Finn eyed the suns slowly setting on Ahch-To, bathing the island in orange and pink as he gnawed on the inside of his cheek. It was almost nightfall, which meant if Rey didn't return, he and Poe would go after her.
In Finn's opinion, they should've gone after Rey a lot earlier, not only because of the sickening feeling of worry and fear in his chest but because Rey would've done so, too. Yet Poe had insisted on staying behind, not only in fear of losing Finn to the dark side, but because he believed Rey would come back.
And it wasn't like Finn did not have faith in his friend. He always believed in Rey and he never doubted her strength and smarts, but that still hadn't stopped him from his initial reaction to go after her just to make sure she would be alright, to help her, and so she wouldn't have to be alone in all this.
But she was alone in the hollow darkness while Finn was forced to watch the suns set agonizingly slow until he could finally come to her aid. Until he and Poe could go find her.
Finn's eyes wandered over to glance at Poe to see how his friend was holding up and saw him leaning against the pilot's chair with his feet propped up on the Falcon's controls. Finn silently chuckled to himself, imagining Rey's reaction. He knew that she would've been furious at Poe for sitting in her chair like that, so careless and relaxed, unafraid that he might damage the ship again.
Finn let the thought humor him a while longer before he sighed
He envied Poe and how calm he was, how he could stare into the distance without fearing the worst and Finn wished he could just lay back and wait for their time to head out too, but he couldn't calm his nerves when it came to his friends and their safety.
He just cared too much.
Finn pushed himself out of the co-pilots chair with a heavy-hearted sigh and headed to the back of the ship to search for weapons or other means for protection. Finn was sure he had seen a blaster in the compartment where Rey had kept the oversized clothes hidden from them and made his way to retrieve it.
As he was about to open the compartment, Finn stopped and remembered the hurt expression on Rey's face as she snatched the huge, dark sweater from his hands and brought them back to where he had found them, and frowned. He had just wanted to know who the clothes had belonged to and if his friend Poe had been hurt. He hadn't known that the sweater had a deeper meaning to Rey and that she had purposely hidden it from them.
Finn ran a hand through his hair and huffed sadly as his fingers rested against the compartment. He wished Rey would tell him who the clothes had belonged to and why she was keeping it a secret, especially why she was keeping it a secret from them, her friends, her family, the people who supported her no matter what.
But even though he longed for her to trust them with her secret, he had to respect her decision. And anyways, it wasn't like he didn't have a secret or two himself.
Finn quickly pushed away any doubt of Rey not trusting him from his mind and opened the drawer to reveal the blaster laying on top of the dark clothing again and grabbed the weapon to latch it onto his belt, his eyes unconsciously falling back to the sweater.
Finn couldn't point out why the item in front of him seemed so familiar, but there was a feeling deep inside of him that told him he knew who these clothes had belonged to. He knew, he just needed to find out.
And Finn knew just how.
Finn straightened his back and took a deep breath, focusing on the tingling feeling that had been awake inside of him for some time now to try and help him find out who the owner of the dark and damaged clothes was. But before Finn could place his hand on the fabric, the sweater, pants and shoes started to vanish into thin air, leaving nothing behind that could give a hint that someone's belongings had been lying in front of him.
"What?" Finn asked with furrowed brows, confusion painting his thoughts as he was left staring into the empty drawer. Yet as he was about to further ponder what had happened and why, Poe interrupted his thoughts with good news.
"She's back! Finn, Rey's back!" he called from the cockpit and Finn could hear Poe scrambling to get up.
Grabbing his bag from one of the bunks and quickly forgetting what had just happened, Finn sprinted to his friend's side to stare out of the Millennium Falcon. His heart was hammering excitedly in his chest as he saw Rey make her way to the ship and he couldn't help but let out a huge sigh of relief at the sight of her while a dark figure, who Finn chose to only briefly acknowledge before focusing his gaze on his best friend again, was leaning against her for support.
But the happiness of seeing Rey alive and well was soon clouded with something else.
