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"Damn detention for just laughing. Can't relate." Felix said while taking a bite out of his fried chicken as Jisung was stuffing his mouth with food.

"Shut it cannibal. Mr Hak is just so annoyingly stupid. As much as I love Sunghoon and Wonyoung as friends, they should stop messing around like that." Hyunjin says.

Sunghoon and Wonyoung were the best male and female duo in the school. They didn't care if they got shipped or not they just loved being friends and messing around.

Which is why people at school realised that male and female friendships exist. They were either known as 'Jangkku' or 'the definition of YOLO'.

They're both great friends with Hyunjin. Whenever both Jisung and Felix weren't in he hanged out with both of them or just Wonyoung alone since Sunghoon has other friends.

But since Liz and Rei, Wonyoung's friends, transferred to the school, she started to hang out with them more. Her and Sunghoon still talk though.

"Hyunjin! Did you even listen to what I said!?" Jisung shouts out.

"Sorry! Sorry! I'll listen this time."

Meanwhile with Seungmin, he was listening to Hanni ramble about something. Probably some gossip she heard from ADOR academy.

"And then bam! She punched him across the face!" Hanni said with an ungodly amount of facial expressions, "he deserved that for cheating on her!"

"So what happened after?" Seungmin asked while eating his Cheetos.

"He called her a whore and you would not believe what Lily did next! She grabbed him from the neck and threw him onto the ground!"

As they both were talking, a boy went up to them. He was probably in the year below them and looked really cute.

"Hey my name is Jeongin can I sit with you two?" The boy said.

"Of course!" Hanni says as Seungmin nodded in agreement. Jeongin smiles and goes to sit next to Seungmin.

"Wait so how did Lily get into ADOR academy? I swear she used to go here." Jeongin said. He knew about her since they both went to the same elementary.

"She did but because of Iseul making her life a living hell she decided to transfer." Hanni responded.

"But isn't that school like almost impossible to get into?"

"She was quite smart so she kinda made it."

A girl tapped Hanni's shoulder. She turns her head to see who it was and her eyes widened in shock.


"Hanni you recognised me! I got kicked out of ADOR academy so now I'm here. Can I sit with you guys?"

"Of course!"

The four began to talk. Minji tells them about how her life was back in ADOR and how stressful it was for her.

"They made us do so much work just so that we can be smarter than other students from Belift academy! I'm so glad they kicked me out."

"Will your other friends be okay there?" Jeongin asks.

"I hope so," Minji replied, "I feel bad for the students at Belift though."

They then start to talk about something else. Something like how Seungmin got detention for no reason and how Hyein is taller than Hanni and her other friends despite being the youngest.

"Iseul don't! He's only a freshman!" They heard one of Iseul's friends say.

"That girl Seowon was like two years younger than him and look what happened to her! You can't go ahead and-"

"Shut up! I do what I want! Let me just have a 'quiet' conversation with Seungheon over here!" Iseul said as she was dragging the boy from the wrist out of the canteen.

"We know you're going to do the same thing like you did with Seowon!"

"Wait what did you do to Seowon?" Seungheon questioned.

"We can't tell you- how is your voice that deep!?" One of Iseul's friend asked, taken aback.

"I don't know! Ask my parents!"

"Shut up! You'll find out what I'll do with you." Iseul said. They all walked out the canteen, leaving the other students shocked.

"Wait so what's going to happen to him then?" Minji asks the others.

"She's going to pour water in an oval shaped bowl and shove his face into it."

The three looked at Jeongin with a concerned look on their faces.

"Jeongin... how do you know?" Seungmin asked the younger.

"They did that to me! After I saw them do that to Seowon. But it's okay! They kinda forgot I existed." Jeongin says casually.

"And I was right. Iseul is a nightmare." Seungmin says to himself, "hey I swear Yungyu was sitting at that table where did he go?"

"He probably went to grab his friend back from Iseul."

The four continued to eat and enjoy their lunch until the bell rang.


Ah yes the end of the school day. But unfortunately for Seungmin and Hyunjin, they have detention with Mr Hak.

"Hey what's your name? I'm Hyunjin, Hwang Hyunjin." Hyunjin introduces himself as he walks to the classroom with Seungmin.

