[Chapter 26: A War Beneath The Cosmos, Pt. 15]

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(3rd POV) (Several Minutes Ago)

Oliver patiently waited as the elevator moved down to the lower levels of the facility, hands crossed as he waited till he arrive at his destination below him, having use to the speed the elevator was moving as any further than that would result in him getting killed by crashing.

The elevator was moving at a speed of over 55 kmph which was already fast, the many intricate details built into the system just so he could arrive at his destination within a minute without any further or experiences issues as the elevator moves down to the lower level.

"Finally." He uttered as he sees his most prize creation nearing its completion, a colossal warship that would revolutionize warfare and skyrocket his fame to surpass Michael... just the thought of it made his mood improve a bit as the elevator finally reach it's stop.

A loud hiss was let out and a few brief of smoke before releasing from the elevator shift after moving at such high speed, cooling system activates to cool down the heat of the elevator system as he soon walked out from the elevator.

"Soon... it would be completed." Oliver mutter as he look at his prize creation, the sounds of vast machineries echoing across the underground facility as various components are being connected, the sounds of metal being cut and integrated into the ship's hull.

Within the lower levels of the facility he could see various machinery not made by man, their intricate and sleek design far too alien to be considered as made by human hands, there nature far too different from any of the nations theme.

Pale individuals walking around across the lower levels of the facility, beneath the dockyards they wore clothes that covered only a third of there skin while revealing most, much to Oliver pleasure as he leered at them briefly, not noticing the scorned and disgusted loom on their faces.

They did not bothered to do anything to him... yet that is, their objectives are far from complete and they needed him as there leaders order, they continue with there work as the construction of the ship was being continued as it neared it's completion in just a few moments.

"Your late yet again, Oliver." Oliver had snapped from his act as he hear a dissatisfied tone coming from the left of his side, knowing who it was he simply smiled turning around to face a woman, who's arms was crossed with a floating aquatic shape weapon above her head.

"Ah! What a delighted night for you to be gracing me, Teresa you look ever so dazzling as ever since we have last met." Oliver flirts while Teresa only gave a frown while scowling at his useless attempt to woo him, not that it'll work.

"Why do we even bother to work with an idiot like this one? Has Observer lost her mind or something? Nevertheless she is right about our assets being limited, the damn Spectral and there 'Veil' has kept us from using our full strength." Teresa thought with a frustrated expression.

There operation in this strange universe had been hampered by the existence of a third force that none of them had expected to exist, the 'Spectral' somehow they were able to harness the full might of the 'Origin Cube' without receiving backlash or any consequence.

Something that caught... Observer Zero's attention as she relegated most of their assets to focus on retrieving information regarding the Spectral and to catch their attention, the problem is they are an unpredictable variable that they cannot control regardless of the methods they'd use.

"Those Spectrals better appear again after decades of inactivity, we've not gained any progress after two decades of planning." Teresa thought as she thinks of the Spectrals capabilities that surpass all other results they have ever gained for any simulations and experiments.

"Spare me the words, Oliver you have arrive late and delayed much of my work, have you brought the next batch of materials or not?" Teresa asked with an irritated tone, her icy look unnerved and even make Oliver guards anxious.

Despite being trained as the best of the best in there field of work... against a siren however, this would be useless as they are capable of annihilating them with ease, like cattles for the slaughter.

While Oliver seemed not bothered at all by her words, seemingly acting casual despite the veiled threat underneath her words that he failed to notice, one wonders why he was still alive till now.

"Well of course, I have brought much of what you asked, in fact they should should here now per your request." He said as several materials did arrive that is being unloaded through another elevator, sirens drones moving to carry them as they transported towards some station around the facility.

"Good, the ship will be completed soon enough." Teresa says as she looked at the continuing construction which was implementing the new materials brought in as various components in and out of the ships was being placed in.

