Chapter 6: With Team 7, No Way!

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'Talking to Kurama'
Kurama Talking
Kurama Thoughts

Sasuke POV

Naruto Uzumaki, you sure are a strange kid. I mean, you dress like a human tangerine for 3 years and then you walk in like this?? It's just so bizarre. I mean, I always knew something was up, but I can't exactly pin down just one thing. Now though, now you've given me a chance to ask any one question free of consequence. But what to ask. How you threw that kuni into Tazuna's bottle of sake like that back at the Hokage Tower? Why the sudden change of like everything? Who you really are? There just so much I want to ask you.

"WATCH OUT!" Well, at least you still resemble your prior self.

Wait, watch out? "Watch out for what dobe?"

Shit. I spoke to soon. These two men, who Kakashi identified as the 'Demon Brothers' jumped out of this puddle in the road.

Sakura and I assumed a fighting position. Hers very formal to the academy, mine resembling my brother's. Kakashi kept reading his book and Naruto took an odd stance. I recognized a bit of it from watching Itachi train. It was very much like an ANBU stance. However, it held components of Itachi's, as well as that of an animal.

Someone yelled and a kuni left my hand. Sakura threw one as well. Naruto threw 2 and his jacket was also now on the ground. I watched the brothers gathered their bearings and talked for a second after a glance at Naruto. Then, one came Sakura's way. The other went to Naruto. I jumped to help Sakura first.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Naruto's arms covered in various wraps. He carefully unraveled one and brought forth a katana. Was that a summoning seal? On his arm? What's that doing there? Well, that's my question. Now just to finish these guys.

3rd Person POV

"So Tazuna, care to explain?" Kakashi said

And well, the usual sob story happened. Not enough money, didn't know the full extent of the threat, the usual.

"So, do we want to continue?" Kakashi asked his team.

"Hell yeah!" Naruto responded

"Hn." (Why the hell not.) Sasuke said

"Sure." Sakura replied

"Well you're in luck Tazuna. Let's make camp here. Naruto, Sasuke, you two share a tent as we are one short.

"Fine." Naruto and Sasuke simultaneously said

They went to set up their tent.

"Naruto," Sasuke began

"Hm? What's up?"

"My freebie question to you. What are you hiding under your wraps on your arms? I saw you summon a katana from one of them."

"O-oh. Can I answer that later? I promise I'll answer, I just want to do it in a more secretive place ya know?"


3rd Person POV

"Come on, over here." Naruto whispered as he dragged Sasuke along. He may not have been happy sharing his seals, but he would keep his word

The two came into a slight clearing. There were a few larger stones in which they sat.

"Alright. So, you have to promise not to freak out about some things, got that?" Naruto requested as he took his jacket off. Sasuke nodded

"Ok. Seals. You know what they are. For reasons I cannot express, I work with seals. They're fun ya know? Anyway, for same reasons I cannot say, I've created a lot of seals. Many of them, I test on certain people. Some I've tested on a few close friends. I test summoning type seals on myself. I have quite a lot and, well, they're useful for times like today. Like this one," Naruto unwrapped the bandage closes to his wrist on his left arm "it holds two katanas."

"Ca-can I," Sasuke began to ask

"See them? Sure." Naruto finished. He drew blood from his thumb, dragged it against the seal, and made a hand sign. From there, two katanas appeared. "Here," he offered one to Sasuke. "I know you want to try it. I can teach you some stuff." Naruto gave a genuine smile and Sasuke gave one in return as accepted the katana.

The two moved from the rocks and assumed a more or less of a fighting stance. Sasuke tried to imitate Naruto best as possible.

"Move your feet a part a bit more. Also hold the  sword more at the base. There you go. Now, the most basic moves..."

The next morning, the 5 were up on the road again. Naruto threw a kuni. Sakura screamed.

"What the heck was that for idiot??"

"Sakura, it's a snow rabbit. They aren't from around here. Something or rather, someone, who isn't supposed to be here, is." Naruto explained

"Naruto, you don't think...." Kakashi looked back

And that's when Zabuza, one of the 7 swordsmen of the mist, dropped from a tree.
Authors Note:
I lost the word count for this chapter so it's a mystery. Also, say someone understood chapters' 5 and 6 title names. Ahaha I'm a idiot and thought it was Friday all day so oops. Guess were just gonna have to live like this
~ Sky
(Written 29/11/20 - Word Count I lost it :/)

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