Special Chapter # 1 - Harry & Katy's Wedding

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HELLO EVERYONE! First special chapter just for you! Sorry it took so long, I am currently swinging from one idea to another for my new story so I have a lot on my mind. Hope you'll like this one. There's more, I promise. :)

Love, love, love.. ❤ :)

- pocketfuloflove (previously expressthyself) :))


Years of has passed and a lot has happened. Still, Katy's relationship with her husband Harry never faltered. In fact, they've just grown more and more in love each day as they build their life around their family. Everyday may have been almost perfect but Katy still has her moments where she lays down on their bed, stare at the gold ring on her left ring finger, and just realize how lucky she was to find the person who has loved her through the highs and lows. These were the moments when Katy can't help but walk down her memory lane of special memories with her husband and their family.


August 2016 - British Virgin Islands

Nothing was going wrong - the weather was great, the venue was set, the minister has arrived, everyone who will be part of the ceremony was ready, the whole environment was perfect - but Katy can't help it, she was dying of nervousness and she doesn't even know why. Her beautiful white dress fitted her perfectly, her hair and make-up was gorgeous, she looked more perfect than she already was, but for some reason she feels like fainting and throwing up. The excited buzzing of the guests outside wasn't helping her situation either.

"Katherine, are you alright?" Katy's Mom asked. Katy was sure she just joined her to tell her it's time to start. "What's up, doll?"

"Is this even right?" Katy questioned before she can even stop herself. The bride stood up and started walking around the room. "Do I really want to do this!? Am I even sure!?"

"You're having second thoughts?" Mrs. Taylor asked her daughter softly. "Katherine, will you please sit here and calm down?"

"I can't!" Katy said loudly. "I should not be feeling this way! I should be happy, excited! Not confused!"

"You're scared, not confused!"

Katy stopped walking and turned to her mother in shock. "What?"

Mrs. Taylor stood and went in front of her daughter. She tucked the stray blonde hair, which have fallen on Katy's face, behind her ear and smiled. "You're scared, Katy. I can see it. You've been acting like that these past few days, Harry has told me. And he was afraid you're having second thoughts about the wedding. I told him I don't see why but now I understand.."


"You're scared that what happened to me and your Dad would happen to you and Harry." The older but nonetheless beautiful Taylor woman explained to her daughter. "Since me and your father divorced then, a lot has changed about you. I knew it was a manifestation of our separation but you have to understand Katy, your relationship with Harry is far different from us..

"We're not as strong and as sure as the two of you are. You guys don't take your relationship for granted, you know how to run it far better than me and your father know how to run our marriage. You've been through pure hell together and you survived and you're not afraid to give up something just to commit to one another. That's a lot more than what me and your Dad can do.."

"I just.. I can't.. Urgh." Katy groaned, trying with all her might to voice out her fear. "I just can't help but think about that.. And if ever that happens to us, I don't think I could deal with that as good as you've dealt with it, I can't lose Harry again, Mom."

"You love Harry, don't you?"

Katy nodded. "So much."

"Then stop worrying. Live for the moment, remember?" Katy's Mom asked her.

Katy nodded and took a deep breath just in time for her Dad to enter while carrying Hayley in his arms - the little girl wearing a white dress and a flower crown on her blonde hair with a little makeup.

"Hello baby." Katy said, taking her daughter in her arms and kissing its cheek. "You look beautiful."

"So do you, Mommy." Hayley answered then she grinned as she started playing with the strands of her Mom's hair. "I was with Uncle Louis a while ago, we went to Daddy. Daddy looked very handsome."

"Doesn't he always?" Katy asked Hayley with a hint of pride.

Hayley giggled. "Yea, but he's more handsome today."

Katy chuckled. "I'm sure he is."

A few minutes later, Amber knocked on the room's door and entered. "Dad. Katy. It's time."

"Good luck Mommy!" Hayley said and she kissed Katy's cheek before running to Grandma.

"Smile, Katherine. Alright? Harry's waiting for you at the end of that aisle." Mrs. Taylor reminded.

Katy hugged her Mom. "Thanks Mom."


Louis was carrying Hayley and standing beside Harry along with Zayn, Liam, and Niall. Harry was nervously tapping his foot as the entourage continued.