Something bitter and scary.
Fear and concern took over Finn's calm as he realized that he couldn't feel her presence in the Force anymore. And the lack of her light chilled Finn to the bones.
She was clearly in front of them, clearly alive, but he couldn't feel her anymore, just like he couldn't soon after she jumped into the pit.
Something happened to her down there. Something bad, Finn thought, worrying his lower lip between his teeth.
"Who's that next to her?" Poe asked squinting to get a better look at the person next to Rey while unconsciously pulling Finn out of his thoughts again.
He then focused on the man next to his best friend and immediately felt his presence in the Force, a presence he had felt and feared so many times before.
"It can't be," he mumbled taking out the binoculars from his bag and turning back to look at Rey and the person leaning against her, the binoculars giving him the proof he needed to know that he was right. "It's Ren."
"Kylo Ren? Are you sure?" Poe questioned in disbelief.
Finn handed him his binoculars to see for himself and as soon as he laid eyes on the former Supreme Leader clinging on to their friend he asked, "Why would she bring him back? Is she crazy?"
"I don't know, Poe, but we might as well get to her. Just in case," Finn told him and unlatched the blaster on his hip handing it to Poe as he pulled out his own out of his bag.
"Yeah, who knows what kind of mind trick he used on her," Poe added as they made their way out of the Falcon.
Or worse, Finn thought about her lack of presence in the Force.
Both of them quickly walked down the ramp to meet Rey and Kylo Ren with grim and suspicious faces and Finn's nerves on edge as he stood in front of the two.
Yet there was something different about him, about both of them.
"Uh, so, what is he doing here?" Poe asked pointing the blaster Finn had just given him at Ren, the latter briefly glancing at the weapon in Poe's hand with a glint in his eyes before staring at both of them.
Rey glanced at her friends as she bit down on a small smile, and Finn noticed just how different she seemed and how she seemed more like herself again even though there was a faint glimmer of sadness in her eyes. Finn then took a brief glance at Kylo, eyeing his bruised, scarless face. Even though the man in front of him had been the head of the First Order, a man who had once tortured Poe, cut Finn's back open and who had been very strong with the dark side of the Force, Finn couldn't sense that darkness in him anymore. It was gone, like a raging fire that had died out. But there was something inside him instead, something that had emerged from the ashes.
Finn glanced disbelieved at Kylo Ren, trying to mask that he had felt the change in the man before him as his eyes fell to the dark and damaged clothes he was wearing. And that was when Finn realized whose clothes Rey had been hiding from them.
They had been his.
Rey had brought Kylo Ren back from the world between worlds, she had gone all this way to bring him back. But why she did it, Finn couldn't quite figure out after all Kylo Ren had done. But even though he didn't understand, he knew that Rey must've had her reasons and Finn had faith in her.
He relaxed the his muscles and placed a hand on the one Poe had lingering on the blaster to prevent him from attacking Kylo, causing Poe to stare at Finn in disbelief but let his hand fall back to his side as Rey exhaled relieved.
"It's a long story and I'll explain it later once we get home," she told them, her eyes pleading for them to accept her decision for now.
Poe eyed Kylo skeptically and took a quick glance at Finn causing him to shrug before he turned back to face Rey and their enemy. "Fine, let's go. Let's go home," he gave in annoyed and turned on his heel with Finn following suit.
On their way back up the ramp, Finn briefly glanced at Rey and Kylo and saw their fingers intertwine over her shoulder as she gave him support to walk.
He still couldn't quite understand why Rey had brought him back even though he seemed less menacing, both in the Force and by the way he held himself, but as he studied the look on her face and the way their hands fit perfectly into one another's, Finn knew that it had been Rey's plan all along to bring him back and that she hadn't told them of her mission because she had been afraid they wouldn't understand.
Finn still may not understand, but he did accept her decision.
After all, he trusted her.