"My lady, the last of the components had been completely integrated to Leviathan and we should be ready for launch within 15 minutes." A subordinate of Teresa informed as she nodded pleased to know that they would end this act very soon as she was losing patience.

"Is that so? Wonderful with this I would be able to propel my company's status within Eagle Union and all other faction across the planet." Oliver boasted much to Teresa annoyance since that wouldn't be the case for Oliver once it's complete.

"Can you imagine the possibilities that I would gain, not even Michael would stand equal to me once I unveil my new product to the world." Teresa rolled her eyes, the idiot clearly not realizing that Azur Lane has caught up with his own actions even when completely blinded.

Teresa could still tell that Azur Lane will find out about his actions and that will be the end of the man's career, that is if he's going to still be alive by the time the they were finished with the man, after years of working alongside Observer little human pet she can finally kill him.

"Don't forget our deal, without my help you would have been nothing, your lucky I gave you the tool to build this otherwise you would be scraping food on the streets as a beggar." Teresa reminds which annoyed Oliver a but at hearing the insult directed on him.

"Don't look down on me! I too had help you gain materials and tools just to build most of the projects you built in the last few years, you should be thankful that I even bothered to accept." Oliver retorted with a smug look on his face as Teresa eyes twitched slightly.

"Thankful? How funny you would say that when you were on the brink of bankruptcy, you'd be nothing without my help, you would never have owned this company had I not help remove your father, that brat Michael was much better than you." That seemed to snap Oliver who heard the man's name again.

"Bitch! How dare you compare me to that lowborn bastard! He's nothing but the son of a two-face whore who seduce his father for his money, I'm better than him in many ways, it's pathetic to see a rich man like his father have poor taste in women." Oliver shouts with a snarl.



A terrible thunderstorm rumbled above Neuhaven as a Spectral flinch in surprise. "Looks like dad's angry... I wonder who would be insulting mom to make him react like that... I'm surprise he hasn't smited that person yet." The Spectral muttered while looking over at Neuhaven.

(Back to them)

"That's enough arguing." Another voice says as Teresa expression changed to a more serious one, looking towards her companion and ally Observer whom is looking amused of there argument, she however shifted expression and grew more apathetic as Oliver looked at her.

"We're in the middle of witnessing the birth of your finest creation, I need not to have the mood ruined by you both bantering to one another over pointless insults that struck your ego, so Tester be quite and you Oliver should mind the words you say." Observer reminds them.

"It's this damn of yours subordinate that started insulting! You should keep a leash on her neck to keep that mouth of her to shut up, for a woman she is quite barbaric with that tongue and attitude of hers." Teresa aka Tester had her eyes twitch looking ready to turn him to ash.

A signal from Observer however made her stop from doing such action as she moves away, huffing slightly at the insult despite being only a programmed AI, her algorithm being femine still can feel the insults from Oliver own words.

"Do not mind what she said, she simply isn't in the mood right now due to the delays you've made, and you should be aware to not get pulled by her insults." Observer says before looking at the ship which was now nearing completion.

"She had started it, I was being polite to her and despite that she would dare to insult me, I question why you keep such a barbaric individual among your ranks that she doesn't deserve." Oliver remark while crossing his arms as he looked at the ship which was being activated.

[Leviathan status: activating in 10...9...8]

"I'm going to make this idiot squeal like a pig once this is over." Tester informed Observer who only hummed in response as the countdown soon reach zero and the ship stirs to life it's own armaments rising from it's inner layout.

[Leviathan: activated, parameters: 100%]

Oliver laughed at seeing the ship rise to life, now his goal is within his grasp, the ship was his masterpiece that would propel him in the annals of history and leave Michael behind the dust as he would beats Nexus Corp., and will make his sister regret the day she had opposed him.

Taking the neurolink that controls the 800 meter long ship, uploading the connection as he eagerly wish to try his masterpiece, being the first to ever use it as light envelope the ship and it turns into a giant serpentine machine armed with multiple weapons attached around it.