"Hey baby, how's Mommy when you went to her?" Harry can't help but ask his daughter although his very-soon-to-be mother in law assured him everything was fine.

"She looked great." Hayley answered with a grin at her Daddy.

"You sure?" Harry asked, biting his lower lip.

"Hazza, calm down." Louis said with a chuckle. "Katy is fine."

Harry just rolled his eyes and groaned, trying his best to relax. It was hard though, he hasn't seen Katy since after they ate breakfast that morning and after the way she has been acting lately, Harry can't help but think about the possibility of his bride running away from this wedding. His thoughts were interrupted when everyone stood up and the bride's wedding march started playing. All his worries were gone as he looked at the end of the aisle and saw Katy - all stunning and gorgeous - slowly walking down with her Dad. As his green eyes met the blue of hers, they smiled at each other, all their fears far behind them now.

"Mommy looks so fine, huh?" Eleanor - who was on the seat behind Louis' - asked Hayley who nodded and grinned.

"Hey." Katy said with a deep breath and a big smile as soon as she was face-to-face with Harry.

Harry grinned, his dimples showing. "Thought you'd never come."

Katy bit her lip to stop herself from laughing. "I was having thoughts but this certain little girl told me you looked very handsome, I got curious.."

Harry chuckled and shook Robert's hand before turning back to Katy. "What do you say?"

Katy smiled and hooked her arm with Harry's as they approach the altar. "You know what, I think even 'very handsome' isn't enough to cover it."

"You angling up for something intended for much later tonight, Mrs. Styles?." Harry whispered.

Katy laughed. "Oh, your unfailing dirty mind Mr. Styles.."


"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.." The minister said, smiling at Harry.

Harry returned his smile then turned back to Katy. He lightly brushed her fingers through his wife's cheek like she was something much more precious than a box of diamonds then kissed her. Katy liked it when Harry was gentle, she felt like she was the most fragile and important thing in this world.

As everyone cheered and clapped for the new Mr. & Mrs. Harry Styles, Harry pulled away and smiled at Katy. "I love you, Mrs. Katherine Styles.."

Katy blushed, she has waited years to be finally called that. "I love you too, Haz."


"What would change between you and Harry?" Amber asked her sister while they were watching the guests of the wedding during the reception.

"What?" Katy asked.

"I mean, technically, you've been acting like a wedded couple for a while now.. What would change?" Amber explained.

"What do you suggest?" Katy asked her sister hopefully.

"Just be the Katy that Harry loved and fell in love with.." Amber said, taking one of Katy's hand in hers. "Be the best wife you can be. The commitment marriage gives is a lot more complicated than just being together.. Just don't give up, okay?"

Katy nodded. Just then, Harry joined them. "May I borrow my wife for a while?"

Amber chuckled. "Of course, you lovesick fool.. What did my sister do to you?"

"Stop going all jealous and go get your husband." Katy retorted and she stuck her tongue out at her sister before pulling her husband to the dance floor. She wrapped her arms loosely around Harry's neck and Harry pulled her close, holding her waist tight as they sway to the slow music. "How are you?"

"Feeling lucky and happy as fuck." Harry answered, not thinking twice about swearing.

Katy smiled. "I hope you don't mind me asking Harry.. Why did you wait this long to ask me to marry you?"

"Because I was scared.." Harry answered, pulling Katy even closer that no space was between their bodies. "First, I was scared about the commitment.. Second, I was scared about you saying no because of what you've experienced on your parents' marriage.."

Katy nodded. "I understand.. But what changed your mind?"

"Possibilities." He answered with a smile. "I thought about it, the possibility of officially calling you mine.. The possibility of losing you because I can't give you the commitment we're supposed to have together.."

"Big words on the first night Mr. Styles, I can get used to this.."

"Be used to it.." Harry grinned. "Another thing, this gives me the right to spoil you without you complaining about it.."

Katy groaned and Harry laughed. "You can't say no to being spoilt now, Mrs. Styles.."

Katy rolled her eyes but then closed it as she felt her husband's lips meeting her own.

Everything was just perfect, 


Your thoughts, please.

- pocketfuloflove ❤ :))

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