30. Facing the evil.

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Sherlock opened the door and was met with John Watson standing in front of him with a wide smile plastered on his face. Oh he missed that smile.

"Good morning." John said cheerfully and kissed Sherlock on the lips. Sherlock cocked an eyebrow at John's happy mood. "Got something for you." John said, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips. Sherlock looked suspiciously at John and his mouth dropped open at what John just had revealed. John had a crown in his hand, well knowing as the crown from Elsa from the movie Frozen. He probably bought it in one of the stores from Disney land Paris.

"Please John don't tell me that I have to wear this." Sherlock whined, looking with disgust at the crown.

"Why not Princess." John teased, standing on his tiptoes, wanting to place the crown on Sherlock's curly dark hair. But Sherlock refused to have the crown on his head in public. He lifted his arms, stopping John.

"John god not here." Sherlock muttered, scanning the street. Some people were walking by, giving the two a stare. John began laughing adorably.

"After the dance then?" He asked, pouting.

"Okay." Sherlock said rolling with his eyes with a smile.

"Promise?" John asked, leaning his hands on Sherlock's chest. Sherlock pursed his lips together, not sure if he wanted to promise this. But he had no other choose with a puppy looking John staring up at him.

"Sure." He mumbled, crossing his arms over his chest briefly. John grinned, his arms circled around Sherlock's waist.

"Can't wait." John said amusingly. John then leaned into his chest, leaning his head against his heart. "Oh and Sherlock. I asked my parents if it's fine if I sleep with you after the dance." John started but stopped as he felt Sherlock tensing up. "Just like the movie night, just sleeping." He added softly, not wanting to send the wrong ideas to Sherlock's head. Sherlock's body relaxed at that.

"That would be perfect." He said and placed a soft lingering kiss on the top of the doctor's head. John smiled and took Sherlock's hand while pulling away.

"Let's go." He said. Sherlock nodded. They walked down the street, approaching the bus stop. John was talking about his adventures in Disney land. They waited on the bus, holding each other's hand as John kept blabbering enthusiastically about his weekend. The bus stopped in front of them and both settled them down in the middle of the bus. During the bus ride they had a small talk without anyone disturbing them. It was a relief for both of them. Some were laughing when they entered the bus, but John and Sherlock didn't care about that. Maybe they weren't even laughing with them.

They strolled to their lockers, grabbed their stuff and said their goodbyes. Sherlock smiled as he was looking at the back of John who was walking away. His smile vanished at the thoughts that John didn't know about his birthday. Maybe he should tell John? He sighed, shaking his head softly. It's not that important. It's just his birthday...

Sherlock kneeled down in front of the locker, rummaging in his bag, looking for his library card when suddenly he got roughly pushed against the locker, someone was pulling him on his feet. Sherlock startled, whimpering at the sudden contact. He then gasped.

He was face to face with the person who killed his dog Redbeard.

"You." Sherlock loud whispered anxiously. The guy sneered at him, letting go of Sherlock. The boy then wiped the creases away from Sherlock's shirt.

"Sorry if I ruined your suit." He grinned.

"Is Jim here?" Sherlock stuttered, turning paler. The guy smirked and walked away while ruffling with his own hair.

"Nice to see you again Sherlock." The boy said, looking over his shoulder. Sherlock began panicking inside. He just faced the person who ruined his life. Of course it's all Jim's fault. But this man killed Redbeard. Sherlock began hyperventilating. He took a deep breath to keep himself from breaking down. He picked up his bag and ran to John's class, wanting to be sure that he was safe.

Sherlock approached the classroom and looked through the window from the room, scanning the class. He spotted John sitting in the front, taking notes from his English teacher. Sherlock sighed with relief, knocking onto the window with his fists, trying to get John's attention. Immediately everyone from the class turned their heads, staring at Sherlock.

But of course there was one person, ignoring Sherlock completely, fixing his attention on the notes. Sherlock rolled with his eyes and flickered his eyes towards the teacher. He had her last year for History. Her hands were placed on her hips, staring at Sherlock with an angry expression.

"Sherlock get to your lesson!" She yelled as the classroom filled with laughter. At that John jerked his head towards Sherlock, his eyes widening. He could see that something was wrong. Firstly his expression and second, Sherlock would never disturb a lesson from John for just a talk.

"Excuse me." John muttered and leapt out his chair, rushing out of the class. John closed the door behind him with a frown. Immediately Sherlock pulled him against his chest, his arms wrapped around his body, holding him tightly. "What's going on?" John asked softly feeling Sherlock trembling.

"He's back, John." He whispered anxiously. John froze for a moment. He stroked Sherlock's back to calm him down.

"You sure?" John swallowed, stuttering a bit. Sherlock sighed, pulling away.

"His sidekick pushed me against the locker, I'm not blind." Sherlock pointed out, coldly.

"Sorry." John mumbled and scanned Sherlock his face for any bruises. "Did he hurt you?" John asked with concern, his hand stroking his cheek.

"No." Sherlock sighed sadly, his reddened eyes digging deep into John's soul.

"Okay." John replied, and clenched his teeth.

"I haven't seen Jim yet." Sherlock informed. John knitted his eyebrows together in confusion. He thought Sherlock was talking about Jim.

"Then wh-"

"The guy that killed Redbeard." Sherlock interrupted.

"Oh god." John said more likely to himself.

"I don't want you to walk alone, please don't." Sherlock pleaded, taking John's hands in his, his breathing hitches, hard and heavy. He didn't want to lose John. John was his everything. He was fine with being alone before he met John. But now, knowing how it feels to be loved by a human, someone who wants to protect you, be there for you. That's something he never thought he would find.

"I won't. Promise." John assured, squeezing his hands, looking with sad eyes into Sherlock's watery ones.

"I knew he was going to come back. I knew it." Sherlock said pretty loud and ran a hand through his hair. "He's going to try to get you out of my life John." He said with a croaked voice. He sniffed, trying and failing to control his sobs, and lowered his head.

"That won't happen." John reassured. As his sentence finished, the door opened and both jerked their heads to the teacher.

"John get inside now." She demanded, her eyes lingering on Sherlock for a moment before she walked inside. John grunted, looking up at Sherlock whose eyes were watery and red.

"Go, just don't walk alone okay." Sherlock said again. John nodded.

"I won't." He said and hugged Sherlock before he stared into his piercing blue eyes deeply. "I love you. Nothing will tear us apart." He whispered. Sherlock's face softened and a small smile grew on his lips.

"I love you too."

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