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βˆ— β‹…β—ˆβ‹… βˆ—
Heroes Come Back


A dreamy afternoon where the sun is radiant and the blue sky is clear with soft clouds floating.

The ebony-haired beauty looks into the mint green eyes of her great friend. The girls have developed a sisterly relationship. Both of them are trained by the same mentor; they put their heart and soul to become powerful shinobis. They're at the training ground because Tsunade sets out a sparring session to record her students' skills. "Begin!" She demanded.

Sakura and Misa simultaneously sprung their feet into action. The pink-haired kunoichi lets out a battle cry when throwing a punch. Misa blocks her attack by grabbing her fist and retaliates. She kicks Sakura in the abdomen to back away. Misa began to do hand seals "Hana Shuriken: Hikarakuyō!" She performs a jutsu where lavender flower petals hover in the air before hardening and start spinning at a high speed. The floral shurikens aim at Sakura and directly punctured her body. But a log appears from a gust of smoke. Misa frowned because she used the Substitution Jutsu.

Sakura dashed out of the bushes. She lets out a battle cry and raises her balled-up fist. "Shannarō!" A robust strength hits the ground and crumbles in just one punch. Immediately, Misa jumps high up from the surface before getting crushed. She does more hand seals "Hyōton: Samui Kōri Hari!" She performs her next jutsu. The girl uses her bloodline's ice Kekkei Genkai.

Icicle senbons hurls out in thin air. Sakura briskly dodges every one of them and does not get a single scratch. Misa starts coming at a non-human velocity to deliver a punch. The Haruno girl quickly caught it and flings her body over her shoulder. Her friend groans from landing on the dirt but she stands right back up on her feet.

A benevolent smile grace Sakura's face. "You are stronger than I expected, Misa-chan." She compliments the ebony-haired beauty. Misa brings a smile onto her face "You are too, Sakura. That punch of yours surprised me." She was struck by that insane technique. Misa remembers from the beginning of their training, Tsunade teaches Sakura how to improve her strength. This is the first time she performed it with an astonishing result. The kunoichi has established a miraculous ability.

Up until they overhear their mentor's voice. "We are done for today." The girls turned their heads as she makes her way over. "Sakura, you did great defense and that hit was excellent. Misa, your ice Kekkei Genkai was magnificent and the Taijutsu, I'm pretty sure Guy or Lee got some competition." Misa giggles when she mentioned the Taijutsu users.

"So, therefore, I am very satisfied with the overall effort." Tsunade has been mentoring them for two straight years and they indeed have made improvements in their combat skills. "Well, I can announce that you both are winners and free to go do whatever." The Senju disclosed with a positive conclusion.

"Arigatou, Tsunade-sama. You're the greatest mentor." Misa dearly thanked the Senju. Sakura sends a smile of appreciation. Tsunade truly adores her students and hopes for the best of them. The girls began heading home while Tsunade goes back to being the Hokage. Her assistant Shizune has anticipated that she is not going to enjoy doing more work.

✧: *.☽ .* ✧

"Sorry that I almost demolished you." Sakura apologized bashfully.

"No, it's okay. Your attacks were impressive." Misa knew it was a sparring session between friends but she didn't want Sakura to hold back.

While walking, Misa brought up a topic. "So how is Neji?" She asked the kunoichi. Sakura can feel a blush heating her face.

The Akiyama smiles whenever she brings up the Hyuga prodigy just to see her friend's reaction. After a hangout with the Rookie 10 and Neji's team, he confessed to Sakura that he has these passionate feelings for her. It stunned Sakura but she accepted to be his lover. "He is doing good. He asked me if I wanted to go on a date to a barbecue place. So I agreed." Sakura answered that have Misa squealing. "I am so happy for you! He is like a Hyuga prince." She laughs, sounding like chiming bells. Neji has become a charming man and is less stern compared to his younger self. Same for the Rookie 10, everyone has changed.

When arriving home, Misa enters the backyard where she finds her mother with a sunhat on and is harvesting some fruits. "Tadaima." She said. Reiko hears the honeyed voice of her daughter. She has a gentle smile on her face "I'm glad you are home on time because I need help with these." The woman reveals a generous basket of fruits. Misa nodded and skips her feet to help out Reiko. The fruits are fresh and tasty looking.

"You know, Koichi is graduating from the Academy today." Her mother informed her about Koichi's accomplishment of stepping into the shinobi world. "Time flies." Misa smiles merrily. "I can't wait to see how much he has learned throughout the years," Reiko said. She turns her head and takes a brief look at her fifteen-year-old daughter. Misa is still the same kind-hearted girl but she can be shy at times. However, she has been looking like a young lady. Koichi is twelve-years-old and starting his life as a shinobi. Reiko has been overjoyed that her children are growing up day by day.

Subsequently, the ebony beauty freshens out of her training attire and changes into different clothes. Misa goes through her closet and stumbled upon the pink kimono. It was her everyday outfit from her grandmother who gave it as a gift once she becomes a shinobi. But she decided to stop wearing it. Misa takes out a new kimono that has her favorite color. Pastel purple. It's elegantly handmade that reaches above her knees with long sleeves.

