Larry *Excuse me?*

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Harry POV

The door slams shut, getting shoved into the flat. I stumble, but quickly fix myself, knowing it's not the time to be clutz. "Clothes off. Now." Louis growls out as he slowly takes off his jacket. I strip fast, letting the clothes fall to the floor in a pile. I feel as sharp sting against my ass, a yelp passing my lips. "Fold them." My eyes widen at the stupid mistake I had done, my knees buckling making my body kneel onto the floor and fold the clothes with my shaking hands. "Hmm...which one" I hear him mumble, my body freezes instantly knowing what he is looking at. Paddles. My mind goes through all the Paddles he bought. Spiked, nubs, wood, metal, flat, soft padding.. I don't know how I will be able to sit for the next few days, or even week. "This one seems fitting. Don't you think Kitten?" He speaks softly, turning to look at me as he holds the nubbed paddle within his left hand. My gaze goes to the floor, my words just above a whisper "Yes Sir." Louis smirks, grabbing the leash. I bare my neck for him, giving Lou easier access to my collar so he can clip it onto the loop. Louis tugs on the leash making me crawl along with him, trying to do something right. "You know what to do once we enter the room Harry?" He glances down to me and I give a soft nod. "What is the safe word?" He snaps out another question, giving me little time to answer. "L-lace." My voice stutters and cracks, but the answer must please him as Louis does give me a slight smile. Louis opens the door, releasing the rope leash. I crawl into the center, head bowed, legs apart with my hands rested on top of my thighs. "Good boy. Now, why are you in here tonight?" His voice is dripping in anger, but his eyes are sad and angry with my actions. "I continually acted childish and embarrased Niall in front of his submissive Sir." My words come out soft, not loud but enough for him to hear. "Correct and how did you embarress the poor submissive?" He sneers out, circling my unmoving body. "I made faces and asked questions that were not needed Sir" I answer again, breathing in shallow. "Correct again my Kitten. Now, see this paddle in my hand?" He asks, letting me nod before he continues "It won't hit you. My hand will, including my rings." My eyes widen at his words as I have never been spanked with his hands along with the rings. "You may need the safe word today hmm?" He suggests, looking down at me. "Yes Sir." Louis taps his thigh once he sits, silently telling me to move. "Over my leg Kitten. You know the process." He speaks without emotion, waiting for my move. I lay myself across his thigh, making sure to raise my ass in the air to his liking. "30 spanks. No need to count." He says shortly, allowing me to nod. I tense up my body, waiting for the sting to start. "Relax or I add" My body goes limp at his words, not wanting to get more than 30. Louis hand swings down, smacking my arse sharply. A whimper leaves my lips but i quickly bite down on the bottom lip. "Good boy. You rembered to stay quiet." I purr a bit at the praise but then have it cut short as 2 spanks land on both cheeks at the same time. My body shudders, head hanging lower now as I feel more about to come. "10..12, 13, 14." Louis hums out, tears in my eyes now, my arse on fire. My breath comes out in short and shallow puffs as the next 2 are landed in quick sucestion. Louis must feel my body start to get limper, as he begins to slow down. "Color, Color Harry." His voice is quick laced with panic. " Sir." I softly mumble out, eyelids droppy and low. "I think we should stop haven't made it past 20 before.." Louis speaks softly to me, stroking my back. "N-no...wanna be good for you please." I sob out to him, body shaking with each hiccup. "Harry, you made it to 16. That's really good for you, I'm already proud of you." He turns me over, making sure to not let my bum rub against anything rough. I lean into him, whimpering softly as I reach for his hand. "You did so good Kitten, I'm really proud." Louis speaks softly, holding me close. I muffle a yawn into his shirt, curling up. Louis moves so we are laying down, softly stroking my hair. "Sleep sweetie. Im here" He hums gently, as my eyes flutter shut letting sleep take over me. 

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