[Chapter 27: A War Beneath The Cosmos, Pt. 16]

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(Neuhaven Streets: 5 minutes ago)

Chaos is the only thing that could easily describe Neuhaven situation as people were running in terror, some screaming in horror or pain as they try to escape from the rampaging onslaught from the AGIs who were attacking every human on sight, bringing fire across the streets.

"We've got hordes of AGIs coming down on our left flank!" A police officer shouted as thousands of machines of various design and shape marched with weapons bristling as they bombarded the streets with chaos and destruction.

Firing various salvos across the streets as explosion rung with each strike their attacks made, though most would miss due to the distance between them and the city forces that where holding them back from reaching unaffacted areas of the city where most were evacuating to.

Drones from above shooting down AGIs as best as they can, but their numbers were limited and the thousands of AGIs that where rampaging across the streets were too many for them to properly take out... not to mention how some are more durable and resilient than others.

*Boom* *Boom*

Large sections of the city was reduced to burning wreckage as building where lit on fire, rubbles everywhere, roadways were reduce to small craters that burns through the night, billowing smoke can be seen everywhere as the battle rages.

"Hold the line! The military will arrive in thirty minutes, don't let any of those machines passed the blockades!" One of the higher ranking officer ordered as they take down more and more AGIs appeared that where heading their way.

"Damn it, were being pinned down here we won't be able to hold them back for long." The chief of the NPD curses while relaying orders across the 10,000 police officers and 1000 special force units of every station in Neuhaven scattered at the moment as they hold down the line.

*Boom* *Boom*

All seemed normal for the night before this had happened, everyone was doing their usual routine of either resting in their homes or working somewhere in the city... then explosion were heard and the next thing the NPD knew AGIs began attacking.

The source could easily be traced all the way back to Olhein Co., which made the entire NPD forces to curse at the company or more specifically it's CEO who doesn't have a bright reputation to the common citizens of Neuhaven city.

In fact many hated the man secretly and didn't much trust his words whenever an incident occurs, usually he would be bribing or threatening people to keep them quiet and prevent any leakage of any incident that involved his company.

But after this incident which Oliver can't really hide anymore or prevent catching the governments attention, the NPD would be very eager to put the man in jail after so many attempts to arrest him for alleged crimes that he'd committed.

The only reason he hasn't been arrested years ago was due to the lack of evidence and the fact he's able to avoid most arrest attempts for one reason or another, the charges would be put down before they can have a chance to arrest Oliver much to their own frustrations.

"Olhein Co, won't be getting away with this incident sir." Chief Bernard's second in command inform him as he blasted an AGI with his assault rifle, taking out the less armored one's quickly before any of them could reach their blockade.

"Damn right they won't be! That bastard of ceo of there's won't be able to avoid imprisonment after this, they'll probably even shut the entire company for good." Berdnard quickly remark as he relay new orders to their other forces spread out on the west part of the city.

*Boom* *Crack* *Boom*

"Breach! We have a Breach northside of our position! We need back asap!" Radioed by another police officer as he and his men tried to tale out the AGIs that had manage to pass through their energy walls that the use to blockade the area, a blessing gave by Nexus Corp.

However... the deployable energy walls are only able to soak up so much damage before it would have faltered, even with constant upgrade the shields would have their limits as everyone had noticed when the barriers started to fall.


A powerful blast of energy vaporize the hordes of AGIs wiping their existence clean as only charred ground and pools that where melted down by the intense heat of the attack that annihilated them.

"Is everyone alright?" Like an angel sent from the heaven's above Anne appeared whilst in her Exo-Fibre Suit, much to the relief of the ground forces to see someone friendly saving them from the rampaging AGIS.

Her ethereal glowing with that shot out feathery spikes that pierced through the AGIs thick armor and shielding with visible ease, the hardlight wings were more than powerful enough to pierce it.

Anne suit had changed to be more taller and bulky, yet still keeping a sleek design looking like a miniature mech suit that's 4 meters tall as weapons can be seen on her arns, shoulder and back.

"Yes, thank you miss are you part of the military." The officer asked as he brush the dust off his uniform, Anne nodded as she landed on the ground after dealing with the siren back at the office.

Mostly she was thankful for Sirius and Scylla for noticing quickly and shooting the siren down before heading to the docks where they are needed most, the number of siren detected their was a lot.

The officer notes the Azur Lane insignia, which made him realize that situation to be more dire of they are involved as it could only imply one thing, which he hoped is not... but given the situation, it's more than likely to be the case then.

"Yes, what's the current situation here in the streets? Have the AGIs breached the blockades? And what of your conditions? Can most of you still fight." She asks in succession as the officer nodded before answering her questions.

"Situation is terrible right now, we have receive reports across the city of nearly a hundred thousands of AGIs that were coming from the industrial district west." He answers before he then adds.

"We're trying to keep the situation as it is but our numbers won't be able to keep up with the AGIs continued assualt, most of us are fine though some are taken away for medical attention." The officer last said before looking back.

"Take out the stragglers, I will deal with their main force... tell your men to step away within a 20 meter radius from me, wouldn't want to have your men be harmed." She informed him as he nods.

