Norman x Searcher Reader

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You were a searcher, but a human like searcher. You looked like Sammy but your legs was a puddle. Your glowing eyes lit the hallways and you dragged your way around. The reason for this is because you ate hearts. They kept you human, and protected your memory.

You would hid down with Norman when Alice sent searchers after you.

You and Norman would watch cartoons together, he would place you on his back and travel around with you hanging there,

Till one day, you managed to get lucky and find three hearts.

You and Norman were staring at the three hearts and what to do with them.

"Should I eat em?" You questioned, looking high up to him.

He only responded with high pitched noises.

"Heh, maybe I'll get me legs back?" You mumbled, he stared at you then responded with yet another high pitch.

You grab one of the heart and take a big bite. Your body taking a better shape of that a human. You take another bite, after another.

Your body shaping hair, and skin.
Til finally your hips start shaping. Your legs shaping as well as you stand up from the ground. You wobble for a moment till falling face down, due to not walking for a bit.

Norman was quick to act and caught you, Helping you to stand. After a few lessons with him,

You held his hand for support as you started to walk.

You smiled, his light brighting as he felt joy for your playful emotion.

Your hold on his hand tighten as you noticed Searchers up ahead. He grabbed your waist and picked you up, your legs grab onto his waist.

He runs for a moment, finding a safe spot, when he faces your face,

He finally notices the position you two are placed in.
Your face turning a bright pink, strange.

"N-Norman.. how embarrassing! Tell a pal if ya gonna do that!!" You shouted as you hid your face in his chest. Nuzzling into his inky body.

He let out a high pitch noise and continued his day, with you, a flustered mess. In his arms.

"Norman!!!!" Your voice echoing through the empty hallways.

599 words

Wow, that.. that's really short. I'm so sorry if it's rushed-
So, as an apology.
Enjoy this short story ⤵️

"M/N.." Sammy mumbled, as he spotted his husband.. stuck.. again.

"Don't. Just don't Sammy.. just help me out." You mumbled, your waist and legs being trapped in the ink.

He let out a chuckled as he went behind you and rose his arms around your stomach.

"Ughh.... stupid ink puddles.." You mumbled as he popped you out.

Sammy laughed as he held onto you. Giving you a tight squeeze before letting go,

You hold his hand as he leads you to another part of the studio.

You loved Sammy, but.. Him purposely making you fall into puddles is not great.

... and that one time you fell face first was not so great either..

"SAMMY WHAT THE F-" You shouted as your husband slapped you on the ass, only to be shut up by a sloppy yet quick kiss.

You paused for a moment before realizing Sammy ran off so he wouldn't meet his end too early.

You grabbed an axe.
"You May be my husband Sammy. But this ring ain't stopping me from cutting of your arms!" You yelled, chasing after him.

He screamed like a girl as you chased him. Bendy was watching from a distance eating bacon Soup as popcorn.

He was enjoying the show.
So was Boris.


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