"Kim Seungmin even though we already know each other's names." Seungmin says without bothering to look at Hyunjin.

They both made it to the classroom and went inside to sit on the seats. Mr Hak was writing something on the board and didn't even noticed that the two arrived.

Hyunjin notices that Seungmin looked uneasy. He turns to look at Hyunjin but he (Hyunjin) turns his head to the front.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom. Don't leave the classroom." Mr Hak says, leaving the two boys alone in the classroom.

As soon as Mr Hak is gone, Hyunjin stands up and goes to where Seungmin is sitting.

"Are you okay? You look uneasy."

Seungmin looks up at a standing Hyunjin and takes a deep breath before responding.

"It feels weird being in the same class as him with not as many people around. It's like he's going to do something awful to me. If you know what I mean."

Hyunjin understood what Seungmin meant. He doesn't blame him for feeling like that at all.

"I know what you mean. My friend Felix feels uneasy around him too. Even with many other people in a classroom he doesn't feel safe around him."

Seungmin nods because he doesn't know what to say. He also noticed something wrong about Chuu during and after chemistry. The oldest girl in the classroom felt uncomfortable around that old bastard.

"You should go back to your seat. He might come back any minute." Seungmin says. Hyunjin nods and walks back to his seat.

And he was right. As soon as Hyunjin sat down Mr Hak entered the classroom. But he came back with the most disturbing thing according to Seungmin and Hyunjin's eyes.

He locks the classroom door with the dead cat in one of his hands. It looked like it came from a blender since it had blood on it.

"So that none of you boys can run away from this and tell a teacher. That's what snitches do."

Hyunjin wanted to vomit at the sight while Seungmin just kept his head down on the table, pretending to be asleep.

"I know you're awake Seungmin. Stop pretending just so you don't have to look at it." Mr Hak says in a low voice.

Seungmin has no choice but to lift his head up. He wanted to kill himself on the spot or just put his head back down.

"Sir what are you going to do with the cat?" Hyunjin asks, trying not to look at it.

"Great question Hyunjin. I'm going to liquify it and serve it to you and Seungmin as punishment for laughing at me in class." Mr Hak replied with a sly smile.

Hyunjin was surprised at himself for not throwing up and Seungmin literally fell off of his chair, but stood back up and went to sit on it again.

"No way I am drinking that crap Mr Hak!" Hyunjin said with his arms crossed.

"You will. Whether you like it or not. And it's your own fault that you're in this state."

A banging was heard from the door. It was Mrs Yoo with her wife Nayeon.

"Open up this door now Mr Hak! Let the two go!" Mrs Yoo yelled, "or I will steal the pole you dance on from that gay club that you didn't tell your wife you go to and show it to her as evidence you're cheating on her!"

Mr Hak gulped in fear. He was more scared of Mrs Yoo than he is scared of the Roblox horror game called secrets.

Hyunjin ran to Seungmin, who looked as if he remembered a bad memory of his past.

"Seungmin are you okay!? Take a deep breath! Breathe in, breathe out!" He tried his best to calm him down.

Seungmin did as told and stood up to hug Hyunjin. Hyunjin wrapped his arms around the puppy like boy and stayed as far away from Mr Hak as he could.

Alas, the door opened. Nayeon was about to kick the door open but Mr Hak opened, which ended up with Nayeon kicking Mr Hak.

"Fuck my stomach! Look what your wife did to me Jeongyeon!"

"You deserved that and only the people I'm close with can call me Jeongyeon! Nayeon is your foot okay?"

"Yep! But I think we should check on those two boys!" Nayeon responded.

They went to check on Hyunjin and Seungmin, leaving Mr Hak to suffer.

"Are you both okay? What did he do to you? Do we need to tell the principal about this?" Nayeon rambled. Mrs Yoo saw Mr J and Mr Matthew walking past the classroom talking with each other.

"Oi you two! Get in here!" She called out to them.

"Ew is that a dead cat!?" Mr J yelped. Matthew noticed and yelled.

Mrs Yoo sighed, "never mind that! Take that stupid ass teacher to the principal with me!"

They agreed and they all went to the principal's office, along with the dead cat.

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