"Copy that, I'll inform everyone about it... you sure you'll be able to take them ok your own?" The officer asked in worry not doubting her but he fine it hard she'll be able to handle it on her own, especially when there is so many.

"Who said I'm alone?" Anne asked just as two blurs zipped from above, they flashed through the streets of AGIs and in seconds, thousands of AGIs were sliced or destroyed much to everyone's surprise.

*Crack* *Fwoosh* *Boom*

"Hey boss! We didn't miss the party did we?!" Karl shouted from afar as he punches an AGI, while in battle mode as he towered 4 meters tall as well with a good layer of armor covering his body.

"No... Karl, you both arrive just in time it's good that you two are safe." Anne says as she communicated through their comms, the distance and noises being hard to hear each other thus they opted to use their radios to contact each other.

"Anne, we need to take out the AGIs on the south-west they're aiming to reach the evacuation sites there." Belle inform her as Anne nodded before flying off to her teammates as she light her weapons.

"Right, Belle you handle the light one's, Karl take out the heavy hitters, while I'll try to thin out their numbers, make sure none of those tin can reach a civilian." Anne ordered as her teammates nodded before they charged straight at the AGIs.

*Rumbling* *Ka-Booommmm* *Roar*

"What the hell is that?!" The officer ask in alarm, seeing the light coming from the dock near Olhein Co., industrial complex where a loud noise could be heard ringing across the entire complex.


Silence pervaded when they heard what Observer Alpha said... before moments later the machine roared, it's jaws opens wide as the cackling of energy could be heard, their own systems warning them of rising energy levels being amassed.

"Both of you quickly move! that machine is building up a large amount ot energy  don't let yourselves get hit!" Lucia warned through the comms just as Leviathan fired a beam of plasma as it zipped forward, both kansens reacted quickly as Scylla was the first to speak.

"Sirius watch out!" Scylla warns just as a beam zipped through the pavement of the ground, annihilating everything in its path as a deep chasm bore the earth where the beam had struck while Sirius grits her teeth as she was sweating a bit.

Had gripping her blade tightly while she glared sharply at the siren monstrosity before them, Leviathan below, it's maw cackling with energy from firing they powerful blast that had destroyed much of the industrial complex to ruble now.

"Damn it! We can't get close to that thing it's shield are too powerful for us to get a close shot." Sirius exclaims with frustration evident in her eyes, Scylla is not far away from her looking also the same, both faced Leviathan below them.

"We just need to hold as long as possible the others are close, our radars detect they'll be here any minute now we just have to keep her distracted." Scylla tells her as Dido nodded but the two knew they can't keep her distracted for much long given it's the machine's firepower.

"Hahaha~ what's the matter my little maid? Having trouble?" Observer Alpha voice taunting from Leviathan the colossal machine was not giving the two of them a chance to react as several of it's batteries fired, launching shells of highly exotic explosives.

*Multiple Explosion*

"Sirius cover me!" Scylla asks before she spun through the air, weaving through the incoming barrages as she pulled her blade, it's spark with energy, sending arcs of energy as it collided with the incoming volley of attack towards them.

Both kansens moved to dodged from the incoming attacks, weaving through the air as they tried to intercept the attacks with their own. "Scylla fire your interceptor missiles!" Sirius informs her sister as they fire their missile.

*Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

Their counterattack struck the incoming barrages, creating a chain of explosions in the air as both kansens aimed their cannons towards Leviathann, they fired and several beams of incandescent light struck the beasts.

"Damn it, those shields are still holding." Sirius curses while observing the pale red field that surrounded the machine, it emanates visibly, brightening the night as Leviathan launched its planes.

"Bombers incoming!" Scylla warned as they both scattered, cannons aimed up.[Switching Ammo: Scattershot shells] their system inform just before the fired, the shells were launched into the air.

*Beep* *Hiss* *Clank*

The shells splits apart half way to their targets, releasing a hissing noise as the containers holding their payload were blown away, multiple small spherical rounds scattered across the air before impacting the incoming bomber drones.

*Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

Explosion resonates across the air as the drones where shot down, however their was still more that were not shot down... releasing their payload. "Aagh!" Scylla yelps slightly as a bomb exploded near her, luckily her shields absorbed most of the impact leaving her lightly dazed.

"Scylla!" Sirius called out which was a mistake as she lost focused and didn't noticed the beam heading her way, the attack struck before she could react causing her to be blow to a nearby ruin of the industrial complex.

*Bang* *Crack*

She tumbled and skid through the cold ground, smashing through a pile of rubbles... but her shield had kept her uninjured, though it left her dizzy for a few seconds before she could regain herself as Scylla rushed over to her side.

"Sirius are you alright?!" Caelus calls out through their comms, worry evident in his eyes as their health monitor showed that they are still stable for the most part, though they do noticed that their shields were dropping down very fast.

"I'm alright admiral... just feel a bit dizzy that's all, no worries I can still fight." Sirius informs him, assuring Caelus and the others that she is not yet out of the fight as Scylla helps her stand up again.