Rey, Ben, Poe and Finn were about halfway up the ramp leading to the Falcon when Rey heared her name being called out behind her, causing her to stop and stare over her shoulders to see a woman with white hair and white clothing standing not too far away from them. The woman seemed to be glowing brightly like a light, and as Rey stared at her longer, the woman waved at her.
Rey noticed Ben staring over his shoulder as well and asked, "What's wrong?"
"It's nothing," she told Ben while staring at the mysterious woman calling out to her. She wondered if Ben could see her as well, but by the slightly confused and worried look on his face, she figured he couldn't.
Rey then tried to turn her attention back to getting back home, but the thought of wanting to know what the person calling her had wanted and that she was the only one who could see her, kept on swimming to the surface of her mind until she came to the conclusion that if she was the only one to see and hear her, then she might as well go to her.
"I'll be right back," she mumbled to Ben and stared at the backs of her friends, calling them, "Poe? Finn? Could you two help him up the ramp? There's something I need to do before we can leave."
She saw Poe glancing at Finn as if they were silently discussing who should help Ben, before Poe rolled his eyes. "Fine," he decided and took over Rey's spot before she thanked him and turned around to head to the woman calling her.
"Come on, Ren, let's get you inside. But let me tell you, don't even think of stepping out of line, you understand?" Rey heard Poe warn.
"It's Ben," he simply replied.
"What?" Poe asked confused.
"It's Ben. Ben Solo," he repeated causing Rey to smile before she left them for the mysterious woman behind her.
The closer she got to the woman the more Rey noticed that there was something different about her. She noticed that this was no ordinary woman, no ordinary person, and that there was something very powerful about her.
"Rey," she spoke as soon as she reached her, her voice soft and nurturing.
"H-how do you know my name?" Rey stuttered confused. She had never seen this person in her entire life and she couldn't figure out how this person could know who she was, but that still didn't stop her from coming to her as soon as she called for Rey. Rey blamed her curiosity for that.
The woman chuckled and glanced into Rey's eyes revealing the specks of yellow in her nearly black irises. "We've met before," the woman told Rey with a smile.
"We have?" she asked with furrowed brows causing the woman to laugh again.
"Yes, we have. In fact, it wasn't all too long ago," she replied not answering Rey's question precisely. Yet before Rey could ask her any further questions, the person said, "I came to you because you forgot something."
Rey eyed the woman in front of her suspiciously as she tried to remember what she could have possibly lost while she was on the island, in the cave, in the world between worlds, but she couldn't figure out what she could possibly mean.
"What..." she began, but before Rey could finish that thought the woman in front of her held out both of her hands for Rey to take.
As Rey carefully placed her hands in the other woman's palms she immediately felt a familiar feeling surge through her, a feeling that had always existed within her finding its way back home in her body.
The Force.
Rey gasped as she began to sense the Force around and inside of her again, feeling the presence of her loved ones and of the island before the woman let go of her hands.
"You have proven that you are nothing like your grandfather," she spoke and it was then that Rey realized who the person in front of her was and why she had known who Rey was.
It was the guardian of the world between worlds.
"You are your own person and even though you are the heiress of the Sith, you won't let that stand in the way of being who you are because you have a good heart, Rey Skywalker."
Rey glanced at her hands, feeling the power run through her veins again and back at the guardian, tears of joy distorting her view.
"Thank you," she uttered while escaped tears trickled down her face.
The guardian smiled sweetly and wiped Rey's tears away before taking her hands in her own once more. "May the Force be with you, always," she said and gestured to Rey that she should head back to her friends.
Rey nodded with a soft smile upon her lips and let go of the guardian to make her way back to the Falcon. As she started heading back, Rey took another glance over her shoulder and saw that she was gone again, leaving no trace behind of her existence besides Rey's memory.
"May the Force be with you," Rey repeated before she turned back to continue to head back to her friends.
Finn couldn't keep his eyes off of "Ben" ever since Poe helped him onto the Falcon and onto the seating area next to the dejarik board. Finn may trust Rey, but he still couldn't quite trust him. Not yet at least. There were still so many unanswered questions in his mind, the most prominent one being why Rey brought him back and why she trusted him.