"Hahaha! This is wonderful Leviathan... kill them!!!" Oliver ordered while pointing at Tester and Observer the colossal machine roared. "I thank you for helping me create this, but your use have now come to an end, a shame I couldn't have you Teresa, you would have been a fine wife to have even with that attitude of yours." But Tester scoffs.

"Oh, please like I would even marry an ugly bastard like you, I would prefer that brat Michael over you, he's much more handsome and better." That made Oliver snapped in fury towards them as Observer only smirked at the man's face.

"SHUT UP! You all always say Michael this and Michael that, but from this day forth that name will be forgotten! Your use to me is over, I have to admit you both stupid to have fallen into my trap, now you both will die! Hahahahahaha!" Oliver laughs.

"Leviathan kill them all!!!" Oliver orders as the machine roared and its weapons energizes moving to aim at there target, the two sirens along with there subordinate made no moved looking at him with a smirk on there faces.

"How pathetic." Observer says much to Oliver confusion on seeing her calm expression puzzled him. "What? Why are you not begging for mercy? Do you not fear dying?" He questions as he hears Tester laughing at his question.

"W-What? What's so funny? Tell me?!!!" Oliver demanded as Observer chuckled before saying. "Why would we be scared? It's not us that Leviathan would be killing... you seem to forget we're the one's who created it." A look of horror dawn on Oliver face as he looks behind.

Leviathan was not aiming at the sirens... it was him that the machine was staring down at, it's weapons aimed directly at his direction. "No, no, no no!!! This can't be happening?!" Observer floated over to Leviathan along with Tester and says.

"In the end your the real fool here... you were merely a tool to further our goals and now... your use is over." She replied as Tester eyes gleamed viciously towards Oliver who reeled in terror at the realization. "No! Get away I can't die here now, not like thi-aaaaahhhh!" Oliver screamed... unheard by anyone even his own guards who are dead now.

"Tester, you may now initiate Operation Renegade, it's time we begin this little play of ours." Observer ordered as Tester sends out a signal to all AGIs built by Olhein Co., the effect soon took place and started sowing chaos on the region.

(Present Time)

*Boom* *Boom*

"Belle on your left!" Karl warned as his partner quickly acted, dodging a blow that would have fatally wounded her even with the Exo-Fibre Suit she wore, the blast hitting parts of the industrial complex while blasting several rogue AGIs that had gone active 4 minutes ago.

*Boom* *Clank*

"Thanks, I'm detecting nearly a hundred and thousand of AGIs rampaging across the city, it's a whole mess out there." Karl added as he slice four AGIs with the  energy-blade rifle he has on both hands, the city could be seen in absolute chaos.

Smokes flowing across many districts as the city police could be seen trying to contain the outbreak of rampaging AGIs but there were too many machines that were attacking leaving most places to be left undefeated as people could be seen running and screaming for other's help.

"Those damn sirens... they're trying to damage the entire city's, if this keeps up we'll be having casualties in the millions!" Belle added as she flipped up before smashing her jet boosted shoe to crush a massive AGIs that had tried to smash her with it's pair of oversize claw.

"Well aren't you both resilient you've manage to last this long against us." Both agent glared at the siren floating a hundred meters away, several other sirens beside her as they watched them struggle to fight the thousands of AGIs.

"Shut up! You damn sea harlots! Many innocents are dying because of your kinds action, I'll make you pay for it!!" Belle replied before pressing something on her suit which saw her being envelop by a swarm of nanites while a ringing tone echoed in her visor.

[Battle Mode 2: Activated]

She soon wore a sleek and elegant style armor a 4, 7 inch triple-barreled cannons floating behind her back with a short half a meter halo that projected a shield around her while she held a one-barelled 4 inch Z-098 sniper-blade.

*Boom* *Boom*

Belle let out an array of beams that took the surrounding AGIs, before starting to assault the siren as she fired shot after shot that the siren is dodging while still sporting a mocking of not amused look.

