Bendy and Bendy x Reader

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"But! Y/NNNN!! "
Bendy shouted, complaining about why you couldn't play with him.

You were currently searching for hearts for Alice. And you wanted to be done with that as soon as possible but Bendy dragging on your leg makes it possibly harder.

"Bendy.. I'll play with you later, but right now I'm doing something- Ah! I got it! How about we play a game of hide and seek? But.. The hearts is hiding and we have to find them! " you came up with a brilliant plan. And the best part is he went along with it and helped you find hearts quicker. Expect, the fact the demon had a heart. In his hand

"Heya Mister! Can ya hand me that? I'm seeking for those!" Bendy reached his tiny hands up to the monster who looked down at him confused but handed him the heart,

"Hey Bendy! Where are ya? I know where the final heart.. is.." you paused to see Bendy talking to the huge demon that was trying to kill you throughout this entire time. Crap.

"Ohh! Hello toots! Meet my new friend! We're twins!" Bendy shouted towards your direction. The smiling demon stared at you.

A shiver crawled down your spine.

As the demon stared at you. It's toothy grin giving you a heart attack.

"B-Bendy.. um.. " You mumbled, as the monster slowly made its way up to your terrified form.

"Heh! Toots! You sure look scared! But don't worry ya still look cute!" Bendy spoke, as he crawled onto the demons Shoulder and looked down at you.

You opened your mouth to say something but nothing came out. But something else spoke for you.

"P..pretty.." The Demon spoke, poking your cheek.

"Yep! I agree with ya pal! And guess what? Their mine! Hehehehehhe!" He laughed. The demon stared at you, then at him. The demon chuckled,

"You too tiny." He responded, Bendy grew angry by that respond.

"No! I'm not! I'm just... tiny... GAH!" Bendy then hoped to your shoulder and wrapped his arms around your neck.

"Mine!" Bendy screamed. The demon chuckled again,

He then picked the tiny devil up by his neck, and let him go, he fell on the floor.
The demon wrapped a hand around your waist.

"Hey!!" Bendy yelled, crawling up and wrapped his tiny body around your chest, wrapping his hands around your neck.

Demon Bendy was gonna take him off you but you wrapped one of your hands around Bendy.

"How about sharing.. its simple.." You mumbled, still shocked over the fact not only one Bendy but two Benny's are fighting over you.

Demon Bendy shrugged and picked you up, now noticing Bendy has fallen asleep in your arms.

"C..can you take us to where ,. Uh.. the projections room?" You mumbled, letting sleep take over you body. Bendy nodded and started to walk.

You nuzzled into his chest and slept. Finally taking a nap after what seems to be forever.

Hope you liked that!
This idea popped up after I saw some Bendy and Bendy fan art! How it would be cute if they fought 24/7 over you!

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