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Hi guys. I'm actually writing on my phone and it's 4:30am in Japan here as I type.

I wrote this story in 2014, and it's now 2020. Time flies, huh? A lot has changed, in the word and in my life as well. I'm not sure if anybody even remembers this story.

After looking back on the story, I have the strong urge to rewrite it. I love the story, the concept, everything, but I do see the potential for it to be even better if I polish the plot holes and character developments. So although Kissing Dylan was only partway done, this would mean I would start again with writing Beethoven from the beginning.

However, I do feel bad for deleting the chapters from the past that the readers have loved reading, so I decided I will keep all the existing chapters up.

What does this mean?

It means that I will be publishing a new story once everything is planned and written. The title and the blurb would be the same, but the contents of the story may change quite a bit. Don't be sad though! It means more chapters and more action and more Ludwig!
I want to write the best version possible for me and the readers to be proud of and be able to say hey, this is something that could be published.

It would also mean I will be discontinuing Kissing Dylan. When I finish writing the rewritten version of Beethoven though, I would move forth with rewriting Kissing Dylan, this time until the end.

I will post another update when I do publish the new story.

Thank you guys for always supporting me! Please stay safe and take care of yourselves during these unfortunate times.

Also, if there were any parts you never really understood about the story or the characters, or you wanted to read more about a certain scene, please feel free to comment and let me know!

Good night,

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