Rey had hardly spoken about Kylo Ren, or Ben Solo, ever since they had been friends, the only time he could remember was when she had told him of her vision of the both of them sitting on the Sith throne, but other than that, Finn couldn't recall her ever talking about him, or that she could possibly have feelings for him, or what had happened to him in the first place. Finn and Poe had figured he had died during the war, and they had speculated how that could've happened, but after having seen the former Supreme Leader next to their friend, Finn started to believe there was more to the story, that he did not just fall in the war. Something else happened.
Finn eyed Kylo curiously again, leaning against the cockpit's doorframe, trying to read his mind but with no success as Finn had no such training or whatsoever to invade people's minds, so he watched him as he flinched from the pain in his leg as he tried to move in his position.
Finn fought back a chuckle watching his former boss, the big bad Kylo Ren, pulling himself together to not scream out in pain. A couple of years ago, he would've probably thrown a fit, destroying everything that stood in his way, but now Finn noticed how calm he was in comparison to who he was back then.
It was a strange, yet somehow an amusing sight to witness.
But Finn's amusement suddenly turned to bewilderment as he felt her presence surround him again and his eyes immediately snapped to look at Kylo, knowing that he must've felt her too and he watched as his face grow soft and his eyes widen before his eyes locked with Finn's. Kylo's brows furrowed slightly as he stared at him before Rey stepped inside the Millennium Falcon drawing his gaze immediately to her.
Finn mimicked Kylo Ren's stare as he saw Rey and noticed the smile on her face as she made her way to him. Everything seemed like it was back to normal again. And now she definitely seemed more like herself again.
"How?" Ben asked her causing her grin to reach her eyes.
"The guardian came back and told me that I am nothing like my grandfather," she answered with a huge smile on her face and he nodded as if he understood what she meant before Rey put a hand on his thigh and straightened her face while taking a deep breath.
Finn watched them from afar as Kylo gasped shortly after her touch and noticed how his bruises began to fade away, realizing that Rey was healing his wounds like she had with the vexis on Pasaana.
As soon as she was finished healing him, Finn witnessed something he never thought he would never see.
Kylo Ren smiled.
At first, Finn found it strange how different and less menacing he looked but he also started to notice something else. He noticed how much he looked like his parents, Han and Leia.
Both of his parents had believed he had good in him, even when no one else had, and Finn had been one of the many people who doubted there could be any good left in Kylo Ren, but now after seeing him with Rey, after seeing a genuine smile upon his face, he understood why they had strongly believed in their son, why Rey probably had too.
Kylo, no, Ben started to reach for Rey's cheek just before Finn turned around to face the cockpit, not wanting to see his best friend kiss their former enemy, yet he could still feel Rey's happiness radiate through the Force and he couldn't help but smile himself.
"I think they're in love," Finn mentioned to Poe who hadn't been paying attention to anything that had happened since they had gotten Ben inside.
His friend looked over his shoulder to Rey and Ben and scrunched up his face in disgust. "But how? Didn't he do a lot of terrible things? Didn't he hurt both of us?" Poe asked, his eyes still on the two in the back.
"He did, but I guess there are things in this galaxy that we won't be able to understand, this being one of them," Finn answered following Poe's glance to Ben and Rey as they watched both of them smile as he held her close.
"He doesn't seem so..." Poe began but didn't finish his sentence.
"He seems like he's changed," Finn finished for him and patted Poe's shoulder reassuringly before seating himself on the co-pilot's chair. "Hey, I'm sure Rey will explain everything once we get back home."
"Yeah, I hope so," Poe sighed before turning on some switches to prepare to fly back to Tatooine.
Finn glanced over his shoulder once more to look at his best friend, seeing her giggle in the arms of the man he thought was pure evil, the man he had hated the most in the entire galaxy, but as he sensed his presence once again, it still didn't seem dark anymore.
The man sitting there no longer was Kylo Ren, but Ben Solo.
And that may have been the difference Rey had seen all along.
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