Aw, how Cu- oh Shit it can Breathe Fire!

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Title: Aw, how Cu- oh Shit it can Breathe Fire!

The discussion later that night between the Wayne siblings was not a fun one.

Once the rest of the family had joined the 4 making buttons, Dick decided to break the news about the dragons.

To say his siblings took it well would be a lie. And since he wasn't a liar, Dick wouldn't kid himself like that.

They were definitely mad.

They were even more upset when Tim piped up, saying he and Babs had come across the dragons when they were "researching."

"What type of dragons were they?" Duke asked, biting his lip with nervousness.

Tim frowned, glanced around the room, and sighed, looking at Babs.

She shook her head, meeting each of the family's gaze. "A Welsh Green, A Swedish Short-Snout, a Chinese Fireball, and..." she broke off here and swallowed, closing her eyes to gather herself before continuing. "And a Hungarian Horntail. All female."

There was a unanimous intake of breath and the room went quiet as each of the siblings processed that information.

"Well fuck." Jason said, breaking the silence.

"How unlucky do you think I'll be?" Dick asked, laughing awkwardly.

Their glances among each other were answered enough.

Dick sighed. "Yeah. Thought so."

Tim shook his head, beginning to pace.

"Scheming face." Steph muttered.

"Definitely." Cass agreed.

Tim snapped his fingers, looking up with a slowly growing smirk. "I have an idea."


"Nice!" Tim complimented, observing the results of Dick's spell. "There's a few inconsistencies, but you should have it down by tomorrow."

Dick grinned, rubbing Tim's hair. "Thanks, baby bird. Are you sure this will work."

Tim curled an eyebrow, slapping away his older brother's hands. "Are you questioning my capabilities?" he said in a joking manner.

"Never." Was the serious answer.

Tim smiled, looking down at his feet with a red tint to his ears. Looking back up, he said, "Yeah. It'll work. Not for long, but it should be a good enough distraction."

"Thanks, Timmy. You're a lifesaver. Literally."


"And how is your relationship with your siblings?" Rita Skeeter asked, a thinly veiled smirk on her face.

Dick felt his eye twitch, and he was proud of himself for not snapping at her.

They'd been going at this for quite awhile. Rita trying to get some type of sick gossip on the Wayne's, and Dick responding in a sarcastic and snarky way. Skeeter was becoming the bane of his existence, and Dick's patience was wearing thin.

"I love my siblings more than anything in the world, and I would die for them."

Rita quirked an eyebrow. "And do you think they'd say the same about you?"

Dick looked up at the Heavens, slowly counting backwards from 10.

"Yes." he said through clenched teeth.

Her quill continued to write. Dick glanced down at the page and could hardly stop himself from attacking the vile woman.

Dick Richard Grayson-Wayne can hardly hold back his tears as he thanks Bruce Wayne for adopting him. Although there is a rivalry between him and his siblings about who will inherit Wayne's business, Grayson says-

"You're kidding, right?" Dick asked.

Rita had the gall to look confused. "Whatever do you mean, child?"

Dick growled and stood up, walking to the door. "We're done here."

Passing the other tributes, he gave a quick smile, saying "Good luck with her." as he passed.

Rita Skeeter was the type of woman that made Dick rethink Bruce's #1 rule.


The day of the first task was nearing, and Damian was. Conflicted.

On one hand, his oldest -and favorite- brother could possibly not be coming back 100% healthy.

On the other, dragons.

Damian had been begging his father for a pet dragon for white some time now.

Thus far, his wishes for a new pet have gone ungranted, but Damian is optimistic that with a bit more needling, he can win his father over.

But that isn't a story for today. Back on topic.

Damian was conflicted.

Dragons were great, majestic creatures, who -in his humble opinion- were a blessing to this world.

But he also didn't want one to kill his brother. It'd be a fantastic way to go out. Richard's name would go down in history.

But Damian didn't want his name to go down in history.

He selfishly wished for him to live a long life.

Not that he wasn't confident in Richard's abilities.

He was. Out of all of them, Richard was the one who'd be most qualified to fight a dragon (other than Cassandra, of course, but that goes without saying).

Damian sighed, handing a pin over to a Ravenclaw girl -who was busy eyeballing Jason- and glaring at her as she continued to flirt, obviously not knowing of social cues.

And they say Ravenclaw is the smart house.




Steph gripped Cass's hand in one of hers, the other locked tightly on Tim's.

The bats were all standing in the very front, side by side, anxiously awaiting the appearance of Dick.

Fleur was on the battlefield now, dodging flames and claws from the Common Welsh Green, but none of them could focus on her.

Damian was pale in comparison to his usual complexion, and Tim had kneeled down beside him and began to tell him random knowledge about various animals, successfully causing a distraction from Damian's nerves.

Cass was perched on the railing, Babs right beside her. Those two were probably the only ones actually focusing on the movements below.

Jason and Duke were on the other side of Damian, Duke gripping Jason's arm to keep him from launching himself at Rita Skeeter, who was grinning down at the fight between the Beauxbatons girl and the dragon.

After the article Rita had written, none of the Wayne's were happy. It was filled with jabs at their family relations and differences. And people were, unfortunately, believing the shit she'd written. Rita Skeeter had officially made it on their shit list.

But, Cass had let Steph in on some schemes that she and Babs were making, and all Steph could do was cackle.

Rita would get what was coming to her all in due time.