Lastly, she grabs a pair of shorts and black high stockings. Misa looks at her reflection through a full-length mirror, everything is perfect. The kimono is well-fitted on her petite figure. The ebony hair is draped down to her waist like a silky waterfall. She kept her bangs tied with a pink ribbon that shows off her beautiful face. Last but not least, the Konoha headband is placed around her neck.

Over at the Academy, Iruka and Akemi are hosting the graduation ceremony where hundreds of students have become Genins. Koichi was with his friends; Konohamaru, Udon, and Moegi are all receiving their Konoha hitai-ate. In his moments during the Academy, Koichi had the highest scores in exams because he was a quick learner plus with help of his family. It was overwhelming to him but glad that he succeeded.

"Akiyama Koichi!" Iruka said his name. He is next to receive the hitai-ate and his father is the one giving it to him. "Congratulations, Koichi. You're making the family and shinobi world proud of you." Akemi spoke genuinely. "Arigatou, otou-san." The boy thanked him. He looks at the headband in pure amazement. Koichi starts putting it around his head and ties it from the back.


The boy hears his name being called. He whirls himself and it was his sister waving her hand up in the air and his mother smiling so brightly. "Onee-chan!" Koichi ran his legs and jumps into her arms. "Look! I made it!" He shows his Konoha headband. Misa had to lift her head because he has gotten taller than her. "That's incredible Koi Koi. Now you'll be exploring many things in the world." Misa is very happy for her brother. She wonders what this journey will lead to next.

Just have to keep moving forward.

✧: *.☽ .* ✧

"I am so happy for you!"

"Nanami nee-chan can you let me go?"

After hearing about the great news, the Sato girl is hugging the boy for about a few minutes and hasn't let go of him. The siblings visit her bakery to have a sweet treat. Misa is gleeful to be eating her crepes. Nanami pulls aways from Koichi "You used to be a cute little boy that would cling onto your sister like you were her shadow." She reminisces those times when small Koichi begs his sister to play with him. Misa giggles at his displeasure expression. "Well, I am no little boy anymore." He crossed his arms over his chest.

Nanami shook her head "You're forever our little precious Koi Koi." She playfully snickers and patted his head. Koichi rolls his rosy pink eyes but he is thankful. He considers Nanami as a sister who is loving yet mischievous. Also, no matter what age, they'll forever call him by his nickname. Moreover, they gathered together and ate some delicious desserts with cinnamon-flavored tea. A pleasant moment where they can be carefree.

"Say, when do you think Naruto nii-chan will return?" Koichi abruptly asked the girls. Misa once shared stories about Team 7 and her brother was intrigued. She grazes her delicate fingers over the moon necklace. She thought about him. Time feels like an eternity and she misses the raven very much. Misa also thought about her favorite blonde-haired friend. She predicts he must be training very hard with the legendary Sannin.

"I have a good feeling he'll come back eventually," Misa answered but is unsure. Koichi nods it off and Nanami plays a grin on her face. "From his loud energy to the empathy he brings in helping others. It does feel empty without him." She tells the siblings. They both nodded their heads. Naruto will return to Konoha sooner or later.

The sun has set on the horizon that created a wonderful view. An exquisite shades of orange, red, and yellow like from a painting. After going to a few places, Misa and Koichi began heading home before nightfall. During their walk, Koichi wanted to know something from his sister. "Hey, onee-chan." The younger Akiyama spoke. "What is it?" His sister replied. "Do you...miss him?" Koichi asked sheepishly. Misa knew who he is referring to but was nervous to ask. For a brief moment, the girl openly admits "Yes I do miss him."

Koichi can see melancholy has written on her face. So he tries comforting his sister. "We don't know when he will be back but I am certain that you'll get to see him again." The boy delivers her a cordial smile. Misa looks at her brother, Koichi has become so caring and mature. It warms her heart that he tries to make her feel comfortable when talking about the person whom she loves. "I hope so." Misa simply nodded.

"Glad to see you two." Akemi noticed his children have arrived back home. Misa's jaw drops to the ground. It's not only her father that she noticed. "Kakashi sensei!" She sprints to be in the arms of the Copycat Ninja. "Misa-chan! You're so grown!" Kakashi's visible pupil dilates at the sight of his student. She is no longer the little girl who would be afraid to be seen in the world. She is now a courageous little lady.

Misa lifts her face off of his chest "You still look like the usual, sensei." She was being truthful, nothing much has changed from Kakashi. "Oh really? I am not that old looking?" He titled his silver head. She giggles ecstatic "Nope, not yet." Kakashi and Misa didn't have the chance to meet since the squad went separate. All of them mainly focused on their activities for a while but it's a possibility that they'll reunite.

The sensei and student parted from their embrace. "How is Hanare-san?" Misa asked him. "Well, I recently proposed to her and we are now engaged," Kakashi announces the big news. That's unbelievable! Misa can't wait for the wedding. "Congratulations, sensei!" She smiles enthusiastically. Kakashi deserves to carry out the emptiness from his life and replace it with joy. He ruffles her head, an old habit that never dies out. "Arigatou, Misa." The man sincerely thanked his student.