"Sirius and Scylla aren't powerful enough to take out Leviathan's shield, if this keeps up the others won't be able to make it in time." Elicia informed while trying to find a weak spot that they could exploit, knowing they need to finish the battle before it could bring more harm.

Which is becoming hard to achieve due to their signal being scrambled by whatever technology that the sirens had deployed to make their connection blurry and unresponsive every few seconds of the battle that was escalating.

"Charlotte, Elicia see if you both can find any weakness or something that they can use to take out the shields, something that big must need a large source of energy to keep itself running, see if you can find a way to cut it's supply." Caelus ordered to two subordinates who acted quickly.


Another blast of energy that tore over a hundred meters of ground, creating a second chasm with scorched dirt, stones and gravel that burned lightly from the beams intense heat, both kansens had a sweat on their forehead as they dodge it.

"Sawblades incoming!!" Lucia warned as several sharp spinning blades flew onto Scylla direction, the kansen raised her blade to block the incoming attack, her sword caused sparks of flashes with the first blade she split with her own sword.

*Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

"The hell?! These things explode!" Lucia exclaims once she noticed the shuriken blades detonating with Scylla blade the latter grunting slightly from the force of the explosion but nonetheless was still uninjured but her shield further drops.

"Shoot them down, don't get too close or your shields will reach critical levels." Caelus warned to the kansens as they used their cannons to shoot the blades, rather than cutting them down, however this wasn't the only attacks the two had to watch out.

*Vvvmmm* *Boom*

"Ugh!" Sirius wince as her shield was hit by an exotic shell, feeling the effects of the attack as shocks of electricity course through her shields some of which had even manage to bypass her own shields. "Scylla cover me, I've got paralyzed by whatever that things was." Sirius asked.

"Fufufu~ like my little gift? It brings an electrifying sensation to the body... though it'll be hard for you to move until the effects dissipate." Observer Alpha informs her with mockery in her tone. "Keep close sister, leave the rest to me." Scylla assured as Sirius thanks her.

"Paralysis won't last long, just keep your sister for the next 18 seconds, Scylla." Charlotte inform as Scylla nodded while keeping Sirius close. "It is futile to keep fighting, your sister is immobilized... just surrender while you still can." But Scylla didn't listened as she kept her guard.

*Boom* *Boom*

"Like hell will I listen to you." Scylla says back, cannons charged to its maximum level. [Warning! You are nearing critical levels please lower the output immediately] Scylla system warns her, luckily she wasn't going to the extreme.

*Vvvmmm* *Booommmm*

Scylla cannons fired dark streak of blue lights, it struck the Leviathan shields, before releasing a powerful explosion the blinded the entire surrounding, the force was powerful enough to blow the nearby rubbles.

Seconds passed as the light died down... Scylla panted feeling a large portion of her energy being drained from that last attack she had launched, destroying the drones and missiles that Leviathan had launched. "Did I get it?" Scylla asked while looking but unfortunately it was the opposite of what Scylla had wanted.

"Impressive work... I have to admit that last attack of yours was powerful... unfortunately it won't be enough to take Leviathan down so easily." Observer Alpha mocked as the smoke parted to reveal the undamaged form of Leviathan.

"The shield is much stronger than we've thought." Sirius muttered as she regain control of her body again while looking at Leviathan, said machine still towers over dome with its impressive size and menacing figure. "We need a better method to take out that shield once and for all." Scylla added while panting a bit.

"Just give up little maids, you are only delaying the inevitable." Observer Alpha mocked then with her irritating voice through Leviathan who charged at their direction with it's massive body, causing the duo scramble to get away before the machine would reach them.

"Quick evasive maneuvers!" Caelus order as he initiated another overclock again, time halted just like before allowing the duo to escape as they activated their boosters, flying through the sky as they land two hundred meters away from the machine.

"Attack with all you have while the time hasn't moved yet!" Caelus added as both acted quickly, cannons charging within seconds as they fired barrages of beams, unloading their entire missile, slashes of energy were brought to bear upon the shield.

"Grab my hand Scylla!" Sirius called as her sister did what she just acted, they zipped through the air, blades charged at full capacity that thrummed with immense heat of energy that brightened the darkness around them even further.

"Now!" Boosters firing at full power as the duo turned into a spinning blade that dropped down from the sky, hitting the shield that quickly thrummed to life despite being frozen in time. "Keep going this thing must have a limit!" Scylla added as they further increased their weapons power.

[Warning! You are reaching critical levels! Weapon will overlord if you increase energy output beyond 100%]

"Scylla, Sirius both of you stop you both will get injured if you keep this up! This is an order damn it! Don't risk you lives!" Caelus ordered while gritting his teeth... unfortunately the two kansens weren't one to listen as they pressed their attack further.

The duo didn't cared about this as they pushed their swords power to its most utmost limits, the blade overheating as they unleashed an immense flame that burned brightly like miniatures stars. "Looks It's cracking!" Scylla informed.

"You two stop!!!" Caelus ordered there was a tone of distress and worry mix with one another as the overclock soon ended and a billowing explosion erupts as the sound of the shield shattering can be heard which caught Observer Alpha off guard.

*Cracking* *Booommmm*

"What?! That's Impossible!" Observer Alpha

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