Chapter 13

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Taehyung couldn't stay staring at this horrendous sight. His brain forced him into action and he made Y/N drop to the ground beside him.

She fell with a thump instead of crouching like he had. He cursed at himself for throwing her down so carelessly when she was still in shock.

But Taehyung didn't have time to comfort her right now. They needed to get the hell out of here.

"Stay down." He ordered, scrambling up to grab the bag they carried with them. He stuffed all essentials he could find lying around into the bag, as well as all the money they had earned this week. He couldn't risk asking Y/N to help him because if she was seen... well he didn't want to think about that possibility.

Once he finished throwing the last important item into the bag, he closed it up and turned around to face Y/N, but he dropped the bag at the sight that met him.

Y/N was at the window, looking out without even bothering to hide her face.

"Y/N what the fuck!?" He shouted, running to her and pulling her down. He looked at her in anger.

It was then that he saw it. Y/N's eyes were mortified, only terror filled them. Her cheeks were stained with continuous tears as she looked up at him in fear.

Immediately, his anger disappeared. He took in the situation and realised how stupid he had been.

Y/N had just seen the man she was supposed to marry carrying her father's bloodied head in his hands. How did he not think of taking care of her first?

"Y/N, baby, I'm sorry." He whispered, the term of endearment slipping out of his mouth unconsciously.

He pulled her into his chest, wrapping his arms around her back carefully. Her head landed on his chest but Y/N didn't make a sound.

Taehyung tried petting her head but he still got no response from her. Eventually, he pulled back and held her face gently in his large hands. Her eyes were now blank with shock instead of fearful.

"Y/N listen to me. Please look at me. Please Y/N." He pleaded. She finally looked up directly into his eyes.

"I'm sorry about your father. I really am. But if we don't leave now, we are going to be next. Liam will find us and either forcefully make you his bride, or kill you. Y/N you can't let that happen to you. You have to keep fighting. Your mother's wish was for you to be happy, right? Y/N we have to escape now if we want to make it out alive. Please. Get yourself together for your mother." He urged her, and she seemed to absorb his words slowly.

"For me." He added in a whisper.

Y/N's eyes cleared out of the daze that had set in, and she nodded slowly. Robotically, she got up and grabbed the little satchel she always carried with her.

Taehyung looked at her form worriedly. She still hadn't snapped out of her trance, but he knew there was nothing more he could do. Right now, he just had to ensure that she got out of here safely.

He peeked out of the window at the scene below him. The soldiers had gotten to their lodge too by now. They were banging on the door as he watched.

Taehyung had no ideas on how they could escape this. How the hell could they leave amidst all this mess? With tons of soldiers swarming around?

Y/N watched as Taehyung leaned back in his crouched position, his expression thoughtful but at the same time scared. Of course he was scared, the man outside had a guy's head in his hands.

She remembered his words from a while ago.

'For your mom.'

'For me.'

Taehyung. Of course! If they killed his dad, who was to say they wouldn't kill Taehyung? They were criminals. Murderers. Taehyung was the one who helped her escape, she owed him this much. She had to save him.

So she snapped out of her reverie and started thinking about how to escape. She pushed all her other thoughts to the back of her mind. Then she remembered.

"Taehyung! There's a back entrance to the lodge, the manager showed it to me one day casually. We can use it! I'm sure there wouldn't be anyone there."

He looked back at her with raised eyebrows. Then he smiled.

"Yes, let's do that. I'll trust you on it."

Those five words meant the world to Y/N. She had his trust. She had to make sure he was safe, even if she was taken.

Taehyung grabbed the bag he'd packed and they left hurriedly, taking the stairs quickly but quietly. They could hear loud bangings coming from downstairs, meaning that the men had already started checking rooms.

"Right through here." Y/N directed Taehyung to an empty corridor that said 'For service use only'.

"You sure no one will be there?"

"As sure as I can be in these circumstances." Y/N answered, praying that they could make it out.

They went through the dimly lit cleaning supplies room and finally reached the other side of the door.

"Okay there's no way to know if someone is outside or not." Y/N said, turning to look at Taehyung.

"Leap of faith." He whispered, reaching towards her and putting his hand on the door handle.

He looked at Y/N for a moment, looked into her pretty hazel eyes and her now fuller and rosier cheeks than when he first met her. He wished he could kiss her in that moment, just to gain some strength from her.

When the thought of kissing her registered, his eyes widened in realisation. He liked her.

He liked Y/N.

He wanted Y/N.

He had to save Y/N.

Taehyung suddenly changed his mind.

"We can't risk it." He said, backing away from the door.

Y/N looked at him, confused.

"Taehyung what other option do we have!?" She asked, incredulous.

"Y/N if they find you, they'll forcefully adbuct you. They might kill you or hurt you. I can't risk that. I can't risk you getting hurt." He clasped her shoulders tightly, looking passionately into her eyes.

Y/N simply stated at the man in front of her.

"Then you go." She finally said.


"You go out from this door alone and if you don't find Liam's men there, you can come back in and take me. If you do.."

"Then what?" Taehyung asked, sensing the tone of Y/N's suggestion.

"You can leave. You have to leave. Don't come back for me. I'll find a way to save myself." Y/N lied.

Taehyung's jaw hardened.

"You what?" He gritted out, hands tightening on her shoulders.

He felt anger course through him at the thought of Y/N giving herself up.

"You're talking nonsense. It's probably the shock. Just stay right here and I'll come get you in a bit." He ordered her, his tone hard and unapologetic. It made Y/N swallow nervously.

Taehyung headed for the door and twisted the doorknob while Y/N moved to the side to hide herself.

"Don't you dare leave Y/N. I'll search the whole damn lodge if I have to find you. But know this, I'm not leaving without you. No chance." He warned, then disappeared outside in a flash.

Y/N stood there for a moment, holding her breath. She had a decision to make.

Taking a deep breath, she turned around and walked back into the lodge. Towards her doom.

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