Till the end of the line. (Steve Rogers X OFC X James 'Bucky' Barns)

Till the end of the line. (Steve Rogers X OFC X James 'Bucky' Barns)

9,956 235 6

In a alternate reality where soulmate marks are printed on your skin like a tattoo since birth and the avengers are back together and in fighting form Astrid a young struggling engineer just so happens to have two soul marks tattooed onto her thighs. Astrid is a mutant, has been her whole life, with a very strong protective instinct that seems to land her in a lot of trouble. One night walking from Stark Tower after a full day of work she comes across a group of men harassing and terrorising a young women and of course she had to step in. But as usual things go belly up pretty fast and just when Astrid is preparing to both receive and give a major beat down two god like men appear and things escalate pretty fast from there. Nothing like meeting your soulmates in an alleyway after taking down some basic lowlifes. Well nothing else in her life was normal what made her think meeting her soulmates would be.…

Bloods betrayal. (Gaara X OC)

Bloods betrayal. (Gaara X OC)

4,045 132 9

Miha was young, three years old In fact, when her ability was discovered. When her mother attempted to kill her the Kekkei genkai appeared. Previously unknown to shinobi kind Meha's Kekkei genkai massacred her mother leaving nothing bigger then a human hand left. Life was never the same for Meha. Many criminals and villages attempted to gain the secret to Meha's incredible abilities some believing that the only way to find out would be to dissect her. Because of the ensuring damage that occurs in her small shinobi village hatred and abuse quickly spreads towards the small girl and by the time she is six it is impossible for Miha to walk down the Main Street with out getting abused physically, mentally and/or socially. By the time she is 16 Miha has killed, in defence, more then 1000 shinobi earning herself the name Miha of the red death. Gaara hears about the young female and decides to investigate/kill her himself after a team of Suna shinobi go missing after being sent on an assassination mission under false pretense. Discovering only a beautiful teen inside and out Gaara refuses to leave Miha alone to deal with the mistreatment that reminds him so much of his childhood and convinces her to join him on his journey back to Suna. This is a Gaara X OC fanficAll credit for Naruto goes to the creator of Naruto but please don't steal my plot line nor oc's.…