Fluer finally grabbed the egg, and applause broke out around the stadium.

It was time for the next champion to come out.

And wouldn't you know it, that champion just so happened to be Dick Grayson.

He stepped out into the field and searched the crowd, finally finding them on the right side. He grinned at them, winning.

Beside her, Cass smiled encouragingly and gave Dick a thumbs up, winking back.

The battle began.


Things could be worse, Dick thought, rolling out of the way of a blue flame. It could've been the Hungarian Horntail.

He glanced back at the dragon, taking in its beautiful colors.

A Swedish Short-Snout.

He could deal with this.

The dragon roared, showing off her sharp teeth as Dick threw an elbow over his face to protect it from the heat.

Yeuck! Apparently dragons weren't acquainted with the art of brushing one's teeth.

The dragon snapped at him, and Dick crawled backwards, glancing around his surroundings for a place to hide.

She roared again, this time letting out another hot flame, and Dick rolled to the left, barely missing the fire.

He wasn't, however, able to miss the claws that wrapped themselves around his arm, matching on and drawing blood.

Reaching for his wand, Dick quickly went fuck it and punched her in the eye, causing the dragon to let go in shock.

Wand in hand, he made his way to a large rock wall and slid behind it, clutching his arm as he did.

Gasping in pain, Dick took off his shirt, ignoring the whistles that came from the crowd.

He wrapped his arm in the shirt and glanced back out at the dragon, only to find it making its way towards him.

"Shit." he whispered, fumbling with his wand.

He pointed it at himself and whispered the spell he and Tim had been practicing the past few weeks.

"Replicaro." he whispered, closing his eyes for a few seconds in hope.

When he opened them again, he saw that their hard work had paid off, and the spell had worked.

"Hell yeah!!" he shouted, vaulting over the rock.

He was face to face with the dragon, and smirked.

"What's got you all fired up?" he taunted, launching himself onto her back.

Ha. Puns. He loves 'em.

The dragon growled and turned its long neck to snap at him, making him lunge farther down her back.

"Now, now, no need for so much aggression." he chastised.

The dragon snapped at him again, catching him by surprise.

And then, he was gone.

Gasps and even a few screams came from the crowd as Dick disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

Some students stood and craned their necks, trying to see if they would find his mangled body.

And that's when a whistle echoed through the air, drawing their attention.

The crowd broke out into loud cheers as they spotted Dick with the egg held high over his head, a proud grin on his face.

He'd done it. He'd gotten the prize.


The bats were all gathered in the medic tent, congratulating Dick and hugging him tightly, being careful of his now magically healing arm.

"Good job, Dickhead!" Jason exclaimed, "That was awesome!"

Dick grinned. "Thanks, Jay. And thank you, Timmy, for thinking of that spell. It worked perfectly."

Tim smiled shyly, blushing when Steph smacked her lips to his cheek with a sly grin.

Babs smiled fondly. "Cloning yourself to distract the dragon. Nice job." she said, kissing his cheek.

"Couldn't have done it without my support group." Dick responded, winking at them.

"Silly older brother." Cass sighed, laughing.

Duke nodded, inclining his head at the older girl. "I agree with that sentiment."

A small, high pitched, snort came from Dick's pocket, distracting them from further discussion.

"Oh, Dami, One got something for you! You too, Duke, Timmy." Dick said, reaching into his pocket and bringing out a small dragon.

"This is for you, Dames." he said, handing it to Damian, who looked like a child receiving the best gift ever on Christmas.

"I shall call her... Jara." Damian whispered, stroking the tiny Short-Snout as it curled up in his hand.

"Is... Is that a mini dragon?" Jason asked.

Dick grinned. "Bruce is never gonna be able to say no now. I imagine he'll be quite upset about having 3 of them."

"3?" Cass inquired.

In response, Dick brought out two others, one a Chinese Fireball, the other a Common Welsh Green. "Fluer and Victor gave me theirs when they noticed I'd kept mine and asked me about it. I told them that my siblings always wanted a pet dragon, so both of them handed me these two. Victor said something about how our love as a family is a strong force to be reckoned with, and he'd be honored for one of you to have his dragon. Fluer agreed."

"That's so sweet." Steph cooed.

"This one's for you, Duke." Dick said, handing him the Chinese Fireball, and passing the other to Tim. "And this one for Timbo."

Duke smiled down at the dragon, who made a cute little putting sound and grinned up at her new owner. "I'll name her... Solana."

"Pretty." Cass whispered, patting his back.

Tim smirked. "You think I should name mine 'Drake'?"

"Hell no." he was immediately shot down by everyone in the room, all very vocally declaring their distaste of the choice.

Tim pouted, turning to his girlfriend. "Alright, fine. Steph, what should I name her?"

Steph looked at the dragon, petting one of her scales.

"How about... Sage?" she asked.

Tim smiled, nodding in agreement. "Sage, then."

Jason nodded, turning to look at Dick, "So, what happens next?"

Dick glanced around at his family, meeting each gaze and smiling.

"Next... We get ready for the next task."


The spell Dick used is one I made up though the powers of fan fiction magic, to suit my purposes. As far as I know there isn't a spell that makes another you.

Also I really wanted Duke, Damian, and Tim to have pet dragons. So know it's happening.

Jara means Fierce
Solana means Sunshine
Sage means Wise

I think they're all very fitting names.

Edited: July, 2022

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