New Beginnings: Rusted (BOOK 2)

New Beginnings: Rusted (BOOK 2)

13,250 255 38

Second book to Stucky: New Beginnings. Steve and Bucky have a baby girl named Natalia Beck Barnes Rogers named after her godmother Natasha and Bucky's sister Rebecca. The avengers are going on a cruise! What adventures may ensue and what secrets will float to the surface? If you want to skip when they're on the boat go to chapter 14 titled Holiday. Child is to help move story along but does not have a giant role. (Technically you don't have to read the 1st book unless you wanna see how they get together and get more background info but I hope you do.)…

Girls Trip (BOOK 2.5)

Girls Trip (BOOK 2.5)

540 15 2

The women of Avengers tower go on a trip. Where do they go? What happens? Will they come back to the tower destroyed? One shot to Stucky: New Beginnings book 2 chapter 16 Does not need to be read to understand. Can stand alone.…

Stucky: New Beginnings (BOOK 1)

Stucky: New Beginnings (BOOK 1)

124,975 3,817 105

This is the story of how Steve and Bucky got together and all their ups and downs as a couple and as friends. The Avengers are still together. No one hates Bucky. Events of Civil War happened but no one cares. Weird prolog bc this was originally supposed to be a different story.Book 1 of ? Book 2 is New Beginnings: Rusted DO NOT COPY ❗️❗️❗️Number 1 under Stucky tag as of January 7th, 2020…

Jegulus (ONE SHOT)

Jegulus (ONE SHOT)

3,204 125 1

James and Regulus dated back in fifth through sixth year. They broke up in seventh. What happened after that? Let's see......…

Starbucks (Jegulus)

Starbucks (Jegulus)

25,848 736 18

My bad version of a fan fiction of Starbucks which is what I call jegulus as some other people know it by. Look I don't have my notebook and im at a school event so im winging this so let's see what happens! Yay! 😂 oh and I'm basing most of this off pins I've seen on pintrest so yeah........…

Amortentia.  (POSTPONED FOR NOW)


1,744 74 9

WOLFSTAR and maybe jily Warning ⚠️: there is smut and fluff in this story I will leave a note in any chapters that have smut so that if you don't want to read it you want have to! Warning ⚠️:wolfstar slash turn away now if you don't want to read Warning ⚠️: may die of fangirling/fanboying to hardWarning ⚠️: foul language Sirius is in love with Remus. Remus is in love with Sirius.Neither know it. Potion class partners while learning about the potion amortentia. What happens?What do they do?Will they get together? Takes place in 4th year middle of September unless I say different.This is my first FanFiction ever I will try to update at least once a week Love you all kisses 😘…