Saved and be Saved!

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I was currently out in order to get something for Sho. I knew that me as a kid walking around school time wasn't the best idea but I couldn't care less. Luckily for me no one really asked any question about a kid with purple-blue wings walking around tow. Normally I would use black but a certain burned chicken nugget found it funny to switch up the paint and give me the same color of his burned skin.

Me: *Sigh*

Why did Dabi need to do this again?

Why did Sho-chan even agree to help him out?!


Why purple and blue out of every color?

I will never let them color my wings ever again!!!

Not even Toga would do something like that.

It was already getting late and to my luck no one asked any questions. I somehow managed to get the sweets that Sho-chan loved and was currently on my way back. As for a change I thought walking back would be nice and I also took a short cut that was only what I thought.

I walked under a bridge and the next thing I know some kind of sludge began working its way around me.


This can't be for real!

I opened my wings and tried flying away but the sludge was holding my wings together. In a desperate attempt I used the energy around me and took it from the slimy thing. It however didn't bother him at all.

Sludge: You can try as many times as you want little birdy.

Did he just call me birdy?

No one is calling me a birdy!

I started to wiggle and fight more against it but I knew that I couldn't get out of the slime. My wings were sticky and covered in some kind of slimy stuff.

Sludge: Ohh what a nice body you have!

I wanted to scream and tell him to fuck off but that wasn't possible since he immediately went ahead and began to cover my whole body including my head. All I could do was hold my breath and fight against a losing battle of consciousness.

I can't lose!

Too much is on the stake!

If I die here then everything is over!

I need to bring the hero commission down!

I need to free my brother and make a better future for me and Sho-chan as well as every hero!

As I slowly began losing consciousness, I felt a sudden gush of wind but I was already out cold by the time to see what was going on. The next thing I know was someone slapping me awake.

Once I immediately shoot up coughing up some of the slime as well as gasping for air.

All Might: Ahh young man, it's nice seeing you are awake again.

Me: All Might...

All Might: Yes it is I, my boy.

Me: You are hurt.

I didn't know what came over me to say that or even where he was hurt but I could tell that something was wrong. For now, I was putting it as my quirk wanting to return the favor of saving me.

All Might: I am not my boy but are you hurt?

Me: No, I am fine.

He helped me up on my feet and I began stretching out my wings and look at them. The sludge was still on them but the paint was also coming of and coloring the slime's greenness.

Me: SHIT! This will take me forever to get the sludge out!

All Might: Calm down.

Me: Calm down? Do you even know how hard it is to even clean them?

All Might: I ahm..

Me: * Sigh*

I activated my quirk knowing that he was hurt. However, the moment I did my wings began glowing and I immediately felt coldness and slumped back to the ground with my wings laying on the ground lifelessly. Not only that but I was also breathing rather heavily.

All Might: My boy... what have you done?

Me: Healed you.

I couldn't look up at him as I was rather tired and I knew that I wouldn't be able to walk back home. However, before I knew it, he picked me up slowly after gathering all the slime in a bottle.

All Might: Hold on to this my boy.

He gave me something and after that went off to UA. At some point I fell asleep as I woke up in UA with cleaned up wings and 4 pro heroes in the room and a chimera cuddling with my wings.

Me: hm...

The moment I slowly began moving I felt a hand holding me down and it was no other than Eraserhead. I began looking around and I could see Mic, All Might and Recovery Girl as well as Nezu.

Eraserhead: Izuku you are staying here for the night.

Me: Huh... how did I even end up here?

All Might: You were exhausted and I brought you here for a checkup. I am surprised to see that you my boy know everyone in here.

Recovery Girl: Izuku, did you heal him?

Me: Ahm... Yeah...

Recovery Girl: How are you feeling?

Me: Good. Why am I here?

Nezu: Let answer that with a question. Why not?

Me: Good question. Maybe because I am not a pro and wanted.

Nezu: Orchid is gone.

Me: I know.

Eraserhead: How did you escape your kidnappers?

Me: Escape? Kidnappers? I think you misunderstood something.

Nezu: I got your message but when we came to rescue you, you were already gone. Not only that but it took 1 year for Azrael to appear again.

Me: Oh that... Well, I kinda needed to get back in shape and the people that came before you saved me.

Eraserhead: Saved you?

Me: Yes.

Mic: And do they have a name.

Me: Yes but I am not telling for their safety.

Nezu: So either some vigilantes or villains. I am personally leaning towards the second option.

Me: I won't deny nor say it is true.

After that they began asking me out about the one year I was out of the picture. I told them a little bit about my state and why I was inactive. Once I was completely awake I wanted to get back to Sho-chan but Eraserhead didn't let me go and instead kinda dragged me to my personally house and stayed there with me making sure I would get the rest I needed.

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