A/N forgot to put this at the start of last chapter but ALL RIGHTS TO MARVEL. K thanks enjoy chappie 2.
I groan and flutter my eyes open, finding myself staring straight up at the ceiling. It takes a second, but the past events hit me quickly, and I take in my surroundings. I'm lying on a desk in one of the chemistry labs at school, but my forearms and ankles are strapped to the table. I struggle against the leather bonds, and realise I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. It's darker outside, and judging by the fact that it's late January, it's probably about 4 o'clock. There was no one else in the room with me, but there was a bubbling contraption on a tabletop opposite me with a purple liquid inside, giving off a toxic smell.
"It's about time you woke up," a voice sounded from the shadows. The same man who I had found in the corridors stepped into view with his hairy arms crossed. I guessed I was wrong about the room being empty.
"Who are you? What do you want?" I was scared, I wasn't gonna lie. It was probably obvious; I'm not a superhero. I'm a regular school kid.
"I'm someone who wants to create a future brighter than the current plan," he returned. He walked over to the purple liquid, stirring it gently with a glass rod. "And you're going to help me with that."
"Your buddy, Peter Parker, wiped out almost all our supplies for this organisation earlier this year. Only a few of us survived the jailing sentences, and I managed to salvage this one chip of stone."
I was sure this man was crazy. Peter cracking down on a what seems to be a drug gang? And why would he want to get me involved? I would be no help whatsoever.
I stayed silent in my shock. The man took this as an opportunity to continue.
"Do you know what stone I'm talking about? You're smart, come on. I'll give you a clue, it's from space!" I gasped. No, no way. The Chitauri, their things were completely destroyed, weren't they? But then how...
"Yes! I see you've got it. It's a Chitauri stone. And we've been talking to those guys up there. We're more powerful than the Avengers could ever fathom. These stones were infused by an infinity stone, it doesn't matter if you don't understand. The Chitauri tried to harness the power stone, but failed, and hid it. But not before they fused every single one of their weapons with it. And now, the big man upstairs wants a test subject from Earth," he gestured to me. "Thanos said we could choose who, and, well, when would be a better time to get revenge?"
The information hit me hard. I didn't understand half of it, but what I did get showed me one thing: I was an experiment. So I did what any sane person in this situation would do. I screamed for help.
"Help! Someone help!" I screamed. The man in front of me had a moment of shock, before clamping a wad of wet cloth into my mouth, choking me into silence. I didn't know what to do.
"Shut up, you can't prevent this," Mystery Man reached over to his contraption and picked up the flask of purple liquid. He pushed his hand inside, and clamped on something. His hand pulled out a glistening purple stone, steaming gently.
"Hold still." I looked at him in fear as he approached, trying one last time to break from my bonds, and thrashing around. I couldn't stop him as he ripped my shirt open slightly. (A/N if you've got boobs, imagine it just above those: he's not exposing you just showing your chest)
He pressed the stone down on my bared chest, and it hissed. The pain was unbearable. I screamed into my silencer, biting on it to try in some way to numb the pain. And suddenly the cloth was gone, replaced by hot liquid, burning my throat. The man was pouring the liquid from the flask into my mouth. I screamed through it, creating bubbles and spitting.
Suddenly, it seemed my prayers were answered. A crash sounded, and the man dropped the only half emptied flask. A flash of red hit him, sending the man flying backwards out the window. Meanwhile I was still choking on the purple liquid, but most of it had made it down my throat. As the last of it entered my oesophagus, I felt myself slipping into unconsciousness.
And I fell into the dark, once again, but this time with the face of Spider-Man looking down on me.
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