Special Chapter # 2 - Zayn: Katy's "Almost" Groom.

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Merry Christmas guys!! xx Another special chapter as a Christmas gift and also a sign of gratitude for supporting this story. :)) I hope this is not too late as a present. xx :) Please comment / vote. I do love feedback. :)) Thanks! xx 

- yotherestyles xx


"Beautiful." Katy jumped at the arms that wrapped around her waist that she almost spilled her tea on herself. She was going to give her husband - because it was obviously him - a slap on the head but she heard the husky voice and felt his lips on her neck, leaving soft kisses. They just got married then, and Katy was still not used to calling Harry her husband or being referred to as Katherine Amelia Taylor-Styles. It was all still very surreal to her just when she thought the wedding wouldn't change anything because they were practically married anyway when they had Hayley. She was incredibly in love with him though, but maybe not as much as how Harry adores her. 

"Is she asleep already?" Katy asked, leaning her head on Harry. That day, Katy had to record some songs for her new album while Harry's day was free so he got the very rare chace of having alone time with his girl. Of course, when he has a free day and he has Hayley alone, going home to Holmes Chapel is in order. They spent the whole day with the Styles family, telling Hayley her Dad's childhood stories until it was time to go because Mommy will be waiting for them so they can have dinner. 

"Sound asleep." Harry confirmed. He unwrapped his arm around his wife and took her hand, pulling her to the couch by their fireplace. It was a cold December night and Katy has been feeling sick since the day before. "Let's have our little night talks, yea?" He asked, patting his lap for Katy to sit on it. 

Katy chuckled as she sat on Harry's lap, her back leaning on the armrest and her legs dangling on the other. "You mean like the little night talks we have after you've fucked my brains out of me." 

"Language, Mrs. Styles! There's a kid in the house!" Harry jokingly reprimanded and then he dropped his voice and smirked. "But if you want us to do that first before our little talk, i'm sure the talk can wait for a few minutes." 

Katy laughed to hide the goosebumps she felt. "I was joking! Come on now, you must want to ask me something important if you want to have a small talk.." She felt Harry stiffen a little which means he really was trying to stall the talk. This just got her more curious. "Haz?" 

"Can you tell me about.. Uh.." He cleared his throat. Another way of stalling. "Can you tell me.. About you and Zayn?" 

Now, it was Katy's turn to stiffen as she shakily asked. "Me and Zayn, Haz?" 

"Yea.. You know.. The three years that you were in hiding and it was only him out of five of us that was allowed to see you.." He reminded Katy as if his wife would ever forget. "On our way to Holmes Chapel a while ago, I asked Hayley about you and Zayn, and she told me how she first thought Zayn was her Dad and how he would always be with you guys.. I just want to know the truth.." 

Katy closed her eyes and sighed. "I'm sorry.. For lying.. I just.. I didn't want to get the band in trouble.. I just can't do that to you guys.." 

"Hey, we're all past that now.." Harry said soothingly, pulling her on his chest and kissing the top of her head. "I just want us to have no secrets to each other anymore.." There was a few minutes of silence which Katy seemed to use for thinking.. He waited patiently though.

"At first, I really tried to drive away Zayn from me.. I just wanted no one close to me that was close to you too.." Katy started.. Before she knew it, the whole story was already tumbling out her mouth. "But we both knew he needed me as much as I needed him. The days we spent together before Hayley was born was catharsis for both of us. It was like displacing our really strong emotions for you and Perrie to each other and it turned out to be something useful and good at that time.." She waited for Harry to speak but he was not going to. He was willing to listen to everything without inappropriate comments. "Things didn't change after Hayley was born, our friendship just grew stronger. Mom taught him and me everything about taking care of a baby.. Of course, she doesn't approve of me not telling your about Hayley.." Harry smiled at that one. "But she knew Hayley was my baby and everything's my decision." 

"Zayn was good with Hayley.. Or maybe with kids in general because of her younger sisters.." Katy continued. "The three of us had this amazing time together while Zayn and I got so comfortably close that the relationship turned into something... Physical.." Harry's arm around Katy's waist tightened but he kept quiet so she continued. "And then, Zayn and I got into this point of actually getting married.." 

"What!?" Harry finally couldn't stop himself. "You considered marrying Zayn!?" 

"You have to see our situation then.." Katy whispered, frightened that the past would cause unnecessary fights between her and Harry. "Eleanor and Clarisse were starting to make their distance from me then because they didn't want to lie to Louis and Niall anymore.. Especially Eleanor.." For some reason, tears rolled down Katy's cheeks. "Zayn.. He was the only one I had then. Hayley was two years old.. We started to think that being married to each other was for the better.. Especially in Hayley's case.. She would have a legitimate father if we get married-"

"She has a legitimate father! I was here, all this time!" 

"I know, okay!?" Katy stood and leveled her voice with Harry's. "See? This is exactly why I didn't want to tell you what happened. It's the past but we're fighting about it!"

"You considered marrying my bandmate, you don't think we'll fiight about that!?" Harry asked, standing in front of Katy. 

"Yes! Your bandmate who helped me deal with all the shit in my life. Your bandmate who treated your daughter like his own kid. Your bandmate who actually gave me love when I needed it!" She screamed in exhaustion. Katy was just tired of hiding shit. "We thought we love each other enough to get married.." She lowered her voice again. "It was three months before Louis proposed to Eleanor.. We were in Vegas, you guys were there for a show, then Zayn and I, we can get married anytime because we had the right documents. But he made me do one thing.." 

"What is it?" Harry asked, still angry. 

"He made me watch your show in Vegas.. He made a deal that if I still wanted to marry him after seeing you again, then we'll get married.." Katy sat on the floor and started to sob, not even looking at Harry anymore. "I tried everything to convince myself that everything's good now, that marrying Zayn was the right choice. That was my chant inside my head the whole way to your show.. I even went with Zayn then.." Suddenly, that night played back into Harry's mind.. 

"Zayn has gone AWOL again." Niall said as he joined Liam, Louis, and Harry on their table in the hotel restaurant. "Paul said he wouldn't be back until the show.." 

"What do you think is in Vegas?" Liam wondered with his eyebrow raised. "Zayn flew here three days ahead of us. He doesn't stay in his hotel room and he seemed to be tensed a lot lately.." 

"Maybe it's about Perrie.." Harry suggested with a shrug. 

That night though, Zayn was more cheerful on the Vegas show than the past fifty plus shows they did. He was joining in jokes or even cracking his own and he kept on glancing on the right side of the front row seats near Stage A. 

"I saw you that night.. After three years.." Katy continued, pulling Harry out of his trip to memory lane. "You were on that stage, doing what you love.. You looked happy.. But I don't think no one has ever been as happy as me when I saw you again.. Suddenly, it seemed like Zayn was out of the picture and I just pictured our family together..  You, me, and Hayley.. And it was one of the most beautiful images ever.."


"Zayn knew the whole time.. He even convinced me to talk to you that night but I got so scared especially when I saw Caroline with Olly in the show.." She was still sobbing. "I'm sorry I lied to you Haz, I was just so scared.."

"It's okay.. I'm sorry.." Harry said, sitting beside Katy and hugging her.

"It's you Harry.. It will always be you.." 


Louis has turned 22.. How did this even happen? Hahahaha! 

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Thanks! xx :))

- yotherestyles xx

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