Then, the man recognizes Koichi as officially a Konoha shinobi by the headband. His gaze grows fond "I've noticed you graduated from the Academy. That's remarkable." Kakashi commends to Koichi. The boy has a happy smile. "I am at the start of an adventure." He stated. Akemi grins in content "My son is going to be a fine shinobi." He has great expectations for his kid.

"Shall we have dinner now?" Reiko abruptly comes out of the house and asked her family.

"Hai!" Misa and Koichi spoke in unison.

Kakashi began to excuse himself. "It was nice stopping by. You four are a great family and I adore it." He has seen his comrades who are his friends, greatly evolved over the years. Akemi draws a smirk on his face "I wonder when is your family going to happen." He teases and nudged the Hatake. Misa laughs out loud at her sensei's staggered expression even though it is hidden from the mask. "That's for another time to discuss." Kakashi rubs the back of his neck and turns away. "See you later, you four." He waves a hand to move further into the horizon of the sunset.

As time passes, it turns into midnight. The sky is colored navy blue, a chilling breeze and the moon is in a crescent shape. His obsidian eyes glimmers when the illustrious stars are shining. The raven has become a young man and over the years of training, he has gotten more masculine. Sasuke couldn't sleep so he goes out into the night to stargaze. He looks at the beauty of the moon that helped him clear his mind.

It has been a while since he last heard her soft-spoken voice or seen her lovely face. The Uchiha wanted to know if she is still waiting for him. It was tough to not think about her but she is always in his thoughts. Letting out a deep sigh, Sasuke misses Misa. Her presence lightens up his spirit like no other. She is too innocent for this cruel world. But in all, he wants her to live happily.

The raven begins standing up from the grass and leaves from the glorious sight.

✧: *.☽ .* ✧

Once the sun comes up, a new day has begun.

At the main gates, Kotetsu and Izumo are doing their usual duty of guarding the main gates. Unexpectedly, two familiar people walked into the village. The Jōnins leap out of their seats all in shock. "Hey, could that be?" Kotetsu wants to make sure he isn't imagining things. "Yeah, no doubt about it." Izumo nodded his head. Seems like Konoha has welcome home a hero.

Misa is scrolling through the village all alone. She gravitates to the jovial atmosphere of smiling villagers. Suddenly, she hears a child's voice calling for her. "Misa nee-chan!" The ebony beauty turns herself around to noticed it was Konohamaru with Udon and Moegi "Konichiwa." She greeted the three Genins. Konohamaru has a smirk on his face "We just finished a mission where rescue a cat and gave it back to a lady of the Fire Daimyo." He apprises about completing a D-Rank mission.

"Konohamaru got attacked by the cat." Moegi bluntly added. "T-That never happened!" The boy glares at her. He almost stuttered but tries to make himself look confident. "He did get trampled by the cat," Udon confessed in full honesty. Konohamru pouts and has a blush coloring his cheeks.

Then they hear Misa giggling amusingly. "That reminds me of the time when my squad had to do something like that for a mission." She responded. The memories are coming back all nostalgic. Konohamaru's eyes are wavering with elation. "How amazing! That can mean we are already becoming heroes!" He fist pumps the air and his friends agreed with him. Misa grows well-pleased to see newer shinobis like her brother are reaching for the stars.


She hears her name being called out and perceived it was Sakura. "Sakura!" Misa smiles at her friend. The pink-haired kunoichi tells her that she is picking up a pedestrian at the main gates and asked if she wanted to come along. "I would like to join you." Misa amiably agreed with Sakura. Including Konohamaru, Udon, and Moegi. The group makes a trip to the main gates.

"Konichiwa, Izumo-san, Kotetsu-san." Misa greeted the two men courtly when arriving. Kotetsu and Izumo are glad to see her and the others. "Why don't you head on into town?" Kotetsu asked that made them confused. "You'll see something interesting." Izumo reasoned. They're still clueless about what the Jōnins are inferring.

For momentarily, Misa started realizing what they meant. Her rosy pink eyes widen than ever "No way!" She yelled out and looks back at the village. The ebony beauty ran her feet at the speed of light. Sakura and the kids start following wherever she is heading to. Misa looks up in the sky and detected a handsome blonde-haired boy standing on a pillar. He is taking in the view of his home. She couldn't believe it right before her eyes.

Uzumaki Naruto has returned to Konoha.


Author's Note
The first chapter is done!! I never expected that the story would reach over a hundred reads before everything but tysm πŸ’• Our queen has introduced two new jutsus and like always I'll be translating it. I wanted to make it like a fresh start to bring in the hype and proceed further into the story. Just like the anime hehe 😜 I also got inspired with the first Shippuden OP becuz that was fire πŸ”₯ But yea, stay tuned for more updates ✨✌️

Hana Shuriken: Hikarakuyō - Flower Shuriken: Flying Flower, Falling Foliage

Hyōton: Samui Kōri Hari - Ice Release: Frigid Ice Needles

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