So darling, just you shut your pretty mouth [jalex]

So darling, just you shut your pretty mouth [jalex]

20,284 1,177 46

I glance over at my friends sitting at the front of the class with Jack. I don't understand why they want me to meet him, it's always been fine just the three of us. Me, Rian and Zack. They understand. Jack wouldn't. I don't know Jack but I know I don't want to. He would pry. He knows too much about people and wouldn't stop until he finds out about me. I don't like him. Rian and Zack know not to ask questions. That's why I like Rian and Zack. They're attractive. They don't pry. If I say shut up they shut up. Jack don't. I'm surprised he hasn't been hit yet. When Rian notices me looking he motions for me to come over and I just shake my head. I don't want to hang out with Jack Barakat just because my friends like him. I don't like him.…

Drive fast until we crash and burn [merrikat]

Drive fast until we crash and burn [merrikat]

1,717 122 21

Long drives. Late nights under the stars. Kissing on my door step at midnight. Goodbye kisses. Hello kisses. I love you kisses. Kisses. Every moment we shared felt like a dream. Until then it didn't. Then the world caught up. Everything was perfect. We lived in the fast lane. We were free. It was perfect. Until everything crashed down around us. Everything we loved crashed to the ground. We drove fast until we crashed and burned before we had to pick up the pieces of each other and put them back together. We put ourselves back together, piece by piece, moment by moment we tried to repair what we once had but we both know it won't be the same. Maybe we don't want it to be the same again, we need change, maybe we can make it better so that next time we aren't driving fast until we crash and burn. Even if we do crash and burn again Zack Merrick, even if we make the same mistakes we made before, I wouldn't want it any other way. I want to crash and burn with you.…

Brighter days [jalex]

Brighter days [jalex]

7,935 539 35

I lean back on the arm chair scanning the party, warm beer in my left hand and lit cig in my right. I'm not even sure who's party this or how happy they would be with me smoking in the house but judging from the ashtray on the table I'm guessing it's okay. More hoping than guessing because I don't want to be forced to leave before I prove to Jack I do actually go party's. He always says I'm never at party's otherwise he would see me, I'm always at a party but I'm usually behind a locked door. I put out my cig in the ashtray and look over to the window where a intense game of beer pong was happening. When is Jack going to show up?That's the only reason I'm here in a arm chair and not locking lips with a cute guy or girl is Jack. "Hey roomie." I hear, I turn to look to the door and Jack was standing right next to me, "So you're here?""I said I would be." I grin taking a sip from the red cup. "Just because you said you would do something don't mean you would actually do it." Jack sits on the arm next to me, "You're never at party's.""I'm always at party's." I correct, "It's just usually I'm getting laid about now.""Sure." Jack rolls his eyes. "You're just pissed you haven't got the blowjob I offered you." I say taking another sip so I didn't laugh at the look on Jacks face, "You can have it now if you want.""I'm not gay." He stutters."Neither am I." I shrug, "I'm going to get laid speak to you later roomie."Completed 15.12.17…

Bottoms up [merrikat]

Bottoms up [merrikat]

11,333 555 41

Growing up every adult tells you drinking is bad. It's all don't drink you will destroy your liver but you can bet they did the same thing you do. You can bet that they got black out drunk to get over a ex... Or a crush. A crush that happens to be on one of your closest friends who happen to be of the same gender or is that just me. It's probably just me. What I'm trying to say is they only say that because they don't want to seem like shit parents/teachers. They can't really say 'yeah at sixteen I was out drinking and smoking in the local park until I passed out or puked.' That wouldn't really set a good example on the future generation. The generation of fuck ups. Though hasn't every generation fucked up so far? I guess what I'm trying to say is...Bottoms up.Completed 16/11/17…

The trip [minizerk]

The trip [minizerk]

14,602 787 32

It was that time of year again where I'm dragged out to the middle of nowhere with my family. That in it self is bad enough but what makes it worse is who we have to stay with. Josh fucking Bradley.…

Champagne and pools|minizerk

Champagne and pools|minizerk

21,663 1,180 65

Champagne and pools "Simon stop complaining your a rich kid ask for the world and you will get it." I rolled my eyes looking at the blonde boy next to me. "So are you." He lifted his sunglasses glasses. "My parents didn't buy me a mansion with a pool for my 17th birthday."Simon drinks some champagne straight out the bottle we had on the table, "True. You never did fit in much did you?""Pass that." I hold out my hand as Simon passed me the half empty bottle, "I didn't at all. Do you ever wish that you could have a normal childhood?""Never."--Completed 19.8.17…

Love story my ass|what happened next

Love story my ass|what happened next

4,683 325 45

A squeal/spinoff book about my Vikklan book love story my ass that takes place after Vikk leaves but before their reunion. You don't need to have read love story my ass to understand this although it may help having a back story. "Come on Vikk your in America now forget about it."~\-|-/~"You know what they say about the pretty ones.""What's that?" I laugh my hand in his. "Their completely fucking crazy." "You say that like it's a bad thing." I whisper kissing his cheek. "I never said it wasn't."~\-|-/~"Where are you going?""Either to get ice cream or comment a violent crime." I laugh unlocking the door, "I haven't decided."~\-|-/~"You know smoking really isn't healthy." I smile wrapping my arms around his neck as I sneak up from behind him."Neither is Pizza but like hell am I giving that up." "True." I shrug and take the cigarette off him and put it out in the ash tray, "But pizza won't give my lover lung cancer.""I hate you sometimes."…

Ricecum x callux smut

Ricecum x callux smut

505 8 1

Block me ricedaddy…

Love story my ass [Vikklan]

Love story my ass [Vikklan]

20,093 1,085 45

Ever since they met Lachlan and Vikk have hated each other. Vikk hated Lachlan's annoying accent and Lachlan hated how all Vikk did was slack off and play video games. Love story more like a hate story.Completed on Monday the 24th of October 2016!…

Alone [ministar]

Alone [ministar]

60,334 2,010 46

Alone...That's all Vikk thought when he was without simon. He could be with a crowd of friends but if simon wasn't their then Vikk was alone. Vikk and simon weren't quite dating but they definitely more than friends. It's not as if friends causally fuck each other or send cute messages to the other. Friends don't whisper sweet nothings into each other's ear or call each other pet names when it's only them. On that cold September night Vikk sat their thinking about January 1st and how it all started...CompletedCredit to moonduskIndustries for the cover…

Crossed out [KSIMON]

Crossed out [KSIMON]

10,213 580 36

It's the worst things that draw you in. The pain you hate so much is the thing that keeps you captive and crosses out everything that once made you human. At least that's what it's always been for me. Pain, suffering and violence are the building blocks of my life. I guess after time you get used to it. Stop caring. Until somebody gives you a reason to live. But what if that person is also making things worse?Completed 27th of November 2016…