I didn't think that staying in a lab for a year was taking such a troll on me.
Hawks: Are you ready to take off feathers.
Me: Can't wait to feel free again!
Hawks: I bet.
I was currently out of town with Hawks. Kurogiri teleported us somewhere safe and outside of any civilization just in case anyone was after me or was following Hawks as he was playing a little bit villain. Though all he basically did was vigilante work in the dark which was perfectly fine for him since he as a hero after all. Though I heard Shiggy tell me that he was making detective Tsukauchi go crazy as he thought it was me until recently.
Hawks immediately took off and began hovering close to me. I could feel my wings and move them but the moment I tried to take off I needed to realize that I was shaky and my wings were way to week to keep me up for long and so I only managed to stay up a little bit before landing and falling on my knees.
After that year I needed to realize that I needed some kind of rehabilitation to get back into the air.
Hawks: Feathers are you okay.
Me: Yeah... My wings...
Hawks: It will get better! Let us do some practice every day and I am sure it won't be long before you will be able to fly again.
Me: ...
I couldn't believe it. After all what I have been through I couldn't believe that I wasn't able to fly anymore. It was only temporary but I hated it and I felt soo useless. I had wings and couldn't fly at all.
time skip brough to you by a Hawks carrying a Falcon through the air and let him be carried by the wind gliding through the air while always watching over the little Falcon.
After we came back from out little trip, I was happy that I could at least glide through the air. Hawks was so nice as to pick me up and fly with me through the sky. Naturally he also let me on my own for some exercise.
Once we came back, I was immediately met with Shiggy.
Shiggy: What's with the titan?
Hawks: He can't fly.
Shiggy: What do you fucking mean he can't fly?!
Me: My wings are too weak to take me off the ground.
Shiggy: I knew we shouldn't have killed them but used them as experiments themself.
Me: Hm?
Shiggy: Nothing. Come here Titan! Let's play a game together!
Me: Sure.
With that we began playing Mario card and I could tell that he tried his best to get me to think about something else and cheer me up. What I didn't expect was what happened next. After a couple of rounds me winning and losing against Shiggy, Dabi came into the room. He however wasn't alone.
Before I knew what was going on someone was hugging me from behind.
Sho-chan: I missed you Izu!
Me: S-S-Sho-chan!
I could tell that my face was heating up and that I was blushing. I felt his breath around my ear and I could tell that he was doing this on purpose. Not only that but I could hear Dabi and Hawks laugh at me.
It took a couple of minutes until he let go of me. In the next instant he forced me to look to the side and he kissed me. This was enough in order to leave me speachless and his kiss should have been forbidden. It was definitely a drug and it left me wanting more.
Me: S-S-Sho..
Sho-chan: I was so worried about you Izu.
Me: I..
Sho-chan: It's okay I heard from my brother what happened.
Me: How did you even came here?
Dabi: Hawks texted me what was going on and I thought this might cheer you both up.
Hawks: Looks like it was the right choice.
Dabi: I agree. How about we leave them and return to our own home?
Hawks: Oh did you plan something?
Dabi: How about a nice candle light dinner?
Hawks: Are you also up on the menu?
Dabi: How about you find out.
Shiggy: Get yourself a room!
Sho-chan: Speaking of room, I'll be staying over.
Me: You will?
Sho-chan: Yep! I am your emotional support and future husband after all.
Me: H-H-Husband?!
Sho-chan: Aww how cute!
By now I was sure I was more than red.
Why do I feel like he is doing this on purpose?
When did you get so possessive Sho-chan?
Time skip brought to you by Shoto making sure that no one could even make a move on his future wife.
It took me a year to get back to my strength and start doing my vigilante work again. It wasn't long after I started that the words of a certain angels return spread white. I may or not be the reason for that since I flew up into the sky on a new moons sky and illuminated the sky with the light coming of my wings.
I am finally back!
And I am better and faster than before!
Sho-chan and I were also now officially dating. He took that very serious with a marriage in planning. I loved being around him and I enjoyed our time together. By now I knew what Dabi meant that he was very possessive but I liked it that way. I loved cuddling and the attention he gave me.
He was taking good care of me and paying a lot of attention too. All in all, he was the best boyfriend one could ask for.
I couldn't believe how long I wasn't doing vigilante work for me to actually be 13 years old and on top of that this year would be the year that I could enroll in UA. Sho-chan was all for it and I was rooting for him but I wasn't so sure if I wanted to be a real hero. Not after seeing how the heroes are right now... but then again... I wanted to change the society and remove the hero commission from their throne.
This was the only reason I was trying so hard with Sho-chan and the LOV. Thanks to me the LOV was now not a complete villain group but more like a vigilante group that was leaning to the villain part. They never robbed anyone that didn't deserved it. They never killed anyone who didn't deserve it so in the end they were not bad people.
I took the chance thanks to all the rehab I needed to do and spend a lot of time together with my brother and I could tell we have grown to know each other a lot more. It was only now that I felt like we were real brothers.
Dabi and I also spend a little bit of time chatting together about Sho-chan or the chicken I had for a brother. We were mostly gossiping about them.
Toga on the other hand loved playing games and going out at night with me. She said she wanted to release some anger and stress and I got her some nice knifes and a sandbag to kill. At some point I went to a butcher and asked for a whole pig and hang it up in a cooled down area and told Kurogiri to send her there if she ever needed to release some built-up energy. Not to mention that she loved ripping that dead animal apart.
Shiggy and I had a brotherly bond too. He told me about the past and how Sensei, my grandfather took him in or how he meets me when I was little. It was very simple. My mother wanted to show grandpa her son and this was how I met Tomura.
Me and the fairy which he just accepted me calling him fairy though if anyone else called him that way he went for a disintegrational touch or hug saying come here and fucking hug your fairy grandmother you useless small fry.
I found it rather funny seeing how we all got along.
This was how I was known as Azrael and got a nice little hero-villain family. Little did I know what I was about to do in the future or what it was holding up for me. All I knew was that I needed to get the hero commission down by all means.
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