summoned vials of liquid "these are poisons. The yellow one is your standard arsenic. Blue was formulated by someone I know and it essentially sets your insides on fire. Purple is my most recent one in which your body gives each limb it's own 'Charlie horse' type thing and makes you feel as though you've ingested lava." He put back the vials and moved onto his next seal, the other one for the left arm. "Finally this seal brings out paper to make seals. That's why it's so high up. If I'm ever out of it or lose my bag, I can summon some to write a fun little seal."

Sasuke looked in wonderment and in awe about how much his teammate knew and created. He rather enjoyed the real Naruto.

"The other arm now. There's less of these but, this one," He unwrapped the first of three marks. "This one had antidotes to poisons I've found most common. Next up, this one is probably one of my favorites, it just holds candy and shit like that." He brought out two Hershey bars. "Want one?"

Sasuke nodded. "Thanks."

"No problem. This last one here, I don't really know how to describe it." The seal was shaped like a crow and a dog depending on how you look at it. "This one, it's..... inactive? Yeah, inactive. I don't think I can use it anymore and I don't really want to try." The blond's eyes clouded over.

Something really bad must have happened to get that reaction from him. How do I comfort him though... Sasuke though as he watched the other boy shrink more and more into himself.

Then, Sasuke did the only thing he could even remotely think of. He hugged Naruto.

And Naruto brought his head up to see the Uchiha heir engulfing him in this tight hug and the blond could only respond by holding on to the raven haired boy like his life depended on it

"Naruto listen to me, you know what I have to do and why. You're a smart kid and if Shisui could see you he'd be so proud of you for being so strong. Remember, it's ok to show emotions, you don't have to be so cut off all the time. Kashi's always gonna be here for you too so never ever worry about being alone again because you're not alone. Look at that mark on your arm," The whiskered child looked down to his upper right arm and saw the crow-dog. "That shows that you always have someone beside you who cares. Make sure Sasuke does well for me ok? I love you very much Naruto. Don't ever forget it."

The tall raven haired boy pulled him in for a hug and Naruto let a few tears slip his eyes as he held his closest friend and his idol one last time.

"Good luck Ita-nii..." he said as the two released from their final hug. "You will always be amazing to me."

And Itachi smiled one last time for the blond as he turned around and let a few tears fall.

That was the last they saw of each other

"Naruto. I-Is everything alright? I don't think I've ever seen you like this before." Sasuke muttered, still hugging the smaller boy

Naruto scrunched his nose. He released the hug to wipe away his tears and smile. He took in a shaky breath and said, "Yeah. Im alright. Thank you for that. It, it's been a while since I've been hugged like that..."

"O-oh. I-it's been a while since I've been hugged like that too so I understand I think..." Sasuke said again.

Holy shit he's opening up to me. Tachi, he's really doing it. "Well then, I guess I'll just have to give you more hugs." Naruto said with a grin on his face.

"Wait wha-" the Uchiha got cut off with a hug from the blond. He smiled and gave him a hug back

Kakashi walked to the doorway to tell the boys that dinner was almost ready. He stopped at the sight of the two boys smiling and hugging each other. Well Itachi, Kakashi thought I can't promise he's not gonna still have an avenger's intent towards you, but he's opening up like you wanted. I hope you're feeling a sense of pride right now. Kakashi's eyes fluttered to his upper right arm where a hidden crow-fox mark resided. He, like Naruto, hadn't touched the mark since the massacre.

He smiled once more and cleared his throat to get the attention of the two. "Hey. Dinners in 5, be ready."

The two simply looked at him and nodded, a content look on their faces.

Authors Note:
Ok not gonna lie, got kinda sad while I was writing this chapter because, well there's not reason. Anyway I really like this chapter's content and yeah. Much love to you dear reader
~ Sky
(Written: 2/12/20 - Word Count: 1577)

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