Ziam *Stay* (Always in our hearts Zayn Malik)

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Liam POV

I wake up, the bed warm beside me as i wrap my arms around the man I love, Zayn Malik. "Morning darling, sleep well?" I mumble out, moving my head to rest in the crook of his neck. "Go away you arse, I was asleep Li" He speaks softly, but a smile is on his lips as he turns to look at me. I curl up closer to him, loving the warmth coming off his body. "We should get up soon Li, we don't want to miss the photoshoot." Zayn says softly, kissing my forehead softly as he moves his arms away from my hold and gets up slowly, having his neck then back crack with each move down. "Only a couple more days Zayn...Then you can go home..." I say soft, hoping my voice wont crack. Zayn turns to look at me, eyes soft. "We wont lose each other. We are still together...Just not on stage." He speaks to me, helping me out of bed. 


We all group into our pre-show circle. "This is our last time as 5 lads. Lets make it the best yea?" Louis says, trying to lighten the mood. "No crying on stage. It will make me cry!" I say quickly, knowing tears are going to come.

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