"Hey, sea bitch! Take this!!!" Karl snuck from behind while firing a quad-bazooka that exploded upon the siren, but a shield tanked the shots just as Belle slashed her sniper-blade clashing with the siren shield who aim her cannon at Belle.

"Belle look out!" Karl warned but it was too late the siren fired its cannon, it collided with her shield causing an explosion that blew Belle away as Karl moved to catch her, his partner grunts a bit from the explosion she was caught in but thankfully the shield protected her.

[Shield Level: 68%...recovering...]

"Damn it! T-That damn harlot t-took out nearly a third of my shields energy... if we keep this up, we might run out of energy to keep our suits up." Belle says as Karl grimaces it's been nearly 24 minutes since they have fought, having used an excessive amount of there suits energy.

The Exo-Fibre Suit normally would last near-indefinite but excessive use before it can replenish it's energy can drain the suit and knock them out of the fight for a few minutes before the core could generate enough energy to power the suit and that's without using any of their weaponries.

"Give it up, there's way to run or hide humans, you are surrounded and no one will be able to save yo-" A blast tore the sirens shield out and pierced her upper body before detonating as it annihilated her upper body, causing her to slump and then fall, as yellow pools of blood leaks onto the ground below.

"Agent 056 and 057?" Asked Sirius as she appeared with her new type 2 rigging which had some obvious changes, mainly the sleeker designs of her turrets and the three rectangular 30x30 missile silos connected right at the back of her riggings, with her maid dress having some changes that look more futuristic.

Her riggings look between the fusion of a ship and angelic theme that made the appearance beautiful, looking like a exo-suit weapon due to the near alien like design that she had. "Thanks God you two arrive!" Karl says in relief at Sirius and her sister Scylla who also had a similar but slightly different rigging appearance.

"Yes, we're fine but the sirens had made the AGIs go on a rampage and we can't deal with them, not without the sirens holding us down." Belle added as Sirius nodded before looking at the siren, she unsheath her sword, the change noticeable as the edges showed a visible flow of energy that it was emitting.

"We'll deal with the sirens, go and deal with the AGIs... Agent 050 is handling the situation but she needs your help, so hurry and now while you still can." Scylla informs them as she and Sirius face the sirens who's expression changed immediately at seeing them.

"Becareful, they've built something right under the docks, we don't know what it is but... the fleet must be warned! Make sure to stop whatever it is down there." Karl tells the two nodded as they left to assist Anne as the two kansens face the sirens on there own.

"This is unexpected to think you'd be achieving this earlier, Observer would need to know of this." One of the siren muttered as they looked at the different rigging that the two kansens were wearing. "Let's see how strong you two rea-*Booommmm*." She was blasted before she can say any further.

"Scylla you deal with the left, I'll deal with one's on our right." Sirius informs as her sister nodded before both charge towards the sirens, cannons aimed and fired. "On it, admiral do you copy we've arrive ay the docks and dealing with the sirens, you heard heard the agents said?" Scylla inform via their comms.

"This is bad... whatever is down on that dock must be eliminated, George how long till you the others arrive at Neuhaven?" Caelus asked through their comms. "We're close, Neuhaven is just within our site." King George tells him.

"Meet up with Sirius and Scylla, take out whatever the sirens have build under their before they can use it." Caelus order as George V and the others nodded, Sirius slashed her sword to destroy a siren shield piercing the barrier easily.

"What about the city? Admiral multiple AGIs are wrecking havoc and I doubt our agents the city police force could deal with all of them?" Scylla question just as she blasted a siren, dodging through the barrages of attack of the sirens.

"I'm already contacting the military and air force, where dealing with AGIs all across the region, we're occupied at the moment, however reinforcement should be on the way within 15 minutes." Caelus informs as explosions continue to rang.

*Booommmm* *Booommmm*

"We could use some of the drones nearby,

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