Arms of Death - Newt Imagine (sequal)

Arms of Death - Newt Imagine (sequal)

3,789 63 6

(Book 2, recommended if you read the first so you understand a bit more. P.s. the first book is poorly written)❝girl,with an accent of bloodwho speaks in foreign tongues whose vowels are the sound of metal clashing.warrior, with fire in her veinsand armor beneath her skinwho crushes the earth beneath her feet.immortal,hair streaked with daggersand iron filling her lungseach breath invitingly toxic.princess,with lips made of glassand a voice cut from steelfeatures born from thunder and battle.heroine,a grin made for warand eyes flecked with ashstriding, powerful, into the arms of death. perhaps she will be the one you follow you into battle.❞You have one mission, one evil plan, and two deaths that are supposedly necessary to be completed. Every memory of the Glade is forgotten, your love is still in your heart, however, distant for the two males. As you go on and begin to get to know the Gladers you begin to realize the fake feelings you have created are slowly beginning to become real.Will you be able to commit to your duties and fulfill them or will you let your guard down and fall all over again with one of the boys, or perhaps, both of them.…

I Fell For You - Newt imagine

I Fell For You - Newt imagine

187,186 3,160 33

You wake up surrounded by objects and captivated by a metal box. Every memory, every awful and beautiful moment you cherished was ripped away. It lay beyond the unknown and being held restraint, plotting a escape plan.You, the only girl out of numerous hormonal teen males are struggling to understand. The unknown is what could get you killed, but if you wait anymore you will find yourself drifting farther away from freedom.Compilations arise along with questions, love is found and even perhaps lost. Every step that is taken is driving you to insanity until one particular male seems to make you forget about the horrid situation you all are in.Secrets reveal throughout the lovely, yet, terrible experience in the Glade.Every move could get you killed or your new family, if you make one wrong move you, along with everyone else, with suffer the consequences.Warning: this book was my very first book I made and that was awhile ago so it might not be good and there are A LOT of errors. This story is unedited and completed. And I will be deleting any comments that slightly irritate me because of the editing thing (Ik it was a mistake, it was from a long time ago. Please contain yourself from correcting me)Sequel is published, title: "Arms Of Death."…