My Hometown Girl

My Hometown Girl

34 0 2

He became the star of every girls' dream. He wasn't the one to fall for his best friend's sister. He had all the girls in the world that yearned to be his. Then there was me, a shy self kept person. Kiara Boxer, 19 years old, beautiful but unaware of it. Very talented in singing, but keeps to herself. Very smart, and a loving heart. But hung up on a guy she would never be with. Xavier Slayder, 20 years old, very handsome but is modest about it. Very talented in singing, in a band called "The Others". Very sweet, and wise. Mixed up in his life, and is struggling to keep everything under control.…

Just On The Other Side

Just On The Other Side

3 0 1

Was there an afterlife? Was there ever a reason for why late family members stuck around?Gracie Scott had an accident, and was facing the afterlife that she never knew existed to find out that she had a reason to be here. She doesn't know why she is there, and how she got here. She needs to recover her past, and find her reason to go home. Home as in Heaven. She needs to find why she is stuck between the worlds.…

Won't Let You Down
A Dream Is A Dream Is A Dream
No Vacancy

No Vacancy

67 4 7

Anna Gale, was not a normal 19 year old. Her parents were dead. Which left her with her siblings. 15 year old Adam, and 7 year old Chelsea. She felt like a parent since she was 17. Her parents were attacked in the house. Anna was a very beautiful, talented, and a smart girl. She was going to get her family out of this war. But she runs into the gang leader of "Nueva inmortalidad" which meant new immortality in Spanish. Kian Monte, 20 year old gang leader. Ran by him after his father died. He strives to kill the guy, who took away the only thing that killed him inside. His dad meant everything. He was strong, and very handsome. Every girl wanted him. But he didn't want no one. He was heartless, and had a no mercy policy. But when he meets Anna, everything changes...…

Unaware Beauty

Unaware Beauty

81 0 9

She. Anna Taylor, social outcast, beautiful, and suicidal. She has a past that no one but her understands the pain she goes through. She goes through all the stages of wanting to let go, but to hold on to what's left. Until she meets him.... he makes her the happiest. She finds what it is to be happy. But does she really want her past to ruin her happiness...…

Love & Pride

Love & Pride

8 0 1


Unhuman (Justin Bieber Love Story)

Unhuman (Justin Bieber Love Story)

390 12 4

"Why can't you understand that i love you!" Justin screamed at me. "I do! I just feel like everyone thinks we are..... different." I said trying to hold back the tears! "BECAUSE IM AN ALIEN! That's why?!? If you don't love me or want me just say!" Justin screams as tears run down his face. "I do love you, but I don't want you." I said letting the tears run down "Ok, I'm gone!" Justin says slamming the door behind him as he walks out of the house. "No don't go." I whispered crying. Alice Sparks: Normal teen till aliens invade their world but for peace, but the humans want them dead. Alice meets Justin and instantly falls for him, finding out that they were meant to be together. But Alice wants to help Justin prove to the humans that his people wants to just have peace with them. Justin Bieber: Alien boy, his people invades earth to bring peace. But the humans want them dead. But when Justin meets Alice, he instantly wants her as his, finding out they are soul mates. Alice and him want to prove to the humans that his people just want to bring peace.…