31. Blackmail

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Sherlock didn't want to go to the lesson anymore. He wouldn't be able to pay attention. And it's not like he needed a teacher telling stuff that he already knew. But leaving school wasn't an option. He had to stay on the school property to be sure that his John was safe. No way that he would leave school while John was alone with two people who probably would be the biggest criminals from whole Britain in the future. Sherlock decided to walk to his locker and plunked himself down there, onto the cold school floor. Sherlock's head was in his hands, elbows resting on his lifted knees. His breath hitched and his hand fisted his curls tightly. He tried his best to stay calm. There was nothing he could do anyways. He needed to figure out how to get rid of Jim. He couldn't lose John. he had fallen so deeply in love with him, he wasn't sure how he would continue living without him. he couldn't. There was no Sherlock William Scott Holmes without John Hamish Watson. Sherlock decided to text Mycroft, informing him about the situation. Something he preferred not to do.

An hour and a half later, the school bell rang. It wasn't lunch time yet. It was the ten minutes break. Sherlock and John doesn't meet up at this break anymore. Sherlock made that decision. He wanted John to spend time with his friends as well. Meanwhile he could visit the library. Of course John refused his offer, not wanting Sherlock to be alone during the break. But Sherlock kept telling John that he wanted this. John then finally agreed but told Sherlock that he will come sometimes for a hello and goodbye kiss.

Sherlock wasn't surprised to see John approaching him this time. He flopped down next to him on the cold hard floor, cross legged at Sherlock's side and slid his hand in Sherlocks. He placed his head on Sherlock's shoulder and sighed. Sherlock calmly shifted his head onto John's head, closing his eyes.

"I'm scared John." He muttered. John squeezed his hand, trying to comfort him as much as he can. While doing so a familiar figure approached them. Greg Lestrade.

"Are you two okay?" He asked out of breath, like he had been running. John nodded smiling up at his friend. Greg smiled back and continued speaking. Sherlock just sat there, looking blankly ahead, deep in thoughts. "Sherlock. Your brother wants you to pick up the phone." Greg informed. Oooh so they are texting now. Sherlock wasn't in the mood to ask questions about his brother and Greg, so he simply ignored the fact that the two were texting each other.

"Later." He grumbled, frowning as Greg disturbed his thoughts. 

"Maybe he found a solution for this." John said softly, craning his neck to look at Sherlock briefly. Sherlock just shrugged, deciding to phone Mycroft back when the break was done. John sighed looking up at Greg again.

"Anyways. If you two need help. I'm here." Greg assured.

"Thanks." John thanked him with appreciation.

"No problem mate." Greg said and wandered away and tugged his phone out of his pocket. Probably replying a text from the other Holmes. The ten minutes break flew by. Sherlock didn't say much. John kept his mouth closed, snuggled against his young detective. When the bell rang, John waited until the corridor was deserted. He then rose up and reached out his arm, inviting Sherlock to take it. Sherlock looked up with a questioned look on his face.

"Someone here needs a hug." John said warmly. Sherlock's face softened and he flashed a tiny smile, taking John's hand and got pulled up by the doctor. John embraced Sherlock, his hands rubbing between Sherlock's shoulder blades. Sherlock closed his eyes, chin resting on John's shoulder.

"Oh isn't that cute Sebastian?" a familiar high pitched voice said. Sherlock tensed up in John's arms. And John knew exactly what that meant. John turned around into Sherlock's arms, Sherlock holding him firmly against him. Sherlock turned pale, panicking inwardly.

"Hello Sherl." Jim said stepping closer. John took a step away from Sherlock, closer to Jim as in protecting him, but Jim simply started laughing at Sherlock's concerned pet. Jim looked at Sebastian, communicating without words. Sebastian put on a crooked smile and took a firm grip on John's arm, pushing him against the cold metal from the locker, away from Sherlock. Sherlock shivered, feelings his legs go weak.

"Get the hell away from me." John snarled. Sebastian sneered and pinned John's arms against the locker.

"John." Sherlock sighed anxiously. There is no point in fighting back with those two.

"Can't you just leave him alone? You've done enough." John yelled, trying to push Sebastian away, what failed.

"Oh what a sassy pet you found." Jim said as he walked closer to Sherlock, until Sherlock's back was against the locker. Jim trailed a finger over Sherlock's chest. Sherlock clenched his teeth. Jim was so close that he could smell what he ate for breakfast. "Oh and happy birthday love." Jim whispered loud enough to be heard by John who was struggling to keep away from Seb. But he stopped as he heard what Jim just said. His eyes widened and he looked at Jim with confusion, not believing what he just heard.

"Wait what?" He blurted out.

"Didn't he tell you?" He asked with a sing-song voice, smirking. Sherlock turned paler, avoiding eye contact with his doctor. John flickered his eyes to Sherlock.

"Why didn't you tell me?" John asked disappointingly, totally forgetting that he was pinned by Sebastian.

"John not now please." Sherlock muttered and swallowed hard, lowering his head.

"Why does he knows and I don't? Sherlock for god's sake it's your birthday!"

"I hate birthdays." Sherlock replied simply.

"When would you tell me that you turned seventeen?"

"Oh I like this." Jim interrupted. John sighed looking away from Sherlock. Jim leaned closer. "You know what I think about you having pets." He pointed out.

"Leave him alone." Sherlock said coldly. Jim's lips moved to his ear.

"Sebastian has a familiar knife in his trousers pocket. If you do what I ask you to do. Then do it." He whispered quietly. Sherlock nodded stiffly. This was it. His nightmare this close to come out. As long as he did what Jim said, it would be fine, right?
"Now. Don't move love." Jim added and stroked his cheek. Sherlock knew what was going to happen. He didn't want this, he wanted to push Jim away and run away with John. But it was this or a knife in John's stomach. So he had no other choice to listen. Jim leaned closer and brushed his lips against Sherlock's. Sherlock squeezed his eyes shut.

"What the..." John trailed off with disbelief.

"Move your lips." Jim whispered on his lips.

"No please." Sherlock shuddered.

"Now." Jim demanded. Sherlock reluctantly obeyed and began kissing him back, silent tears streaming down his face, which John didn't notice.

"Sherlock!?" John half-yelled with a croaked voice. Sherlock wanted to say something but Jim began kissing him firmly, showing him that he needed to keep his mouth shut. John had no idea what that was happening. Sherlock was kissing the enemy back. Tears were filling his eyes as they kept kissing, Sherlock ignoring him. John did his hardest best to get out of Sebastian's firm grip.

"Let me go!" He shouted, his voice mixed with anger and sadness. Sebastian took a step back, letting go of John, knowing that the mission was completed. John looked at the two for a moment, swiftly wiping away a tear with the palm of his hand. He sniffed before speaking up.

"Happy birthday." He said harshly and grabbed his stuff and ran away with disbelief.


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