The World between Worlds
Where is Ben Solo?#3- ReyxBen 10.12.20#10- worldbetweenworlds 4.11.21Rey headed to where she had trained in meditation with Leia. She sat crossed legged within the small clearing within the jungle trees of Ajan Kloss. Breathe she told herself attempting to shake off the dream, but the realness disturbed her. Just breathe. She sat eyes closed meditating breathing and slowly the inner calm she'd come there to seek flowed. She was a conduit of the Force and it flowed through her, centred and calm she ascended one with the Force. Around her rocks also began to ascend floating tranquilly about her like satellites orbiting their planet. It was a surprisingly peaceful moment. "Rey."Rey plummeted to the ground with an ungraceful thud as did everything around her. Cursing she stood and spun in all directions."Ben!" Rey shouted into the clearing, but of course, there was no answer. She searched about her, but even before she began searching the surrounding trees she knew he wasn't there.Written as a sequel to the Rise of Skywalker (the film, not my fanfiction version) and before the release of novelisation or at least here in the UK.If they were to bring Ben Solo back this is how I think they could do it.…