Chapter 3

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A/N I promise not every chapter is gonna end with being knocked out and start with waking up from being knocked out. Also if I don't say which P.O.V it is, assume it's the reader's.

I felt like I was having déjà vu. Once again, I opened my now slightly crusty eyes, blinking at the harsh sunlight. Clearly, it was now morning. From what I could see I was in an abandoned warehouse, but I couldn't see much, because I was tied up in some sort of hammock made of what, on closer inspection, seemed to be spiderwebs.

I panicked. Again, thrashing around, trying to escape.

"Woah, woah!" a voice shouted. I noticed it, but I kept moving. Desperation fuelled me; I didn't want anything to happen to me again. Then there was a bang, a flash of purple light, and I was on the ground, out of my bonds.

"Friend or foe?! Friend or foe?!" the voice yelled once again. I looked up and sighed, relaxed at once when I realised it was Spider-Man who had encased me. But, he was backing up, hands stretched towards me. He was scared, but of me?

"Friend," my coarse voice said. The bright violet light around me dimmed; I hadn't noticed it before. I looked up at Spider-Man with a desperate look. "What happened?"

He walked towards me, now realising I mean no harm.

"I found you in the school's Chemistry labs, with a man standing over you. He was forcing purple stuff down your throat, and a violet gem was glowing on your chest."

I looked down at myself. My shirt was still ripped where the man had gripped it, and at the top of my chest rested a brilliant purple rock. I tapped it, unbelieving, and it glowed in response.

"Wha-what? Why...?"

The superhero gripped my hands. "What do you remember?"

I explained the monologue the man had given me, detailing everything. It may have been a traumatising experience, but I had a good memory.

When I finished, Spider-Man stood in silence for a bit, before he reached up and grabbed the top of his mask. My eyes widened as the identity of the superhero was revealed.


"Hey," he replied awkwardly. We both stood there for a little, staring. Eventually, the pieces clicked in my mind, and I grinned at him.

"That makes more sense."

"It does?"

"Yeah, how else were you gonna take down an entire organisation of alien loving freaks by yourself? And I know Ned and you have been keeping a secret, you're not very subtle."

"Oh," he said. Clearly he hadn't been expecting that reaction.

Again, I looked down at myself. My wrists now had a round mark on them, like a purple tattoo in the shape of a circle. When I thought too hard about the alien technology flowing through my veins, they started to glow as well as my chest piece.

"What does this mean though? What did he actually do to me?"

Peter thought for a minute before his face lit up in understanding.

"Well you've obviously got powers. How else did you break out of my webbing?"

My eyes widened. "That was me?"

He nodded back at me. "When I first got my powers, I had to experiment to figure out what I could do." He stepped backwards. "How about we test what you can do?"


Since "the incident", Peter, Ned and I have become closer once again. Now that the secret was out, it became easier for them to talk to me without spilling anything. We'd also discovered my powers were basically just destructive. I could use telekinesis within a certain area of myself, but I couldn't fuse anything together or bend the objects; I could only pull things apart and move them. I could also produce beams of purple light, like lasers, that had the energy to cut through metal.

Peter and I had agreed it wouldn't be a good idea to tell Tony Stark about me just yet. Although I wanted to eventually, I couldn't risk exposing my identity to others, and I was quite content with either letting Peter do his tasks set by the Iron Man, or help him in his small yet difficult ones. When I did help him, I simply wore a mask Peter and Ned had help me make, along with black outfits; usually a hoodie and leggings. The mask was made of light ceramics, which I myself enchanted to be stronger so it wouldn't shatter when hit (another of my abilities). It was painted with detailed patterns, all in violet and gold paints. Yeah, it was probably a little extra, but hey, you gotta look the part.

Peter had done a little digging when meeting with Tony. Thor has been contacting Earth now and again with news of his travels. (A/N he's not on Saakar yet, but has discovered stuff about the infinity stones; Ragnarok hasn't started) Therefore, Tony and the rest of the Avengers have been educated about the infinity stones, which Mystery Man has mentioned. Apparently, my powers were very similar to those of the the Power stone, but on a lesser scale.

My parents had worried about me the night I was taken and experimented on. Luckily, with some help from Aunt May (who also knew my identity), we managed to persuade them that I was on a sleepover at Peter's house that night, and they had forgotten about it.

Everything was good, or as good as it could be when you had literal superpowers. The school was due to take us on a trip soon; we were going to MoMA in Manhattan for a quick day trip.

And that's when things went wrong.

A/N sorry if some of the setting doesn't quite make sense, I'm British if that's not obvious yet, and I don't know how America works so I'm trying my best.

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